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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 5 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I'm surprised distributions charges aren't filed. Sounds like he was a drug dealer as well.


    Absolutely. Offering someone 10 grammes is clearly dealing, not personal use. 


    But let's not make the mistake of assuming Hunter Biden is a normal person. Or that this is a normal trial. He is the son of the President, and this trial is designed to be used by Democrats as evidence that the Trump conviction wasn't politically motivated to discredit the opposition, which of course it was. 


    I would expect a conviction on the most minor charges, followed by an incredibly light sentence (maybe some community service and some rehab). They want to point to (ostensible) impartiality, but they don't want the son of the President to actually pay for his crimes like an ordinary citizen would.   

  2. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Of course he hasn’t.


    The trial is in progress and it is the Jury that will decide guilt or innocence - Not Government, not any Political Party.


    No amount of your ill-informed nonsense will change that reality.


    Another strawman. I simply said he hasn't yet been convicted. Why are you babbling on about juries? Everyong knows a jury will decide. 😄

  3. Another #bekind leftist showing their respect for democratic process. 😃


    Sky News reported on it and their line was how this incident shows as a reminder of what a divisive character Farage is. Yes, let's pin this on Farage. 


    I remember last time this happened to Farage and lefty comedian Jo Brand joked how it should have been acid that was thrown (on the BBC's very own Radio 4 of course). Great to see licence payers money being used for good. 


    Lovely people. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    hmmm coherence ?     Classy is an insult ?  Never knew that  .I s the F for Fascist Jonny?   Do you consider that an insult or a compliment?   What do you think about the judge delaying donnies trial again you know the trial where he stole classified documents and refused to give them back?


    You're just embarrassing yourself now. May I recommend an app called Grammarly?


    I guess I shouldn't be surprised at such drivel from someone who chooses a username after an executed member of the IRA with links to Nazi Germany. 😃

  5. 23 hours ago, stoner said:


    yes pretty much every single person here knows that. maybe say it another few dozen times just to make sure. 


    that'll show them. 


    Every time they say it they simply remind people that they are trying to make political mileage of the hatchet job that was done on him.


    "Convicted felon" will unite his supporters just as much as Hillary's "deplorables" did. Maybe more. It's going to backfire bigtime. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    A sitting President’s son being tried on felony charges.


    Tried, not yet convicted. 


    16 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:


    Drives a bus through your claim of ‘justice based on political affiliation.


    Not really. As I and others have said, this is simply a move which will be used to claim inpartiality, It's good to see you're already using that line before he's even been convicted. 


    The fact Joe got away with the "I forgot" excuse shows what is happening here, not the fact that his son is finally being tried after years of gun/drug/prostitution use, some of which he even filmed. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Putting assigned your ill-informed nonsense, a nation that holds everyone subject to the law, including a former President is the polar opposite of a ‘Banana Republic’.





    As I said before, a two tiered legal system that delivers "justice" based on political affiliation.


    The American people know it, as you will find out in November.  

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  8. 1 hour ago, placeholder said:

    Not defending Abbott at all. Just pointing out that JonnyF's claim about gingers being singled out by politicians was ridiculous..


    She singled them out in order to make a point about Jews also being singled out. 


    Good to see you making a point of mentioning her apology though, as if that makes her abhorrent opinions OK. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, candide said:

    Let me ask again the question you will never reply.

    In your country ,what would have happened to a PM who:

    - right after losing elections, would have made baseless claims that elections have been rigged,

    - had called someone supervising elections to find him 11,700 votes,

    - had plotted something similar to fake elector lists (ok, there's probably nothing similar in the UK),

    - would have organised a "stop the steal" protest not far from Westminster Palace, then send the protesters to the Palace,

    - and after they assaulted the Palace, would have just watched it on TV for hours, without asking protesters to stop it at once and go out of it. And also without asking security forces to intervene at once in order to stop the assault.


    What would have happened to such an ex-PM. Please tell me!




    Whay would happen?


    The same as in your country i.e. the allegations would be checked and when they were found to be the ramblings of hysterical political opponents then nothing would happen. 

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