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  1. Certainly not to the tune of 11 Billion for the 'climate' crisis when we can't afford to stop pensioners freezing to death. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/26/ed-miliband-labour-honour-pledge-11bn-overseas-climate-aid
  2. Give it a week or so... Cats? No evidence in the US yet as far as I know, although I did see it in Europe. Only birds at the moment. Watch this space...
  3. Given that Swift has made a career about singing about her poor choices in life, her endorsement of Harris is hardly a surprise.
  4. No, building prisons creates [drumroll......................], prison spaces. It's really not that complicated if you think before posting. I already explained where the money could come from.
  5. We're still in the denial stage. Next will be "Why shouldn't they eat them?" Followed by a story on the BBC about how it's good for you and helps ease global warming. Followed by lefties claiming objecting to it is a form of white supremacy. 😃
  6. Is this some kind of "blame it on the Tories" thing? Is that really all you've got? It's Starmer's policy to release these people early. As stated he could easily free up spaces by releasing and deporting non UK citizens in the prison system. He could also release people jailed for hurty words on social media posts. Longer term he could stop sending billions in aid to foreign countries and build more prisons. Or stop illegals entering the country, some of whom commit crimes and end up in jail. That would have the added benefit of easing pressure on the NHS, schools, housing, public services etc. He'd have enough left to reverse his policy of removing pensioners winter fuel allowance.
  7. Perhaps they could start by not jailing people for "offensive" FaceBook posts. https://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/24514302.sellafield-worker-jailed-sharing-offensive-facebook-posts/ That way, they wouldn't have to release rapists, drug dealers etc. to make room for them. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13838641/Inmate-arrested-suspicion-rape-sex-assault-SECONDS-released-Keir-Starmers-early-prison-release-scheme.html Just a thought. Crazy, I know. What was that saying when I was kid? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words offensive FaceBook posts will never hurt me land me in jail within a week"? Something like that anyway...
  8. They've clearly thought this through and executed the plan brilliantly. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13838641/Inmate-arrested-suspicion-rape-sex-assault-SECONDS-released-Keir-Starmers-early-prison-release-scheme.html What a farce.
  9. Just wait until the stories of quick re-offending come out. I knew Starmer was inherently nasty, but I never knew he was so politically inept.
  10. But taking away their PlayStations would surely be a breach of their human rights? 😃 Just deport any illegals in the prison system. Immediately. No appeal. Straight into the cargo hold of the nearest RAF plane and back to their country of origin.
  11. Just another lefty idiot that longed for a Labour government, totally unaware of what a disaster it would be. Looks like he might be coming for their free bus passes next. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/09/09/labour-refuses-to-rule-out-scrapping-bus-passes-pensioners/
  12. So they lose Britain and gain this lot? 😃 The EU is on a path to destruction. It will be a long, drawn out, messy break up. Thank god we left when we did. It's about the only thing Britain has got right in the last 30 years.
  13. Even The Guardian are running stories highlighting what a stupid idea this is. Must be serious. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/sep/10/police-left-to-deal-with-fallout-of-poorly-planned-early-release-of-1700-prisoners
  14. Ronaldo seems to be spot on with his assessment. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/czxlv57v707o They've got a relatively easy run coming up. If they don't perform I think he'll be gone.
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