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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 6 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

    The man is free to do as he wishes. However, it is quite obvious that he has a sense of entitlement. He genuinely believes that he should keep his titles even tough he no longer represents the institution, nor acts on its behalf. As long as he insists on keeping his royal titles he deserves to be ridiculed for being a hypocrite. His wife doesn't get it. She isn't royalty and never will be. It isn't just about being born into it, but in being trained since birth and a willingness to give up one's own privacy and individuality for the sake of the  nation represented.



    The "palace" doesn't bleed anyone dry. Why offer up such nonsensical hyperbole? There isn't hatred, just disdain for a hypocrite.



    You really don't know if he is decent or not. All you have seen are what has been presented through small amounts of media coverage, both independent and  put out by Harry and company. Maybe he is decent, and maybe he  does have some empathy for others, but it is obvious that he is not particularly bright. The Invictus games were a well planned  strategy to present him in a good light. As the participation in active conflicts has reduced, so too has the number of military wounded and amputees and hopefully, we will continue to see fewer of them.  His pursuit of the tabloids has been a bust. He claims he doesn't want media interference, yet, he and his wife seek to use the media for their own financial benefit. 


    If he really wants to be  separate from the Royal family and its obligations and dutie,s then he should just make a clean sweep of it and let go of his titles. He was quite adamant about retaining titles for his children. Quite a contrast from the hardworking princess Anne, who never complains. Anne did not give her children royal titles. This is why people have little patience for Harry. He won't let go.


    Spot on.


    Great points, well made.

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  2. Just now, youreavinalaff said:

    I don't recall telling anyone anything of the kind. I simply expressed a preference.


    More exaggeration for effect from you.


    Something I chose not to do, despite your apparent advice to do so.


    Like I said there are specialist forums to discuss your parenting skills and this is not one of them. 


    I suggest we get back to Harry since that is what the thread is about, especially since your circumstances are clearly a million miles away from his. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:



    You can't decide so you resort to underhand remarks. 


    You want to feel hatred for someone you don't know, have probably never met and who has no affect on your life.


    I prefer to feel love for those closest to me.


    That's the difference.


    You forgot to add #bekind at the end for maximum effect.:coffee1:


    You know what they say about people who are constantly telling people how nice and loving they are? 😃 


    I believe the expression is "tell me what someone brags about and I will tell you what they lack".

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  4. 1 minute ago, youreavinalaff said:

    The gutter press don't care what he's called.


    If he and his family changed their names and moved away to a far away land, the press would follow.


    I haven't seen any (non staged) pap shots of them. No long angle lenses of them swimming in their back yard pool or anything like that. Nobody hiding in the bushes filming them. 


    The only time I see them is when they are attending red carpet events or awards ceremonys. They court publicity and attention and then moan about it, as the South Park episode perfectly demonstrated. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    The kids are living in the country of their mother's birth. Lillibet in the country of her birth.


    My wife, I and our daughter live in UK right now. Our daughter was born in Thailand. I didn't realise that makes be a bad father.




    Let's see...


    Did you deny your kids access to their extended family on both their mother's and father's sides?


    Did you trash your (and therefore their) extended family publicly to the world?


    Did you write a book embarrassing yourself about your sexual experiences, genitalia and drug use, that they can later read for themselves?


    Did you set up a tax dodging charity using their name?


    If so, then yes. 

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  6. 17 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Regardless of the hatred on this topic, it should be remembered Harry is a father and needs to take care of his family.


    If he really cared for his children, he wouldn't have them living in a foreign country, cut off from extended family (on both parents sides) and denied the charmed upbringing that he was afforded.


    I wonder how they will feel when they grow up and realize what the selfish acts of their parents cost them in terms of loving grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins etc. all surrounded by oppulence and public adoration.


    I wonder how they will feel when they read Spare and hear his father talking about cocaine use, losing his virginity and  his frostbitten todger. 


    I wonder how Archie will feel when he sees his name being used for a bogus charity set up as a tax dodge and to provide private jets and luxury accomodation to his grifting parents as they fly around preaching about saving the planet.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

    Just as long as the British tax payer is not giving him money which I suspect we still are.


    I honestly don't think we are.


    It was when he was refused security and "Daddy" stopped giving him his monthly pocket money that the toys came out of the pram with the Netflix series and the spiteful book Spare (me). 


    It's also why Meghan has had to restart her blog (a staunch feminist talking about cooking and flogging kitchen utensils to trad wives). It's almost like they're in self destruct mode, I see no other explanation for messing things up so badly. As the Spotify boss said, a couple of Grifters. 

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