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Posts posted by Wellyoudidask

  1. I know a guy who is looking for a girl...he is into animals also...in a nice way....he has a farm.

    Is his name"Old Mcdoland"? :D

    Be careful sometimes what you're wishing for!

    Mine helps with the dishes, cooking, cleaning and laundry that sort of thing. He does these things so I won't be too tired at the end of the day, and it also shows how much he loves and appreciates me, so he says. Isn't he soo sweet?

    But hmm…lately we've been having sex more often and more intensely. My question is.....Does also your man when helping around the house mean he's gonna get/ or expecting "it" more often? Am I wrong in seeing a direct correlation/relationship between the two? :o

    Um, are you complaining about this? :D

    Or braggging? :D

    hahahha must be bragging :D

    Iwas 15 before i found out farm wasnt spelt EIEIO ! ,get it, ? old Mcdonald had a farm EIEIO !

  2. So what is the appropriate way to train a dog to no longer chew at an ABS brake cable under a car? You'd think some duct tape could take care of this but is there anyway of correcting the dogs behaviour? A couple of days ago the dog chewed thru 7400 thb's worth of ABS cable and that night my wifes mother chained the dog to a pole thinking it would stop the dog from being under the car. Turned out to be a bad idea as the dog didn't like being chained to a pole and subseqently damaged a 10,000 thb plant pot trying to get free. Usually the dogs are treated well. Now the dog is wearing the cone shaped hat you see when dogs come out of the hospital to stop them biting at their stitches but this surely isn't a good long term solution?

    Extract his teeth ?

  3. The seller is correct the tracking number for USP and Canada Post do not extent internationally. You should be able to go online to the postal service and check the status of the items using the tracking number. BTW I used to be a seller in Canada it helped me financially through college.

    I find if you use the post office or EMS once your goods hit thailand thats it, the tracking ends,. the thais dont update it, end of story, and yes it probably has been nicked, now the poor sender will get the blame

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