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Posts posted by djayz

  1. On 8/14/2023 at 7:15 PM, Kinnock said:

    This is what I saw in Thaiwatsadu, but I don't have personal experience of this kit.

    20230805_185416 (1).jpg

    I'm have practically no experience with or knowledge of electric units, solar panels, watts, etc. so here's my question: 

    The pump advertised in the pic is 750 watts and it appears, based on the offer, that 3 solar panels are needed to feed it. If I were to opt for a 1,500 watt pump, does that mean I would need more / double the number of panels? Thank you 

  2. On 5/19/2024 at 1:21 AM, AnotherOneHere said:


    Actually, no. Telling a (thai) woman that you don't have enough money will land you in even hotter water. Saying to (thai) woman that you don't have 20,000 Baht or that you have only 500 Baht left until the transfer comes from abroad is a no-go. You really don't want to approach it from this angle. 😅 Because before that next transfer comes or before you can prove you actually have some money, you will be seen as low as a street dog to her. 🐕‍🦺


    You always want to present yourself as someone who is looking to buy a brand new BMW next week and, at the same time, looking for a new apartment in Bangkok paid in cash. Without ever letting her see your account and just second guessing. 🤑 When requests for money come, you just want to say no. Because I said no. Maybe there will be hurt feelings for an afternoon. But it's better than telling her you don't have 20,000 Baht.


    A husband who doesn't have 20,000 Baht can be cheated on by a local Somchai, considered for replacement with a new farang, or have a loan taken out behind his back without being told, because he obviously doesn't know a thing about finances. 😑 However, presenting yourself as successful (without specifying how much) will just result in afternoon tantrums about not loving her family, followed by a return to normal a few hours later. Because in a woman's mind, you are worth it. 🤑

    Did you just get off the plane yesterday?

  3. Hi Sailingmatt! I am now in the market for something similar and stumbled across the DR Field and Brush mower. Did you have any luck finding a store here in Thailand last year when you were looking for one? If yes, then may I ask where? If not, did you find an alternative machine?


    I found an online store in Indonesia offering a lot of garden equipment, plus the DR Field and Brush mower, at what appears to be very reasonable prices. https://sale-toolshop.com/ Have never heard of them or used them before.   

  4. 1 hour ago, Pogust said:

    When we started develop our land 7 years ago we got 4 mango plants from neighbours. Didn't understand yet then that they need to be grafted. They were from seeds. Growing very well, nice big trees but no fruits. I have now cut them back and grafted them all from bought trees. Will hopefully get fruit on them next season.


    A couple of the grafted trees we bought don't fruit either. A neighbour explained that some cultivars of mango don't like it here. I'm near the coast with no real cold winter and that might be the reason. This winter been way too warm and only a few mangos produce fruit.


    Potassium is needed to set fruit. I tried spraying one year without any result. I have bee feeding them lots of mulch from legumes so maybe too much nitrogen compared to potassium in the soil.


    Grafting is best done during summer when trees grow fast. But not that easy, takes some trail and error to get it to work. Important to find the right scion. Best if you can find some older shoots with buds ready to grow. Wrap the whole scion with tape to avoid it to dry out. I found this tape to work for me:



    Thank you. 

  5. A bit of background info first: I grew a mango, variety "nam dok mai" (มะม่วงน้ำดอกไม้), from seed some 7-8 years ago. Then, approximately 6 years ago I planted it out on our land and it has been growing pretty well since then and has grown to a height of about 2.5-3m. Here is my problem: About 8 years later and still no fruit and no blossoms. I know that it takes longer for trees to bear fruit when grown from seed (that's why I now only plant trees which have been grafted), but from what I can gather, mango trees do not need this long to bear fruit.

    I was wondering (1) when is a good time to graft scions from the same variety onto the mother tree.


    I have asked Mrs Djayz to help me locate scions, but she's annoyed with me because I "grew tree from seed" and didn't listen to her advice.... 🙄

    • Haha 2
  6. On 4/12/2024 at 8:26 PM, drtreelove said:

     "...the trees in question haven't been fertilized or watered (the water table is quite high where we are, so I assume that they are getting adequate water)..."


    How does that saying go? "To assume makes an ass out of you and me".  A high water table does not insure that trees are getting what they need, or are not getting too much. Soil surface watering is important in most cases because that's where the bulk of the absobing roots are, in the top few inches of the soil profile, and just as important is, that is where the beneficial soil biology is active (or should be active) in facilitating nutrient cycling and other important metabolic functions.


    And sometimes the opposite is in effect, that a high water table is too much and predisposes root rot in trees that are highly susceptible, like durian and avocado. 


    Also, regarding soil fertility, durian trees have a high foliage density and large structural wood formation, and large fruits, so there is naturally a need for high nutrient availability, and in the depleted soils of Issan, that usually means that well managed amendments are needed until soil biology can be restored. Calcium supplementation will be one of the most important, and in the CEC-based BCSR soil testing and cation balancing system, for large fruit formation, Potassium is upped to 5%, as well as other essential mineral considerations. SOM (soil organic matter) content, mulching or cover cropping, are also important management factors to consider. 


    You are working with a highly unnatural planting, so you should not assume that natural forest conditions prevail, and that intelligent soil and water management is not vital. 


    Also, trees planted from seed are not necessarily true to the parent variety that has been bred for adaptibility to the site specific conditions and desireable characteristics, so anything is possible. 

    Thank you for the feedback. I thought about the lack of watering too, but the BIL, who planted grafted durian trees years ago and definitely waters them regularly, is having the exact same problem. Fruit just falling off, despite having had some fruit last year. 

    Missus says it's "too hot". While it is hotter than usual, I fail to see how the extra degree or two can cause the trees so much stress. 

  7. 8 hours ago, n00dle said:

    surround the trees with wire cages.  


    how is that not obvious?


    Why should he? He/they have already put up fencing. Chicken owner doesn't give a toss. Why should he/they go to the trouble of surrounding their trees on their property? How is that not obvious? 

  8. We bought a bit more land just over a year ago and on this land the owner had planted about 20 durian trees (plus mangosteens and rambutans). All from seed. 

    Anyways, this year was the first year that one of the durian trees actually starting bearing fruit (see photo) about 1 month ago. I checked the tree again a few days ago and all the newly forming fruit is gone! Same on the brother-in-law's land (adjacent to ours, also planted by the same man and also from seed as ours). All his durian fruit has also fallen off the trees. Nobody seems to know why and the closest I got to a plausible explanation was "perhaps too hot". 

    Any durian growers/experts out there who can proffer an explanation? 

    Just for info, the trees in question haven't been fertilized or watered (the water table is quite high where we are, so I assume that they are getting adequate water). 





  9. On 3/28/2024 at 6:35 AM, waders123 said:


    Until same-sex marriage is officially announced as being legal in the Gazette, it is only an idea. Legalizing same-sex marriages should have happened 15-20 years ago; Thailand could have been benefiting all these years from the influx of money and set the standard as the preferred destination for the LGBTQ+ community in Southeast Asia.  It's not too late to turn this around and capitalize on it before neighboring countries legalize same-sex marriages and start aggressively vying for the "Gay dollar."


    Yes, that's exactly what Thailand has needed over the past "15-20 years"; more sex tourists. That'll improve their image and reputation. Good one (sarcasm warning). 

  10. On 2/1/2024 at 8:28 AM, GypsyT said:

    Hotels knowingly cheat. Many hotel close to airports list Google Map location VERY CLOSE to get suckers to book and then find out they are miles away.

    Booking agents allow this.


    Not once in my many years of travelling have I experienced this. 

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