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Posts posted by rheinwiese

  1. 2 hours ago, kannot said:

    Long overdue increase in the  maximum amount of  carriages  needed, went from 3 to 4  now needs at least 5-6

    Train capacity is not the only big problem. Ticket buying and entry/exit gate congestion at peak times, especially at junction stations like Siam and Asok is already a nightmare. Just think of what an even more crowded Siam or Asok station at rush hour would be like. BTS stations are ill-equipped to handle increased passengers, with no obvious room for expansion. And I believe it’s going to get worse once the extension beyond Samrong is becoming operational at the end of the year.

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  2. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    Boy, this one is a real toss up.

    Visa issued immediately come to mind.  Where else in the world can you be married to a citizen of the country and have absolutely no path to permanent residency, naturalization, or citizenship?  It's tough.  And if your spouse dies, marriage over, and the extended family you have been supporting become a non-family by legal decree.  Marriage gives you no rights to pursue happiness within the family unit, or a job, or a means of support unlike the West and most other countries around the world - developed and otherwise.

    But then we have the things that are not good for your health: choking air pollution, especially in the North, for two to three months out of the year; the number 1 most dangerous roads in the entire world; a highly xenophobic society that barely tolerates foreigners;  and a society where violence is only held in check by the thinnest veneer of social customs, and when that veneer cracks, what emerges is ugly, vile, and dangerous; a place where playing contract bridge or throwing darts, or owning the 'wrong' set of playing cards can get you arrested and tossed into jail.  TIT.  Amazing Thailand. 

    Don't get me wrong.  The positives outweigh the negatives.  Otherwise I wouldn't be living here.  But every year the negative keep piling up.  Hopefully in my life-time, the scales don't tip the opposite way.  :sleep:

    Nailed it Connda.

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  3. KSC website is down and can't log-in my email account. Anybody else is having problems?

    Tried to call the hotline, no response. 


    Solved. KSC just came back online.

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