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Posts posted by marquess

  1. Re the Indian marraige situation. My friend in England who was a Sikh, who had been brought up in the UK. He had many non Indian girll friends, some serious and some not. Yet he was always under pressure to marry an Indian girl. In the end the end he went to India and married some girl he had spoken to on the phone.

    I am a black man who was born and breed in England. There has never been any pressure from my parents to marry another black girl, or to conform to this of that because I am black. You would be hard pressed to find a British Indian who could say the same.

    Here in Thailand I have encountered the odd bit of racism, but I put it down to ignorance and if it is more than that, then that's the problem of the other party and not mine. I think that on the whole Thai people are the friendliest in the world and as long as you try to get on with them; they will do their best to get on with you.

  2. Yes Begs! The deputy Interior Minister's views of decent might differ from my own; but I do wish he would allow me to make up my own mind as to what is decent and what is not. You of course might need some one else to do it for you.

  3. In reference to Kwiz's rather astute observations concerning Indians living in Thailand: Having been brought up in England, primarily in London. It has been my observation that Indians born in Britain on the whole tend to stick together and don't take well to outsiders. I had a friend who was Sikh, we  knew each other for over 10 years, but I rarely met any members of his family and I can never once recall him mentioning any of his brothers or sisters by name. In general Indians seems to get the brunt of racist abuse. I suspect that is because they really make no attempt to intergrate. Has anyone seen any Indian Thais, married to Thais?
  4. Firstly the question should be what was your defintion of good? Of late I have found Soi Cowboy to be much more superior to Nana. Mainly due to having more physical contact with the girls and the cheaper drink prices. The only decent bar for me in Nana used to be the Manderin bar, because of the glass ceiling and the girls wearing no under wear. But due to APEC and a puritanical deputy interior minister, everything is now covered up. I will begoing to check it out again on Thurs, so I will update you then.
  5. There really is no comparison between Bush and Mahthir, the latter has done a great deal for his country, but what has the former done?

    As to the comments about the jews, I believe that they were slightly misinterpreted. Truth is no politician in the US  would ever get the campaign funds, let alone elected. If  he/she told the truth about Israel. Now there is there power of the Jewish lobby for you! Bush was only keeping to that thread.

    Finally as to Howard and Mahthir, there is no comparison between the two, one has sold his country out and the other is trying to maintain the independence of his.

  6. Going back to the orginal theme of this posting. All foreigners living here in Thailand are merely tolertated officially and are essentially living on borrowed time.

    Have been living here for three and a half years; married too, but in no view my position here as permanent. The government certainly won't let me think so. Remember, Thai loves Thai.

    On the subject of the work permits, there was a letter in the Post this week, in which it was stated that a third of of foreigner workers had not renewed their work permits. Does anyone have any further information on this?

  7. Be prepared for a lot of paper work if you intend to get married here. They may ask for a copy of your bank statement. In addition you will need to go the British embassy fill out a form saying that you are eliegble to be marreid. I have been through the process and found the whole thing to be a pain.Plus there will be alot of questions down at the district office.
  8. Can anyone advise in regards to getting some software that will allow me to play DVD's from all regions on my PC.

    At the moment I have power DVD, but it will only allow me to change regions 5 times and no more. Which is no good as I have DVD's from the US and the UK. Real player is also proving a problem.

    ???  ???   :o

  9. I am talking about all the Thai women I have ever kissed (girl friends or bar girls), they never seem to use their tongues. Or if they do they do so excessively.

    Perhaps it is because they're not so used to making out like Farang girls. Who ordinarily would have started in late primary or early secondary school????

  10. I have been married to a Thai woman for the last two and a half years.At the time of marriage there was an option to have the marriage papers registered with the British Embassy, who would then have passed the marriage cert on to births, deaths and marriages in the UK. I declined the option as I have no intention of returning to Blighty

    Providing you live here in Thailand, you need have no concerns about equal asset division, as this is your principal place of domicile.

    :o  :D

  11. Having been here for three years, I have used the a particularly well known place near Silom, to do my last visa run. Does anyone know if there have been any problems with these guys? Last time I went out in Jan I had none.

    Also will have a new passport in a few days, is it a good idea to take the old one to immigration to get the visa transfered? If not what could I do?

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