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Posts posted by chorizo

  1. he will have to serve 1/3 of his sentence before he can transfer to UK. And it has to be approved by UK to accept him, also Thailand has to approve it. Nothing guaranteed.....

    Not sure if the Bangkok prison is different from ChiangMai ones. In CM there are no individual rooms(say for 4 men) it's still small, about 5X 15 m. with 50-60 men on concrete floors....Food is not good, no work out area...

    Money can only buy so much in CM ....very little.....

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  2. Last two motorbikes I bought, came with a fairly good helmet. I stressed (for years) to the wife's two kids ,16&18 ,to wear their helmets, as school requires this too. They look at me and put them on the hook, even if they put them on they would take them off once out of sight.We live in Saraphi and 16 yr old boy has to ride to north side of moat. So riding 80km per hour, dodging cars.???..wife does not incourage them to wear one....

    Maybe the helmet would not matter...but sure would increase the odds of living..

    I come from a helmet free (up to you) state in USA.....riding a Harley...always wore one when on a long ride, wind and sun will beat you down...

    But in Thailand I obey the law and wear one. Makes me feel safer. HOWEVER..in my small local community, going to market..etc etc I do not...not so smart huh?

    So it is up to the person....it can only hurt themselves.......BUT I wish they would check their tail lights so I don't run over them..in rural areas the lighting is poor. I see many each night and have had some pretty close calls....put the 30 b. light in..please....

  3. I wish they would patrol the roads along the train tracks at night.I travel this often and everytime see 1/2 dozen motorbikes with no tail lights..Very difficult to see them until you are right on them....Also turning into Saraphi and heading west..narrow dark road.....think this is more important than a ticket for a helmet that would not help them anyhow......

  4. My Ford Ranger was not handling good coming from Lamphang, so took it to Ford Dealer to ck front end parts. they put it up on the rack and started pointing at many things that "needed" replacing. 8500b, they would have to order parts from bkk.Also said two new tires would be 5000b each...they said they would call when parts came in..never did...

    I then went to Dunlap(goodyear) where i normaly have my work done. They ck'd for worn parts...nothing to replace. Did buy two new tires 3800b(same as Ford dealer) Drives great now....


  5. I went to Immigration friday, 16th sept. for my 90 day. Wife dropped me in parking lot at 11:15, i made copies, signed them, walked inside. Got my #, one person ahead of me. Dated my filled out form. 11:22 i was finished, out the door....

    Two weeks before i was there at 6:45 for 1 yr extension...Got out at 12.....Oh well......


  6. [

    Little off topic...1cp ACV, 5 Cps Apple juice, 4cps Whte grape juice, mix, drink 6-8 oz per day will bring ur cholesteral down.......works...

    A common and reversible cause of synovial joint pain is excess calcium buildup on the bone face which then intrudes into the soft synovial joint capsule which causes irritation.

    Apple Cider Vinegar taken as a supplement has been know to dissolve these deposits.

    If you have ever had a teapot with white mineral deposits then you know adding a little vinegar to water and boiling will dissolve it quickly.

    Apple Cider Vinegar works well with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) which is a descaling agent used in all sorts of domestic and industrial techniques for removing deposits.

    Mixing the two with water cancel out the P.H. level of the solution for consumption.

    A common recipe would be

    large glass of water

    2 tablespoons A.C.V

    1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

    The resulting solution should be 6. to 7 P.H. and according to taste preference. I prefer it slightly tangy in the low 6 range. Should be consumed on an empty stomach.

    The reason the recipe cannot be exact is because water and A.C.V can vary in PH according to the source.

    WIll not help all types of Arthritis but addresses a common cause.

    Do not confuse Baking soda with Baking powder... Only use Baking Soda. NaHCO3

    Both ingredients are cheap and easy to find... Not a lot of risk or expense to experiment with it.

  7. I like the glucosamine with chondroitin...some people can not do the sulfate part......My Va doctor in US suggested this, take for 3 months and then stop for two weeks, if pain comes back , you know it is working. It takes awhile to take affect, not like a pain pill. If i don't take them for a month or so, you can feel the "grit' in my knees when i bend them ..2-3 weeks later on pills, it goes away...

    I still have problems at times so then i wear the copper bracelet, and do the pain creme (which i do very seldom)

    Hope one of these work for you soon....

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