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Posts posted by Bluebell

  1. This will help but you need some knoledge of xp to make it work and if you screw up don t blame me.

    For some reasons by default upon installation of your Windows XP Win 2000 Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC, etc.

    Well you can have the option to override the default setting "Break the Rules" , If u change it to 0 then the 20 % incrase in your bandwidth.

    Click Start then Run and type "gpedit.msc" without quotes.This opens the group policy editor, then go to:

    1.Local Computer Policy

    2.Computer Configuration

    3.Administrative Templates


    5.QOS Packet Scheduler

    6.Limit Reservable Bandwidth.

    7.Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth.

    It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the 'Explain' tab i.e."By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default."

    So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO "0". This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20% (It works on Win 2000 as well

    Thanks for the tip, not tried it yet as I am using Vista. Think it must be a maxnet problem as I tested the connection with my friend's Macbook and same slow speed.

  2. Been using Maxnet for last year with no problems. Suddenly over the last couple of days it's slowed down to a virtual stop. Impossible to access many international sites. Did speedtest and now slower than dial-up!! Anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions?

  3. What's the going rate (outside Bangkok) per Km for staff who use their own vehicle for company business?

    We are currently using a set figure for short journeys depending on distance but occasionally staff have to travel to other provinces and we need to set a fair mileage allowance.

    Any advice appreciated.

  4. One year ago in Samui.

    Old UK Driving licence (no photo)

    Residence certificate from Immigration.

    Non Imm Visa extended. New photos.

    Doctor certificate.

    Same as above for me 5 months ago in Samui.

    Got there by 9 am, handed in paperwork, upstairs for vision and reflex tests, no need to do anything else, back downstairs for license and out by 9:45. :o

  5. That was an acoustic guitar, if memory serves.

    Can you give details on how the people got in? I'd like to know what is the usual method of entry -- what do they look for in weaknesses in houses?

    They obviously look for more vulnerable entry points, in our case they lifted up a sliding door to the terrace on one side and then jemmied the lock with something like a crowbar which police said is easy to do regardless of the type of lock. Obviously sliding doors are easy targets and are on many houses here.

    Doubt if the owner will change the doors though!

    All you can do is increase security and be as vigilant as possible, but not easy unless you stay home all the time.

    Didn't know the police offer a service for house checking as described by BigC, is this common or a 'special deal' depending on who you know? Wouldn't have thought they have enough man power to do this!

  6. Unfortunately burgled last night in Bophut :o .......Police said one of 3 they were called to last night. Happened between 8-10pm. House ransacked, took cash, digital cameras, jewellery and other small items. Fellow residents be aware.

    Also took an electric guitar....very distinctive as limited edition Rickenbacker, black and white with John Lennon Logo and signature. Would appreciate anyone who sees this guitar around to PM me or contact Police.

    Don't hold out much hope of getting anything back, saddest thing is the cameras belonged to my parents who are visiting as part of a trip to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary and contained all their photos of the first leg of their trip to Hong Kong :D

  7. Basting eggs requires oil or butter on a low heat. Cook the egg slowly and spoon the hot oil or butter over the top of the yolk and egg white. The egg white cooks faster and the yolk forms a light skin, allowing the white to cook through and the yolk to stay runny.

    zanks for ekshplaining "basting" SBK. vone kann learn a lott off zings vhen reading ThaiVisaForum. unnfortchunatly i kann not ekschplain "basting" to our kook as i lack ze suttleties of der zree lankviches vhich she shpeaks :D

    'To' Baste = dripping (with fat/oil onto something in this case an egg).

    I had to look it up myself as I never heard the word and that's not surprising as this is not 'done', frying (cooking as 'SBK' calls it) an egg in Europe-mainland.

    If I am incorrect I would appreciate to be corrected !


    Basting is the standard cooking method in UK and Ireland.....perfect for that great cooked breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage, mushrooms, black pudding and beans with lashings of hot buttered toast and tea! Yummy! :o

  8. Many UK foods are available but supply is very hit and miss. Sometimes you can get everything you need but here in Samui need to go to several places. Makes the weekly shop very time consuming if you need to have your comfort foods! Supply of popular items e.g. marmite, PG tips, bovril, hobnobs biscuits to name but a few are very erratic. Sometimes go for weeks without seeing them and suddenly back in stock. :o

  9. Asiatravel.com, the site I've used for years to book hotels in Thailand, has a hotline +66-2-6797187 which will recommend hotels in your price range which have capacity, and then make your booking right then and there. I've found the hotline invaluable for times when I've made unplanned arrivals in Bangkok and needed a hotel room that night. Since your arrival date is still a few days away, you might like to look on the Asiatravel.com website for hotels which have immediate confirmation. There are many. Asiatravel might be a few baht more expensive than the cheapest sites, but I've found it rock-solid reliable.

    Agree totally. Used Asiatravel.com many times throughout Asia, always reliable. Tried others but nothing else compares...will use Asiatravel everytime. :o

  10. May your Router isn't configured right! You need to forward the right port for Skype to get the most out. To get the port you need to forward, open Skype, click on Tools follow by Options, click on the Advanced button and choose Connection. Uncheck Use Port 80 and 443 ........... The Port number in the Field above the Use Port 80 and 443 ......... shows you a port number which you can use for forwarding or any other Port number you've free like 34456 or whatever. use that port number for forwarding in your Router.


    Thanks.....will give it a try.

  11. Oxo cubes for sure.....I always get friends to bring a supply.

    Decent tea bags

    Atora suet

    Good cheese maybe....price increased around 60% over last few weeks!

    Good curry powders/pastes....little choice here and if can find it's very expensive. Sometimes you just crave a good curry that's different to the great thai curries.

  12. I strongly disagree.

    I have never had a problem sending and item to Thailand or receiving an item from Thailand.

    Same for me Shrubbery. I have used EMS service for the last year with no problems, nothing has gone astray in either direction. My last package was only this week.....posted in Hong Kong on Sat am and arrived in my office here on Mon pm. You can also track your package on-line. :o

  13. Our office feeds 2-3 soi dogs everyday but last week a new dog appeared......very emaciated, obviously had pups recently. The other dogs don't seem to let her get to the food, she is extremely timid so I have started to try to feed her away from the others with some success. Apart from being extremely thin she has no obvious skin diseases, although I can't get that close to properly check. Would welcome advice on best way to feed her a nourishing diet so she will gain weight. Hopefully I can gain her trust over time and get her to a vet. Unfortunately no sign of the pups.

  14. Depends what you are looking for.....

    If herbal steam, massage, facials etc then Eranda and Tamarind Springs were good value last time I was there (admittedly more than a year ago). Heard good things about the spa at Bophut Resort and Spa from visiting friends but a bit pricy for me.

    If on the other hand you are looking for a detox, yoga, meditation type of spa my sister spent a few days at Health Oasis in Bang Po and really enjoyed it.

    As already said there are an abundance of choices here :o

  15. After reading this thread I was unsure re my 90 day report date (due next monday but I left the country and returned last week) and presumed the clock started from the day I got back to Thailand. Popped in to Samui Immigration and was told that I must report on the due date on the slip regardless of any exit/re-entry date! Looks like this is getting more widespread.......previously this office has restarted the 90 days if you leave and return. :o

  16. Try Wyeth S-26 gold,same as SMA in the UK.

    My Daughter has a dodgy stomache and she is fine on this :o

    S-26 is a cow's milk based formula so is not a substitute for Prosobee (soy formula). If OP's baby cannot tolerate cow's milk protein then need to continue with a soy-based formula. Usually Isomil or Nursoy are well-tolerated. However, Prosobee is also lactose free which makes it different to other soy formulas and is normally prescribed for babies who have problems with cow's milk protein and lactose digestion. Suggest OP discusses with baby's paediatrician who can recommend a suitable alternative if Prosobee cannot be obtained. If baby has a cow's milk protein and lactose intolerance then you need to continue with a special formula ( not sure which ones are readily available here in Thailand.)

    May also be worthwhile contacting Mead Johnson as they may be able to send a supply to you.

  17. My 10 yr old imported cat is due first booster shots since arriving in Thailand. Previously lived in HK and there the vets always use the back of neck area which cat tolerates well and doesn't seem to notice. My experience here with a Thai cat I adopted was that the vet insisted on doing the shots in top of thigh which cat definately noticed and yelped with pain!

    Also note that here shots are given every year but in HK was every three years. Anyone any advice or recommendations?

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