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  1. Want a clue on Musk's "X" obsession? The hexadecimal ASCII code for "X" is 88. Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler X=88 = HH = Heil Hitler
  2. Elon fires inspectors general & everyone else investigating his companies while eliminating only .01% of total budget & posting his truth without any backup evidence of anything he says https://youtu.be/ZRJjQCXXdlY?si=zA9zhiQ-d3ShPyMI
  3. Trump does more corruption than any politician x1000 & playbook is to blame others for doing what he's about to do so he normalizes it. $10 Million in cash from Egypt's dictator to Trump in duffle bags doesn't even make the news. He's in love with dictators & threw the US govt appointed stenographer out of the room while meeting Putin... nothing registers with his sheeple.
  4. Trump was the only President in modern history that did not put his assets into a blind trust so Americans know he's working for them instead of profiting himself beyond the Bible's and sneakers & The only president to throw the US government stenographer out of meetings with Putin. Russia doesn't need the KGB & didn't need to start a war when it's best asset is sitting in the White House doing all its dirty work trying to destroy NATO. Trump's #1 business with all the Russians occupying the executive suites of Trump Tower in the '80s was Russian money laundering because most of his businesses go bankrupt unless he can get the accountants to cook the books like in his main business. He is corrupt x 1 million compared to any other politician. Why do you think Jared kushner got $2 billion from the Saudis after the killing a journalist and why did Ivanka get trademarks for election voting machines in China? Massive corruption in plain site The likes of which America has never seen before.
  5. It's okay - if Trump gets his way then it solidifies the concept that any American president is a total dictator and can do whatever he wants with complete immunity which means Biden could kidnap Trump or even more extreme than that and have no liability whatsoever
  6. Trump was the worst fascist Russian asset con man grifter lying thief of a president in USA's history. He told his family and friends that Hitler had the best strategies which he completely adopted 1) discredit the media & 2) get everyone angry at each other and then you can control half the population. If he managed to steal the 2024 election because all 3 branches of government were kissing his Mafia Don ring, then 4 years later, Putin's $multi-million payment to Cambridge analytica, so his favorite money launderer Donald could win would probably would see the end of NATO & Trump incarcerating brown people and possibly handing them over to his klu Klux Klan and white power army to murder. They probably would not have used ovens for the optics.
  7. My understanding is that Thailand does not want to have its gold measured by international standards most other countries abide by (TIT) so if you try to sell it outside Thailand, it will be greatly discounted
  8. Unfortunately foreigners, because of English skills & work ethic, are often a better value than the equivalent Thai workers in these particular jobs. The Thai government recognizes this and has been trying to encourage Thai people to become competitive. It takes hard work but some Thai people do it.
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