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Posts posted by wileycoyote

  1. I remember once seeing an early Kung <deleted> film "The one armed swordsman.

    As a cavalry charge surged forward of several hundred horsemen armed to the teeth towards a narrow bridge.

    Our intrepid hero somersaulted & suspended in the middle of air ,above the horsemen.deftly he slashed with his sabre,and after a blink of the eye all 200+ horsemen were dead .

    He didn't look out of breath,there was no blood or gore on his sword (so he must have cleaned it on his descent ,not easy when you only have one hand & have to hold the sword at the same time !)

    This film was the worst dubbed film ,and he said in a Yorkshire accent,

    " Let tha' be a lesson,don't challenge the Old Armed Swordsman !"

    :o Wiley Coyote

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