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Posts posted by shemmy

  1. That is really scary stuff, Pui. I've been here 2 years as well, but nothing that bad has happened. I have worse luck with Tuk Tuk drivers, and so now I avoid them at all costs.

    The absolute worse thing for me is that a large segment of taxi drivers never seem to know where the ###### they are going, even when you eliminate possible meter joy-riding. My Thai is not good enough for them to understand, but then when I get a Thai person on the phone to give them directions they still don't know where the ###### they are going!

    I once asked a taxi driver to slow down, and the bastard speeded up like a suicidal maniac. I didn't flinch, but he was putting himself and me in danger for some stupid ego trip.

    A couple of times I've noticed an attitudinal change in their polite, indifferent demeanor as soon as it is after midnight and a foreign woman gets in their car. I guess they start assuming we're fair game and start getting a little too familiar in their conversation and attentions. Very creepy.

    One guy was so bad, I just matter-of-factly asked him if that was his name on the registration, and then pulled out my mobile phone. That shut him up. And then I found out from a Thai female friend that Thai women have to regularly phone the taxi number to someone in front of them so that they hear someone else knows the number of their taxi.

    Any other stories about women and taxidrivers out there?

    ya the taxi drivers are better than the tuk tuks(they should get rid of those things),,,,but sometimes the Taxi guys are a pain,, usually the drive you all over if they thinks you don't know BK( I don't get angry ,, I just get out ,no$$),, also there's the old metre is broke it'll be 400bt to get to as 100bt place,don't talk to them is the best strategy(they hate us rich drunks)...... when in doubt just get out at a stop........ bye bye :o

  2. Penzman,,I don't get it ,,, your agreeing it's cold(I don't believe you've ever been in -45 unless your near the artic,,,and just ask 10 canadians what they think of thailand,,,there have been so many T.V specials about all the problems their ,the only positive lights are thrown in the travel sections of newspaper ,,,,and yes your right it's very difficult for a thai to go to canada,,,, thank god!!! :o:D

  3. You might feel easy going to Thais-frequented places, but some farangs might not.  Some might want to go to places where there are more farangs and feel safer.
    If they want to hang out with people just like themselves, why didn't they just STAY IN THEIR HOME COUNTRY??

    Going to Thailand and then being afraid to hang out with Thais is just STUPID.

    Not all men who go there hurt the girls though, I think.

    That whole industry hurts women, so just by buying a beer in one of those places you're supporting an industry that destroys thousands of women each year. But that's a topic for another thread.

    And I don't think that you are in any position to criticize if you have only been there once.  And for, how long, 15 mins?  When was that?
    Like I said before, you only need to step in sh-t once to know that it stinks.
    BTW, how would you expect a farang to walk into the Bed club without even knowing what the xxxx it is?  There isn't even a sign outside telling what it is!

    Gee, I don't know, maybe the line of clubrats waiting to get in the door would give someone a clue that it's a NIGHTCLUB.

    But then again, considering the intelligence level we're dealing with on these forums, I wouldn't be surprised if someone lacked the deductive reasoning to sort that out for themselves without a big f'king sign telling them "THIS IS A NIGHTCLUB, DUMBASS!"

    Is there a list of don't-go places in Thailand?  How many metres away from NEP?  Or is it the whole Sukumwit?
    In my book? The whole of Eurotown is not worth it (Sukhumvit, Silom, Khao Sarn).

    Sure, there are some decent places mixed in there, but I'd rather not put up with the guantlet of touts, tuk-tuk drivers, aggressive street vendors, and "broken-meter" taxi drivers who can't seem to find the expressway without making 5 left turns. Likewise, I'd rather not sit down next to some drunken Dane who can't hold his liquor or some sweaty, shirtless Aussie who's looking to "blow off some steam".

    Thanks, but no thanks.

    Given the quality of the non-farang entertainment options, there really is no competition. The whole of Eurotown is over-priced, obnoxious, dirty, and dangerous.

    ######, even the bargirls are ugly when compared to the ones I see hanging around outside of the Thai karaoke bars in the suburbs.

    Seems like you guys are content to pay more for less.

    :o The whole industry hurts women,,, what else can uneducated thai girls do with there whole,, your problem is the entire social structure of thailand, starting from the top,,, all 3rd world countries have massive (pop.% wise) prositution,it's as endemic as VD or the viewing of falangs as wlking ATM's....Pudgimelon are you a lesbo!!!!

  4. J1J200,,, you are incorrect,,, there is no need to go home,,,,,, do bring proof you've been getting $ from home, dress nice and don't worry you can fly to sing and come right back on a 30 day,,,, If you don't believe me just ask them at the airport,,, ps the airpot is the only place to do this ,and don't fly thai airways as they are far more inclined to call immy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good luck Posted: Mon 2004-09-06, 16:02:34 posted below is J1J200's B.S :o


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    I agree only confess at the airport. If you come clean anywhere else you run the risk that an example will be made of you. Don't forget that 2 years is a long time, the max fine is the same as a 90 day overstay. Also as soon as you leave Thailand I would apply for a new passport, the overstay stamp will show other countries that you've overstayed in Thailand and you could have problems entering other countries and this could include Singapore, if that happens you will get sent back to Thailand to await deportation to youre home country. Why not consider going back home and sorting a visa to return to Thailand there? You'll have more chance of getting one there. If you apply in I suspect the embassy will assume that once you've got the visa you will disappear again for 2 years.

  5. Thais are very polite people and I'd be surprised if someone told you the correct meaning of this phrase without prompting. Never mind if you don't believe me that's ok.

    All the best -------------------lamphun,,,,,,,,, buddy who the f*^#$ do think your kidding Thai are thai with the vietnamese as without question the rudes asian..................please buffalo us no more jerk :o:D

  6. TKS is bang on ! read my comments in the bearpit.This forum is highly cencored,if they don't like your angle Dr. pat pong zaps it.This forum is controlled by rich thai's who do not want to upset the status quo.There adgenda is to promote Thailand to the falang and not to identify or talk about any of the real issues or problems, so it is advisable to simply use this forum for the information you can use and not take it to seriousy.P.S marry a rich Thai.......How?.. well you'll have to appeal to their natural greed( they have plenty),convincing them that you are a sports or entertainment celebrity in your home country is very effective I have found and not as difficult as you may think with a little imagination.the star struck (Thai buffalo) takes great pride at showing you off to his or her other rich friends, once your in all things are possible,believe me!!!!!!I have truley adapted to the thai culture.................agreed? :D:o

  7. Majan 24 ,you missed my point.Hipocracy ,inaccountability,elitism those are the fundamental concepts I was commenting.I wonder Dr.P does that comment of mine come close to getting me suspended from your form?DrP people in glass houses shouldn't through stones ,regarding your arguement about international law with butterfly,,, you still under the notion that the Queen of england is Canadas head of state because the all knowing ggggoooogle say's it's so!!!!!!! :o:D

  8. You guys have obviously lived in Thailand long enough to adopt the Thai way of thinking, as they have been trained to think, not questioning or provoking anything.

    people post because they are provoked, differing opinions and versions of reality make things alittle more exciting. people and governments should be held in some way accountable, if not legally and least in the forum of public opinion, which at this point you seem to be severely limiting. The right of people to express their opinions, without invinging on others sense of being should not be silenced, being offended, slightly or disagreeing is life.

    The Thai way of thinking is to defend the statis quo and to preserve face.If this means keeping a majority of the population in abject poverty alowing only those with money educational opurtunities they have no problem with it.They pretend to care for their fellow thai but the rich treat the poor just like the sothern whites treated the blacks,why do you think that a country that is may times older than the states has no social welfare system and untill recently no medical heath plan,buddy if you don't have $ in thailand you die.This saving face notion is why there is no accountability,why the &%#@* can't politicials be critisised ,are you a totalitarian state? critisism is a heal :o th thing in a free democratic society..........wake up

    Minor edit

  9. Not for the short term at least. Could take a while for the real rate to adjust. I am pretty sure it could hit 36 bath to $1

    This is going to hurt export big time and next year Earnings are going to be killed. By then the SET will probably be 1000, and you can be sure as shit, that I won't be around in that market. ................................................................................

    ................................Butterfly I assume your indicating that at 1000 there is a huge bubble?But wasn't the market at 1200 and something before the crash.I'm in the market what do you sugest my strategy should be in 2004.Also isn't Japan thailand biggest trading partner,I know the largest percentage of forgien investment in Thailand is japanese............

  10. My my, what happened to you Shem????? Did some Thai chickie do the whippie on you?????


    PS See my girlfriend here. NNNNNNNNNNoooooooo Problem Davy boy I've been commin here since 88,I've had a few situations and now try to stick to some rules of engage I'm not bitter or I'd be in Rio but you've got to keep your powder dry in BK,best way is to have intellegent educated friend(Thai and not) and don't drink to much............ha :o

  11. QUOTE=shemmy,Thu 2003-12-25, 09:31:51]

    sbk is right,watch out!!! You forgot where you are. This is Thailand not your country. Let me tell you one thing ; even if you did not intend but your comments are sensitive for the Thais. It should be printed and bring down to police, it is most likely that you will be charged at least. Now your comments have been seen by many Thais.

    fluqufrelsarinn,,,,you will always be a slave.....................The head of state in canada is not the Queen,it's the prime minister,Paul Martin.the Queen and governor general are purely serimonious figureheads,,,,,I suspect you education is the thai average(grade 6).Erco this Deb is certainly a thai female 20 somthing,ignore her.Beware bangkok , :o:D common sence is your best guide ,I also have had the Thai do the sitdown and pay the bill scam,they have no shame,,, but it must work on some buffalo's,,,,,,,,,,don't be a buffalo, beware the Thai in need, befriend the educated economically elite ,we're similar animals

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