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Posts posted by shemmy

  1. Ya it's unfortunate that you left the cash with him.It was probably to tempting so forgive that, but listen to yourself"communication is a problem,I don't speak enough thai", you want a translater.... jesus,a lonley heart you must be.............he got a new girl,,,,,,,,I was under the impression that women in general have more practical sence than men but your as daft as the love sick male punters that marry the bar girl ,go to the bike shop buy the house and bar in Pattaya and then wonder why there on the street pennyless moments later...............snap out of it you sound intellegent use it!!!

  2. gentlemen I've got a story that may of some interest About 10 years ago myself and assie and three germans crossed Borneo (kelimantan) overland.It was a facinating and dangerous endever,took 4weeks.We arrived half way through at a place named ton john lokan (not correct spelling).Guess what, a morman group where there ,they had a(relatively) modern compound ,3 houses internet(at the time quite rare)............they seemed very upset we were ther,they warned us there was a huge outbreak of ensaphageal malarial and that we where crazy to be there .We must leave is what they said.It Took us 3 days to find a guide that woulld take us over the montains to the sungi(river) Makanan were we could travel down to Samarinda and proceed to Silawaysi.During the trip the incredible things these guys told us about the menanites made it clear to us why they had so desperately tryed to frighten us away..............There group was about 20 people all male , they had convionced the local pop. that the only way to rid themselves of the devil was to have the morman seed in planted on all ther women shades,of david koresh(waco Texas),,,,,,,,,,,,you can fill in the blanks.....................,,, Ha Ha ,,,,,,,,,,,,If you'd like more details and phot's e-mail me.......................SHEMMY

  3. Hi there duncan.... well a good one is abn ambro on sathorn road, but I also hear good things about Kim Eng.There are probably offices in Kon Kan.Check there web sites and give them a call...... www.ast.co.th.... and www.kimeng.com I bought my aberdeen (growth fund) from the bank of hong kong HBSC(many in BK) if you also open up a forgien account with them you can buy and sell the fund at will and they'll transfer the $ in and out of the account...............the aberdeen grouth fund has been the best performing mutual in thailand for 2 years, if you need any stock tips give me a shout.................good luck....................shemmy..............P.S I tried to reply to the mail you sent directly but the address you gave doesn't exist

  4. HI I play the thai market regularly. There are no restrictions except that if you want dividends you must buy the nvdversion of the stock, it simply means you have no voting rights. the thai market is very volitile so if you don't know what your doing you'd best invest in midium to long term quality stocks such as shin , Bigc,centel,kk,ubc,bec,siri ,gold,krp,,,,,,,,these are some of the leaders in the small and medium cap clasification.Stay away from speculative stocks.You should also consider a growth mutual fund,you'll get the benifits of the grwing stock market and the pro's will do all the trades .I've doubled my I million investment in the Aberdeen mutual growth fund in less that 2 years there real pro's...........................good luck.........shemmy :o

  5. :o there's all kinds,,,,,,,,,,,,here's what happened to me last oct.I went to koa san rd at approx. 8 pm to cash some travelers check and see a friend for a drink about 10pm I was waiting for the bus home out side near the dem. monument.I was sitting alone on one of the benches when a nicely dressed thai man sat down beside me,there where a few people around.The man turned to me and asked the time at the same time his patner standing behind me slipped a wire garrot over my head.I must have seen it out of the corner of my eye because I was able to get part of my hand between the wire and my throat.The man sitting beside me reached over with a box cutter and cut my fanny poach and started running just as the man chocking me realeased me.I persude the man with my wallet for about 50 meters untill he jumped on the back of a motorbike guy waiting for him.Half my ear was ripped off by the wire and I was bleeding badly.I was suprised that no one had done anything but watch.I went to the police station at the end of Koa san rd. and the police took me to the hospital ,they where quite helpful and told me that I had probably been watched since I cashes the checks a the latenight place in the middle of the soi,they also told me I was lucky that I hadn't caught the theif as hewas probably the suspect who had knifed two other falangs......................ahhhh what the yaba has done
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