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Posts posted by farmerfred

  1. Thanks Scouse for the advice. Will file the appeal at the embassy. In the appeal am including price lists of english courses in thailand which are more expensive than in UK. Also, in reply to the question the ECO asked about who gave the certificate at the end of the course, which JJ replied as being the school director, will include details from IELTS with details of exactly what it is. Went to the British Council yesterday and asked the lady we spoke to there the same question posed at the interview of "who gives the certificate at the end of the course?" and she gave the answer the head of the school. So even the British Council would have been caught up by that one. JJ is also getting details of the Master degree she wants to attend on return to thailand after the year studying english in uk. Also got a bunch of info from british council and from the Director here in thailand, saying how study in the UK is beneficial.

    Would enrolling on a course of English here be sensible? she doesnt want to spend her money before studying (if possible) in UK. Once the Appeal is all in, will be applying again, with all the info this time. Just going to struggle with her reason for to return and her social, economic business.

    JJ didnt want to return as a visitor but honestly wanted to come here for a year, study the course of English through and learn more about the culture and country before returning and doing a masters.

    Beginning to wonder if its time to employ the services of an immigration specialist as feeling like im in to deep!


  2. Hello,

    Yesterday my girlfriend JJ went for her interview at the embassy and it did not go very well for her. There was a female thaiinterpreter in there which seemed to help add to the confusion and I honestly believe would have been better without. One of the downfalls was being asked about what certificate shew would receive at the end of her 1 year English course which she answered as IELTS and then when asked who gave the certificate she mis-interpreted this and said that the school owner would be issuing it, not that IELTS is a worldwide recognised standard of English.

    JJ hadnt provided any evidence of english schools in thailand to compare the price differences, which I had asked her to do. Little bit irritating, or anything to suggest she has the aptitude to study foreign languages. JJ told them that she planned on returning to thai to study a masters in English.

    It went on to talk about the personal, economic, social circumstances not satisfying that she will leave the UK at the end of her studies, which are pretty much the same as when she visited a year ago on a tourist visa.

    I know we cocked up the evidence side of the application, think we were complacent after the visit visa was so easily attained.

    We are now wondering what step to take now- do we appeal and if so to the immigration tribunal in loughborough, UK or the embassy, or do we just re-apply and make sure we get all the evidence down? Also, what impact can a student visa refusal on the grounds that they think we are trying to circumvent the UK immigration rules so that we can be together?

    Thanks for any help on this.


  3. hi,

    my girlfriend made her application on monday and received a call today asking her to come in for an interview on the 16th. Unfortunately, this is the day that she is meant to start her course. She is now writing a letter to explain her situation as her flight is booked for the 10th June. I know, we should have got the application in earlier. I am wondering if there is any chance of getting an earlier interview. Also, is being called in for an interview a bad indication for the application? Do most student visa applications get called in for interviews?



  4. Thanks Scouse,

    that was what I was thinnking, as she has already visited the UK, but the lady at the school seemed to think because this is an entirely different visa that the previous one wouldn't come into it! Deception is the last thing anyone should be attempting at the moment, just got to present the facts I guess and let them make a decision.

    I really appreciate the help from this forum, thanks very much!


  5. thanks for the post siddv,

    Do you know how they manage to get around the spnsorship part then? does the company "sponsor" the student? I just need to know whether being the boyfriend and sponsor will they get suspicious that we just want to be together? even if she supplies all the egree documents, prospective job adverts, my statements, savings, letter from school... etc!

    (sorry for hijacking the thread),


  6. hello,

    i am in the same sort of boat, paid for the school fees, got a letter from school, but un-sure as to the best way to fill in the form. at the school they did say that the UK has tightened up on student visas, especially from thailand and didnt' sound too confident in mentioning about the bf-gf relationship. Can't see how to get round that as she will be living with me and i will be her sponsor and it asks for the exact relationship between us. I would recommend having a look at whats written on the application form and check it all through.



  7. thanks for the helpful advice. Are DfES-recognised colleges the same as British Council colleges? Wonder if its worth writing that by studying in UK it will help to broaden th horizons, so to speak. as long as its made obvious education is priority, the relationship 2nd place. Obvious what our relationship is to the VAC as already had a visa. Do future plans for our relationship need to be included, as when my gf arrived in UK,the immigration chap quizzed me on our future intentions nd where we wanted to live etc. I wasnt sure what was the "right" answer.

    Im hoping that we will marry in UK one day, when my degree is finished and live in UK also, they need to know this or best they didnt?



  8. hello!

    It's getting near that time of year again when I start thinking about getting my gilfriend over again. She came over last summer for a couple of months on a tourist visa, but ideally what she would like to do is come over here and study English full time. I expect that the VAC will be looking at the fact she's just using a student visa to gain entry to UK to be with me. Has anyone got any experience with this? She is a genuine prospective student. Guessing need some evidence as to why she wans to study in UK and evidence of a reason to leave at end of the time.

    the fiancee visa isjust too daunting an idea.... :o at 24..

    thanks for any advice,


  9. hi scouse,

    we are after a year's visa so she can have multiple visits for a year. these wont even total 6 months in all, its just when i have time off that she would visit. I suppose 6 month visa would do if she states her intention of multiple visits to uk. Basically, we don't want to be restricted to one visit. What would be the best way to apply?



  10. hello again!

    Back again with a small quiestion- If when my girlfriend applies for a 2nd uk tourist visa, would it be at all possible to this time apply and receive a 12 month visa? This is as I am now studying in UK and would much rather her fly out and visit me than vice versa! It would make things a lt easier as I've got a fair bit of work to get through and can't see myself doing it over in Thailand.

    Also, has the forums layout changed at all? as when I open a topic I just get a list of who has replied in a menu. you then have to click on that and the next reply opens up.


    fred :o

  11. hello,

    sorry to hijack this thread slightly, but I am interested to know what sort of reasons are needed for these longer visas, such as 2 years and 5 years. Are these for frequent visitors to the UK? I have started studying back in UK and would like my girlfriend (already visited once) to visit me regularly during holiday periods. Would that substantiate a reason?



  12. She has a 6 month visa which will run out on the 28th December, but we applied under different circumtances as I was supposed to be returning for work in BKK in october. She said that she would be in uk for 10 weeks approx, from 27th July, flying back end of September. So she still has a visa, just a matter of honouring what we had said, and can reapply hopefully next year some time for another visit to UK. Could be another Thai christmas then for me :o . Was hoping for a British "white" christmas!



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