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Posts posted by jimmym40

  1. Thanks guys for the replies. I was doing this research for my new neighbor, from the states. I own my own UBC equipment for the last 4 years and only pay the subcription fee. I was hoping my neighbor would get "a" satellite system so I can compare. He rec'd all this information and he just decided to go with True Move or whatever it's called now. I would be hesitant about going the dish route myself. If he purchased a dish and was so happy with it, I'd change over myself. But as it looks, I'll be stuck with UBC for a while longer. Maybe some day there will be more choices here.

  2. I stopped at one of the shops yesterday and rec'd as much info as I could from the Thai speaking lady. She had a system hooked up and I viewed many of the channels, including CNN, HBO, CINEMAX and a few of the more important ones.

    For billd: I would think there is some way for you to start receiving these premo channels again, maybe with an "update key", whatever that is. You might have to pay a small amount. I'm waiting for a little more feedback here before I go again to the shop and get the "whole skinny". On their handout sheet they provided me it says, (1) One year, product guarantee. (2) 3 months free service and updating key. I had my thai wife speak to them on the phone. From what I can decifer, the 3 month free service is the time period where they will come out to your home and teach/show you how to operate things. And I could not get an answer of what they mean when they refer to "updating key". Do you have any idea what this "key" is for?

    I would assume if this is a good to average system, more expats would subscribe - so right now I have my doubts about it.

    Any more info please.

  3. This subject is so confusing. Does anyone currently have this 6-7 ft dish and using it?

    Do you receive all/more channels than UBC?

    Do you get internet access? What speed?

    It's difficult to get all the required information from these dealers that are selling this system.

    Thanks for any info provided.

  4. I have a neighbor that works at the JEDI. I just asked him the other day how the occupancy percentages vary from season to season. He said a couple months ago occupancy was around 30 percent, this month around 50 percent, and starting end of Dec, they are booked at around 75 percent till the end of Feb/first of March.

    I agree with many previous posts. I think CM is an "old farts" destination. Nothing of a real value for the money. All those touristy places need upgrading. The only real thing CM has going for it is the weather!!!

  5. Never heard of it. If it's legal, it's something new.

    UBC always made you buy/rent another box for another room.

    Curious to see any other posts to the contrary.

  6. I've been trying to find out the dates of the auto expo show. I was told by a dealer in Bangkok a month ago that the dates were 29 Nov - 12 Dec. But when I do a search I cannot come up with anything and now the dealer will not respond to my emails. What's going on?

    I live in CM and want to make plans to come down for the show. Also, I want to confirm that this show will have the coming new release models of the most popular names, i.e. Toyota, Honda, etc.

    Any help out there?


  7. Great, great advice from Laopo.

    Since you are bringing your girlfriend with you, I would definately stay AWAY from Pattaya. It's more of a "singles" hangout and really the beaches are not as nice as elsewhere. If you get more replies to your request, you will probably get same advice.

    As said, it will be high season here in Thailand, and is recommended that you book in advance. Just pay for 2or3 days ahead and if you want to change after being here a couple days, you can - that is if you can find something else acceptable.

    Book as early as possible. Hope you enjoy your trip.

  8. If it's okay with the mods, I'll keep my comments on this thread for bunta71 and U.G. and all others interested in "our" comments and this may provide valuable information for those suffering from this disease.

    For bunta71: Sorry to hear how bad shape you are in. My wife is also in bad shape, can hardly walk at times and in pain somewhere 24 hours a day. Joint replacement(s) are out of the question because of other blood disease - she may not recover from surgery. She's been taking prednisone and naproxen for about the last 10-12 years and has tried all the other RA meds. Her RA has never gone in remission. All the other latest meds, the side affects made her feel worse and had to discontinue after a short period of time. She does take glucosomine and I believe it does help a bit.

    For UG: Glad to hear that your RA is/goes in to remission at times. RA is such a debilitating disease and not many people are aware that it is a "blood" disease that affects all the joints in the body.

    Do either of you know of anyone that is taking currently or in the past ARAVA?

    Just trying to keep this thread going so that possibly we all can learn something from one another.

    We were able to stock up on my wife's meds prior to moving here to CM and have about a 6 month supply on hand.

    I would like to know where is the best place to buy these types of meds? Especially the glucosomine, only have about a months supply left.

    We most likely will not do a concerted effort in a search for another rhumatologist because she's been thru all the treatments possible. We know of all the blood tests required on a periodic basis and are able to get that done at McCormick with no problems.

    That's all for now.

  9. Just want to give you something to think about. Isn't your home building materials made mostly from CONCRETE?

    If so, what is the chances of a total loss? Think of WHAT can burn? Wooden furniture, baseboards and light fixtures...

    I myself wouldn't think of having insurance. Be careful if you want theft insurance. As far as I know it's not available. Try getting a theft policy - this is what you probably need the most.

    If you do get theft insurance - you'll have to PROVE what you've lost and the value. Good Luck.

    Our new house is almost 90 percent concrete prefab. Try asking for a "contents" only policy, and see what response you get.

    Any others gone this route lately???

  10. Hi, not really sure if this will work, I know some guys do it from the states.

    They have a credit or debit card account (in the states). They give a card to their gf here in Thailand and they are able to withdraw from that account. I believe that may be the safest way. However, you have to be careful that she does not clear the account immdiately, so jut put in what you wish to donate.

    Something like that.

  11. Well, they were there a month ago. One location is just up one of the escalators, make an immediate U-turn and you will see the location. I had time to indulge, but at 500 baht, I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of ripping me off. There were around 6-7 therapists hanging around the entrance, didn't notice if any customers inside. Grant you, the location isn't easily noticable, it's kinda out of the way. Maybe it was a temporary set-up. But there were definately signs, they were not overhead signs, the ones on a pole, extending up from the floor that could be easily moved. They were more like a banner type sign.

  12. You know how things can change. My understanding is that peope with a green card must actually live in the US 6 months or more during a year period to retain the green card. At least this is what a friend of mine was told just last year by an immigration officer at LA airport.

    I guess your best bet would be to contact USA immigratin and get the correct scoop. It would be great if you would post what you've learned here also.

  13. From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

    Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

    I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

  14. My thai wife has thalysemia-minor, a blood disease in which the red blood cells are either deformed, the bone marrow does not produce efficiently, or some other reason. Therefore, my wife requires a blood transfusion every 6-8 weeks. She's had this disease all her life, but until the past year, it has not been as critical as it is now. Maybe because of her age - 61.

    Anyway, we've moved to CM permanently from the US a little over a year ago. I had so many various answers from the hospitals about blood donations, supply, and transfer of units between hospitals, etc.

    You guessed it, I'm still in the dark about whom to believe. Two answers I was given and now I believe to be true. There is never (well, almost never) a blood shortage. The reason: whenever the blood supplies get low, the Red Cross calls on the military services to replenish their supply. This makes sense because I have never seen or heard of blood donation centers or blood drives. Though, people can always go to any hospital and donate if you want to. My guess is, the thai people do not visit hospitals unless absolutely necessary - so means not many blood donations.

    Also, trying to get hospitals to cooperate and transfer types of blood from hospital to hospital - forget it, they won't take the time or energy to do this, even if a person requires a routine transfusion. We've been to two hospitals in Lamphun and three in ChiangMai for her transfusions. Now that we know how the system works we are relieved that there will always be blood available for her transfusions when required. The hospital that works best for us and was most helpful was McCormick. They have a small blood bank and equipped to accept donations. Matter of fact, one of my wife's neice's is the same blood type and was able to donate her blood direct for my wife (after cross check and disease screening of course).

    And as someone posted earlier - blood does have a short self-life and must be used or frozen within 10 days (I believe I was told).

    Another bit of info. Procedures and policies differ from hospital to hospital, and especially with Government hospitals.

    If anyone has any specific questions, can PM me and I'll see if I have any answers (from our experiences).

  15. Yes, CM Ram does them and also does Sundac Hospital. I just checked in to the MRI at both places.

    FYI, the 8,000 baht just covers sections of the body. Example, for my back, it's done in three sections, so the cost would be 8,000 x 3. Or, I could have just the lower back done, upper, or mid. They both said I would have to see a doctor first, to order the MRI.

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