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Posts posted by MisterMan

  1. Hi,

    I use a windows PC and Thurnderbird as my email client. The emails is from my work domain but I also have 3 other accounts (2 from domain and one 1 gmail) on my TB.

    Howeve when I open it takes so long to download a message.

    I have tried changing the sync setttings and keeping and not keeping message on the computer.

    Compacting. etc.

    I have this set up at home on my mac and it is fine. The internet connection here is probably not as fast but it really takes way to long.

    What are the optimal settings? Is it because of my ALL MAIL - SHow setting?

    Thanks yoU!

  2. Either of the Mom Tri's in Kata (Boathouse or Mom Tri's Kitchen at Villa Royale). Kan Eang@Pier is always a romantic venue in the evening.

    Actually .. Mom Tri sold The Boathouse, no renamed Boathouse and the resturant Boathouse Wine and Grill.

    Mom Tri's Kitchen is still correct. I just had dinner at V-set just infront of Kan Eng Pier! OMG IT was Soo good and decent prices and nice modern and well designed. A drink in the bar that they share with Kan Eng (same owners) before dinner is perfect as it is right on the water!

    Chef from Impiana patong before, Chef Ronnie.

    They have a facebook page with their web address..

    However in general I would suggest to avoid falling into this consermusim trap of Vday! Go out the day after!

  3. To thwart the recording of pin, you can touch many numbers on keypad, but only press down on keys of the pin.

    "2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

    After my ATM transaction, I press every number on the key pad. Members should also do this with the little room safes in their hotel room. Set you pin and lock it, then press every number on the key pad.

    I always press extra keys, but what can they put on the keys to see what you press and how long will it take to figure out the order. What about the sound, if they record the sound then can they determine the number? I always wonder but never heard it mentioned.

    Yes I am more cautious now too with which ATM I use. I think the bank should be responsible. I have a nice Bangkok Bank ATM with a chip in it, can only be read at BB atms. and not skimmed.

  4. OH NO the poor motorcyle guy.. but I do over and over see people inch right up to the back of trucks. ...

    Could not resist taking a photo... earlier today..

    As I was also wondering how that could happen.

    Also a few weeks ago in Kata Noi a water truck rolled down the hill, hand break issue. Nearly whiped out some shacks at the Kata Rocks labour camp.

    Gotta be impressed with those orange cones!! That is a first and certainly necessary.. I am sure some of yo noticed the horrific last minute warning a few days ago for the road work being done further north on Patak.. Was waiting for one of those speeding vehicles to crash.. it was about 5 meter advance warning and a white sign ..pff


  5. I posted a photo of a tortoise I saw next to my house, (1 meter from my house) which lives on a large plot of hillside jungle undeveloped land. Not sure how big the parcel is but quite .. it is about a quarter kilometer or more until the next houses. I have heard that they want to build (another ) hotel on this land. They .. not sure if the THEY own the land yet.

    As someone on this forum kindly identified the tortoise as " a wild animal native to the region and is also on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as: "Endangered""

    (thank you Goshawk)

    Would having an endangered animal living there have any bearing on development??

    Yes I know people get shot here over land issues but just wondering..

  6. The cough is not often and certainly not daily... just from time to time..

    .......... the vet said he had no infection.. think she just felt his lymphs..

    Thanks for all the suggestions.. at least I have confirmed that there could be more to it then the vet said.. if this can be fixed then i would be great..

    Don't get me started on my dog.. I do not have a fenced yard so she is free to run around and the neighbors LOVE her.. she gets along with the landlords dogs and neighbors dogs....

    (as it is Sunday night might as well put some pet photos!!)

    she actually fit through the neighbors gate/fence and moved in with the pitbull next door a few weeks after I got her. could be due to the fact too that one of my cats was not very nice to her. We were going to introduce them slowly (the male pit bull and my soi dog female) but my neighbor came home and found her eating his dogs bone and sleeping on his dogs mat!!!! We agreed if he moves we can not break up the couple and he will take her.. soul mates for sure.

    Beats living at a Karon, Phuket taxi/tuk tuk station where she came from!!! Some really amazing people here in Thailand who spend so much time rescuing and nurturing these animals!

    Poor dog still cowers when she eats!!! I really really stil have to be slow and encourage her to come just to eat.. and sometimes I have good, really good scraps from the hotel/restaurant I work at! (Lamb chops, bacon, steak..)

    Thanks again for all the comments and advice.. the Pet forum is nice, and helpful..



    • Like 1
  7. The stray cat has been around for months.. the new kitten for about 3.. (2 regular cats years) The dog rescued dog from a Soi Dog volunteer ! years (my idea was to keep stray cats away.. futile) Nevermind the dog moved in next door. I just buy her food.

    My neighbor has a inter-species tribe too.. someone knows we live here and dumps the cats! FEEDERS!

    I just finally got around to asking about the cat.. been meaning to for ages and since I was here about the the tortoise..

  8. Ok will take him to a different vet as I did not feel the vet was really competent and was just there for some other reason with my other cat..

    Strange she did not test him as she did provoke him manually to go... No blood in the puddle..checked today..

    What is the dose of antibiotics?

    He is not a kitten for sure and an older cat just have no idea though how old. no scars by his tale or back, no limping issues.... quite healthy. He did have a watery eye for one day. i stuck some drops in and it was finished. He coughs for only from time to time. The new kitten tested negative for everything as I dont want him infecting the kitten but everyone seems healthy except for mr incontinent's little problem.

    No choice in taking care of him.. he won't leave and if i don't feed him he sneaks in ..... aside from dumping him at a temple (which I would NEVER do) I have no other option. the fat little *ck is here to stay!

    For some strange reason even my male cat tolerates him to some degree..

    as the dog does too .. which I got to keep out the stray cats not befriend them!

    Some of us just have FEEDER written on our forehead and they know it and WE know who we are too.

  9. Its an Elongated Tortoise (Indotestudo elongata)..

    Thank goodness you put it back where you found it (no, its not an escaped pet). It's a wild animal native to the region and is also on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as: "Endangered"

    nice find.. i've never come across one.

    Wow!. Well I only moved it about 5 meters, close to my composte pile but then realized that it was not a good idea if he knew where he was going already etc...

    So native to jungles? Pity I think that plot of land is for sale. I wonder what happens when they come in with the bull dozers! Must kill millions of wildlife just with the wheels alone!!

    Are they residential? Will he have an area he stays in? The burmese cut a path next to my house in the jungle (where i found him).. so they can get to their rubber (or the landlords rubber) trees easier.

    Do locals try to keep them and eat/sell or wear them?

    oh now i will worry about the little guy.

    THanks for the info!

    I didnt find it though the cat did clap2.gif I saw the head and thought it was a snake for the first few seconds!

  10. I went away for 2 months and left my window open for MY cats while my neighbor looked after them. Of course I had a squatter move in.. So now i can not get rid of this awful cat. He used to his at me and run away but once he got past that stage he just wants so much affection so perhaps he was not feral? He acted like it in the begining.

    Gets on really well with my dog and I adopted another kitten ( just was in my little moo baan screaming!! so what can I do? I fed it once and it never left) but this stray cat was soooooo nice to it. let it eat out of his bowl etc.

    The cat is now fixed (the stray) and had some jabs but he has no bladder control wherever he lays he leaves a puddle. It is awful as he wants to come on my balcony and sit on my chairs or cushions or .. what ever. Not to mention coming in my house to steal food. (I feed him well too as I work for a hotel and restaurant so he gets a good share of scraps.. bacon, ham, fish, ..steak)

    So I took him to the vet to see if they could determine and fix his problem she said he had no infection and could be caused by one of the cat diseases that is incurable. (Great.. just what I need a carrier of viral infections!)

    So does anyone else have any suggestions? except for this he is healthy.. no eye problems or sneezing or anything.

    I really do not want to pay to have him tested .. and consider him The cat I feed and not My cat.


  11. I live next to a "plot" of jungle..... off a busy road and today the cat was interested in something making a lot of rustling noise.. I saw the heand and thought it was a snake till I saw the whole thing...

    I never hard of a jungle tortoise!

    I tried to give it some veg but it was not interested .. I did take him close to my garden but felt bad and put him back ( 5meters away) where I found him.. really strange. We have bats/snakes/rats/random kittens that show up/ dogs etc but this?


  12. This is a very good questions and many people do care what they put in their bodies as everyone should. It is about being informed.. and making informed decisions. When I eat something unhealthy at least I am aware of it and not under some false illusion that it is healthy ..

    Most fish and oyster sauces are just sodium and chemicals. I have heard some fish sauce does not even have fish and some soy sauce does not even have soya.

    There is ..it is a brand called mega chef that does Oyster and Fish sauces with no preservatives or MSG. bah.gif . or artificial colours.


    Email them and ask them where you can find their products. The webiste is in English and Thai and when a company makes something like this I think it is so important to support them!

    also for healthy soy sauce there is an online health food store in Thailand selling an organic wheat free soy sauce


    Wow thanks man just what I was looking for :-)

    biggrin.png I know! and you are welcome!

    Also for anyone reading this check out the "ribo Rash"


    These chemicals are in Maggi soy sauce.

    When ever i See young thais with horrible acne I wonder if it is from all this chemical crp.

    For the record that flavour pack in Mama Noodles ( a Thai food staple) is loaded with MSG

    I once had a ribo rash from eating to many white chocolate Hersey things. At 3am I was stripping the bed convinced i had something from the cats. after further reaserch I realized it was a food allergy. and yes perhaps I should have not eaten so many of those oreo hershey things at work and I did know it was poised but just not how bad.

    some other good resources



    Maggi ingredients


    This is part of a ribo - disodium inosinate,

    Probably in Oyster and Fish sauce.

  13. This is a very good questions and many people do care what they put in their bodies as everyone should. It is about being informed.. and making informed decisions. When I eat something unhealthy at least I am aware of it and not under some false illusion that it is healthy ..

    Most fish and oyster sauces are just sodium and chemicals. I have heard some fish sauce does not even have fish and some soy sauce does not even have soya.

    There is ..it is a brand called mega chef that does Oyster and Fish sauces with no preservatives or MSG. bah.gif . or artificial colours.


    Email them and ask them where you can find their products. The webiste is in English and Thai and when a company makes something like this I think it is so important to support them!

    also for healthy soy sauce there is an online health food store in Thailand selling an organic wheat free soy sauce


  14. Ah spent half day today .. First immigration then I thought a quick trip to Customs

    Ended up at Thai FDA, then an appointment back at customs to meet with the big boss from THai FDA.

    Her assisant looked at my box items (which was strangely wrapped in cloth instead of paper from the sender in India - no wonder it stood out) and said well ok Just this time!

    Tax was measly 300 baht!

    There was a Korean woman too whose mother sent her Korean style top ramen, some canend fish and a few books, make up. She too had to do the THAI FDA thing and then only had 200 tax.

    Also strangely Phuket customs will not open the package without your permsion or prescence. Which is strange as Bangkok will, tax it and then send it on to PHuket which is then where you pay.

    I certainly don't think anyone there was getting their palms greased. No one offered to let me pay a certain fee to get out of going to Thai FDA..I would have gladly!

    Food is a restricted item as are supplements. They needed FDA approval. Was a slow process.. but certainly cheap!

    and I want to add very nice, very helpful and I went alone..

  15. Cut out all foods with MSG too.. Mama Noodle flavour packs for starters.

    I agree with G00dgirl could be someting in the detergent. they are really really strong here.

    I have started making my own .. (borax/washing soda/fragrance free soap)

    Even the kids laundry detergent which I use is full of frangrance (=toxic just search here is a good website http://www.naturalnews.com/001061.html )

    I agree food allergies too. avoid any artificial sweetners and colours.

  16. same situation here, i have some grass seed stuck in customs and yes its next to the immigration office (about 100m up the road actually) . i need a sanitary cirtificate from the supplier in the US then they said they will release it.

    ha, sanitary... and free from what?

    So was it a long process and did they speak English?

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