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Posts posted by Goinghomesoon

  1. Okay I just found Pansy's card with price list and phone number 02 252 7594 or 02 651 4990

    Price for a 1 hour facial is Thb 850. I think they do the blackhead squeezing thing, I generally ask for a soothing one and don't go for the extraction action.

  2. These two also have some stories & reports on Thailand - I came to the expatwomen site via one of the personal blogs listed above. Talesmag has reports on almost any major city you might consider living in, including some in Thailand. I find it interesting to read other people's opinions on places I have lived.



  3. Mac I might be going against the grain. Before I met my current partner I was a single parent for many years. It's not easy but given what you've written it sounds as though your daughter would do better with an older, caring parent than with one that threatens her and potentially uses her as a pawn in relationship struggles.

    In Thailand you should be able to set yourself up with a good meabaan to do the household stuff and concentrate on giving your daughter the best possible early years development. Just some food for thought, hope you both come through this okay.

  4. Sorry if this are basic questions, I'm not particularly computer literate.

    We are handing on current laptop to a younger family member for use at school. Have deleted all unwanted files and photos as well as unused programs and ones that won't be needed. Are there any other things we should do to clean up the system before we give it away?

    Also the laptop needs some keys fixed and a general physical cleanup. I would just walk into Pantip Plaza and find any store but if anyone has recommendations of someone who can translate computereze into plain English that would be great.

  5. Thanks Bina. I was searching for some way to describe my BF and I and I think you got it. Personally I could not have had this relationship in my 20s or early 30s. Back then I quite enjoyed the agony of all that *internal dialogue*. Maybe a certain mental maturity is required to get to the type of partnership you describe. Lucky SBK seemed to come upon her match quite early in life :o

  6. First Christmas in Bangkok. Will probably opt for a hotel buffet lunch with free flow champers or wine to keep the adults happy :o . Any suggestions on which buffet has the best selection of Christmas foods? What sort of entertainment is put on for the big kids and the little ones?

  7. My BF parents have 2 solar panels set up outside one of their houses. I guess total size at 2m x 3m. They live in an area with no power supply at all. Solar gives them enough power to run electric fans, standard wattage lights and a portable stereo. Best was that the system was *no cost*, according to BF they were one of 5 poor families in the area selected to trial the system a couple of years back.

  8. Thanks Sheryl, yes we think something happened in the recovery room at the clinic, she was sore but happy the first few days after the op (with 3 other post-op female cats for company). But for the last few days there was a yappy little dog in there as well. That seems to be when she got majorly p*ssed off.

    This cat is very funny. This morning she pulled 9 year old's homework out of her backpack and shredded it. Then made a bed of paper *crumbs* and rolled round in it purring loudly. I swear she was grinning. First time we've seen her really happy since she came home. Poor daughter. I'm sure the teacher won't believe her excuse *the cat ate my homework* but she really did!

  9. Well a little of her voice has come back but now she mainly communicates by biting, hard. Imagine a large farang with a small brown kitty wrapped around my lower leg biting down on the shin bone. Not a good look. She won't have a bar of her favourite soft toy and bed that went to the clinic with her, even though we have washed them. She's become one very stroppy little cat. Spending quality time with a cat whose main aim is to draw blood is kind of difficult.

  10. Pansy's, 20/24 Ruam Rudi Village, Soi Ruam Rudee are great (Lancome facials). I've been going there for years. It's very small and quiet but that's how I like it. Haven't got the number with me but you can find them on Google. It's 2 buildings down from the back of All Seasons Place so I love to go in there and treat myself to some window shopping afterwards.

  11. Sofitel's rooms are 2800 Thb on Wotif (3,000 on weekends) including tax & breakfast for two. They have rooms at less than 2200 Thb by booking direct on the Sofitel KK's own website.

  12. I see Blue Elephant advertised on the front of The Nation jobs section today for staff for their restaurants in Jakarta, Moscow & elsewhere. Restaurant managers/Assistants, Chefs, Receptionists & waiters/waitresses. Do they generally use all Thai staff in their overseas restaurants or is this a new change, maybe to make them more authentic?

  13. We have a very Siamese-looking cat like this <a href="http://basilisk.co.uk/siamese/copper.html" target="_blank">http://basilisk.co.uk/siamese/copper.html</a> about 10 months old that we have had since she was a tiny kitten. Like many Asian cats she has been very vocal and until recently "talked" all the time. This was not the in-heat-yowling but miaows of different tones and strengths depending on what she wanted. If you were not paying enough attention to her she would nip your ankle gently and vocalise. When I was working on the computer her favourite trick was to sit on the keyboard and "talk" into my face so I couldn't ignore her. She talked to her toys and talked to the TV. She routinely lay in front of the door and scolded any of us that tried to go out without her. She's a real character :o

    Three weeks ago we had her neutered and now our cat seems to have forgotten how to talk. She does all the same activities but literally not a squeak from her. She had a full medical check-up when she was discharge from the clinic and was given a clean bill of health.

    Would the trauma of surgery do this to an animal?

  14. Well above market rate....one woman I have known for 15 years is currently paid 17,000 p/month (7 days a week with one day off p/month) for a family with recently born preemie twins that have a lot of special needs. She speaks & reads fluent Thai & English and saves her salary so that every year she can go on a tour-group holiday somewhere like Singapore, Australia, China etc. So she is well travelled and has a sense of how the world outside Thailand operates.

    Another 2 or 3 families I know have excellent staff that they pay 12-15,000 per month. One of these expats is a single parent whose (legal) Burmese maid/cook/nanny has to run the whole household and be a defacto parent for her children as she travels frequently for work. The nanny is more successful than the mother at getting the eldest child (14) to do her homework.

    You can't compare these staff to your run-of-the-mill 4,000 baht per month girl from the provinces. It's like trying to compare a professional nanny back home to the teenage babysitter from next door.

  15. For all the negative reasons above we pay well above market rate for our maid/nanny/cook. She is older, raised five kids of her own and is trilingual (Thai, Khmer, English). She has worked for humanitarian organisations, most recently helping Cambodian migrant workers. She is educated, so can help the 9 year old with her homework. As an experienced parent she is able to take over easily when I travel for work. She generally cooks Thai but enrolled herself in Indian cooking classes because she wanted to try something new.

    That said, it was incredibly difficult to find someone who understood what I envisaged in a carer. I lucked out when someone at her organisation introduced us: she knew our helper was burning out and wanted a change of lifestyle and I was looking for someone with her qualities.

    Outside Bangkok you might have to find someone enthusiastic but inexperienced and spend lots of time training them. I did consider bringing in our Filipina nanny from a previous country to train a young Thai if necessary. Or persist in finding someone already on the circuit. If they are really good you will have to pay significantly more than you might like. Maybe think of it as investing in your child's future :o Seems to hurt my hip pocket less if I think of it that way.

  16. How exciting, congratulations. Can you post updates as the preparations are made? Would love to a fly on the wall....

    BF & I narrowly escaped a bai sri suu kwan engagement ceremony a few days ago. We both had that "deer in the headlights" look when mother told us what she had planned. That her 35 year old bachelor son had snagged himself a woman was too exciting for her! BF told her we should wait until my family visit Thailand. He neglected to mention that a trip is at least 12 months away. :o Lovely, lovely man.

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