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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. 5 hours ago, johno49 said:

    if the government monitor this forum and i guess that they do is it any wonder they want us gone and are making it harder for us to live here.

    How are they making it harder for us to live here? I have to see a government official once every 90 days. Even an old grouchy hermit like myself can tolerate that.

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  2. 45 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    I find so many post here really sad, having made the decision to live in Thailand, often marrying Thai, having children who are Thai, how can so much vitriol pour forth from so many?

    Yes there are big problems about the differences, but are they solved by spewing vitriol?

    Yes masks are very much a divide here, but surely we can all find acceptable solutions to our own problem.


    We are all in this together, we all realised we are "the other" since arriving, surely we can work throuh this together and individually to emerge better at the end ?

    Remember that approx 95% of people who become infected will recovery. We have had the benefit of education , money an previledge, but many seem to have lost empathy.

    It is the government, not the idividual Thai anger should be aimed at.






    Sorry but the vitriol, as you call it, was gushed out by a high ranking politician and it seems that Thai sheep / or goats are just following that person without any thoughts of their own. He's like the lead goat with bell on it and all the others just tagging along behind.

    And let's be honest, in a lot of Thais' thinking, we are not included in the "we." But that's okay, we can be civil; not to thrive in their "we" but for our own joy and peace of mind.


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  3. 11 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

    Sorry to read about the death what was the persons condition before this death? And the other corona cases what is their prognosis for the future will they live or die? My purpose of this email is when can I return to Thailand to visit my wife? How long is this going to go on for is Thailand going to remain locked forever <deleted> is going on? Thailand cant keep saying the sky is falling family members need answers.

    Mike, if you are a non-Thai [without a work permit or permanent residency] you will not be allowed to enter Thailand until the State of Emergency is over (30 April).  Non-Thais [with work permit or permanent residency] can enter with a health clearance certificate and insurance.

  4. 19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Team Thailand is still deciding who gets the job of announcing the whatever needs to be announced announcement, But the good General did say he was in-charge.......wait for it.......wait for it......still waiting.  However the Lottery for 1 April was canceled......that's going to <deleted> off a few.......

    Hmmm! No money left in the coffers to pay out the prizes?

  5. 51 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Topic is Covid 19. That is what it has to do with.

    WHO is praising Thailand, while POTUS is deflecting questions about the Covid 19 crisis in America.  For the Thai bashers, just one question.  Where would you rather be living?

    No, Anutin said WHO praised Thailand which is the same as Trump saying CNN said he was America's greatest President.

  6. 11 hours ago, Arkady said:

    Entry by foreigners should have been curbed early on but placing this nearly impossible restriction on Thais is rather tough. I would think that most Thai tourists travelling overseas are back home by now. So these people must be mainly workers and students whose jobs and schools are being shut down. It is also unconstitutional as the constitution gives all Thai citizens an absolute right to enter the Kingdom without exception. It may be better to test them as soon as they touch down and drag the positive ones off into isolation.


    "It is also unconstitutional as the constitution gives all Thai citizens an absolute right to enter the Kingdom without exception."

    But it is the right of every airline to refuse passage.


    "It may be better to test them as soon as they touch down and drag the positive ones off into isolation."

    Yes, that would make certain that all the positive ones were on the flight home in that cigar-shaped space (with the previously negative ones).


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  7. 16 hours ago, mick220675 said:

    I am in a small village in south Buriram. This morning the government speakers informed the locals foreigners spread corona virus and everyone needs to wash hands and not touch animals.


    Some thing is happening in Buriram. My wife is due back from a funeral soon, I may have to get her to self isolate in the shed.

    Just Anutin and his mate Newin spreading their anti-foreigner <deleted>.

  8. 6 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Read the document properly:

    Of the 5,638 PUI cases, laboratory results revealed that 3,897 cases returned negative for the COVID-19 virus, and results are pending for remaining 1,741 PUI


    "And this is only the recorded ones.. you can x 10 to x 20 that at least that arnt yet recorded... "

    That is just spreading fake news, read the document properly again:


    that among 34,399 flights, there were a total of 3,787,108 passengers screened. Among those, 247 people met the case definition criteria of patients under investigation (PUI). For the screening protocol outside the airports, 118,654 people from 786 ships were screened at sea ports between 1 January and 13 March 2020 and two people met the PUI criteria. There were 1,360,331 people screened at ground ports between 1 February to 13 March 2020. Between 30 January to 13 March 2020, a total of 104,784 people who were renewing their passports were screened at the Government Complex

    Just on flights alone thats 3,787,108 screened in 70 days

    = 54,100 per day

    = 2250 per hour

    = 37 per minute

    = approx 1 every 2 seconds


    That's pretty quick screening.

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