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dairy queen

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Posts posted by dairy queen

  1. I think all banks will give you a credit card if you have a work permit, 3 months salary slips, and whatever they deem a respectible income. This seems to range from 55k-80k+.

    I've got a KTC card, and a gold CitiBank card...

    If you're not on a work permit you can forget about entertaining the notion of getting a credit card...You wouldn't get one in UK/US, and you certainly won't here...

  2. Hi Guys,

    I got this email today from my wife. If you can help, or know anybody that can, please can you call the number below:

    My friend’s sister just given a birth but only 5 months pregnancy so the child is very small (less than 1 foot length) and need to be kept in the control temperature cabinet and need blood group O negative for medical treatment within 20 Nov 05. So whoever has O negative blood please go to donate your blood at Pramongkut hospital (King Rama The Sixth hospital -near Victory monument) and please mention the name of the child that you want to donate which is “Chonnavee Shiratori”. For more information please contact Khun Samart tel no. 01-5596097.

    เนื่องจากพี่สาวของเพื่อนเราคลอดก่อนกำหนด (อายุครรภ์เพียง 5 เดือน) เด็กเกิดมาต้องอยู่ในตู้อบ เพราะเด็กตัวเล็กมากมีความยาวไม่ถึง 1 ฟุตและต้องการเลือดกรุ๊ปโอลบ(O negative) ในการรักษา ซึ่งจะต้องการใช้ภายในวันที่ 20 พ.ย. 48 นี้ ขอความกรุณาบริจาคเลือดที่ สถาบันพยาธิ รพ.พระมงกุฎ โดยแจ้งความประสงค์บริจาคเลือดให้ “ด.ช.ชนวีร์ ชิราโตริ” ถ้าต้องการขอรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมกรุณาติดต่อ คุณสามารถ โทร. 01-5596097



    Thanks everyone…Please forward this if you think a friend has the right blood…This is a real request, it’s not made up…

  3. Does anyone know any good proxy servers? I need to go through a proxy server to use some software.... Not to look for porn if that's what you're thinking...!

    Would really appreciate someones help.


  4. Cheers Lopburri3,

    Again very grateful for you help. Just got back from KL and have my shiny new non-b...now to get the re-entry visa!

    Was cool trip to KL - seriously rocking city, the Malaysians have done great things with KL! To anyone else reading this, I strongly advise a trip to KL if you need a visa...good food, good hotels, great shopping, good fun...

    Cheers again!

  5. Actually...one more question comes to mind...would I be able to do the same thing if i had a single entry Non-B visa... I know this sounds stupid as single entry probably means just that...but just to check!

    And...I get the re-entry permit from immigration on soi suan plu - is that right?

    Cheers again for putting up with my stupid questions!

  6. I'm not sure if I understand the process or not! I am going to KL tomorrow to get my non-b visa (i have all the necessary documentation). Obviously I will apply for a work permit when I get back to Bangkok, however I was invited today to go to Cambodia to see Ankor Wat in very early April, just before Song Kran. If i get a multiple re-entry non-B will I be ok to come back without them cancelling my visa as I prpbably won't be in be in the process of applying for a work permit by then, and definitely won't have a work permit by then?!

    If anyone has any idea I would be eternally grateful if you could put my mind at rest.

    Cheers :o

  7. By the way, if you are reading this Gfunk look at the avatar and take note you petty little ######@#G pri@K. If you're going to make further rude, offensive and stupid comments you don't need to send them by PM, you can put them on the board in the public domain for others to see what a fuc#ing idiot you are....
  8. There are a couple of restaurants I liked when i was living in BKK; there was MaBeBa a prmarily Italian restaurant which if i remember rightly is in Lang Suan and Sorento which has some very nice, fairly resonably priced Italian food in an old colonial house on Sathorn Road (very near to the Bank Thai building). Definitely a nice place to take the GF/Wife.

    I personally also liked the food at the Irish Pub Shenannigans on convent...when i missed the UK (i lived in BKK for 3.5 years) i'd go in there and have some good grub (IMHO) and a couple of pints of guiness (apparently was brewed in Malaysia?!) and feel misty.

    For good quality cheap Italian food there is a chain called "Pasta Charlies" (the only one i went to though was in Central Rama 3) and it is very good...Charlie the owner, is a good guy and kept on offering myself and friends free cake after our meals there!

    Before i go and have anoter beer...if you haven't been to the Fuji chains (best one is in SCB Park Plaza) or the Oishi chains (again, the best one is on Phaholytin Road nearby) i recommend them. Eating Japanese in London is financially crippling...but in BKK is sooooo cheap! The Oishi buffet is all you can eat which is cool if you're hungry...i always used to have that and then snooze in the cinema round the corner with the GF! Good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.....

    If i can remember any more good restaurants i'll post them

  9. I have never read such utter rubbish. You obviously can't have met many Thais, or been hanging around the bars for too long to make such ridiculous statements G-Funk. There are undoubtedly a lot of uneducated Thais out there, but to call them stupid is really not fair. The elite of the country are far from stupid and they are pretty much all educated in the top institutions of the UK and the US and are generally very erudite people. You may think that the man on the street is stupid, but they look at things from a different viewpoint from yourself and that causes the many cultural misunderstanding that occur. As for the people that work in restaurants etc, I know dealing with them can be VERY frustrating, however if you were paid the pittence they get would you give a <deleted>? I didn't think so...

    Anyway i feel this is a troll thread anyway and i've got better thing to do...

    The only thing i can say to you is to meet a wider crowd of people and you many be surprised....

  10. Hey there Dr. P.P

    Iam not exactly qualified teacher as i do not have a PGCE or a BED, however i worked in BKK for 3.5 years mostly teaching English. I wouldn't really consider myself an entrepreneur as of yet as the only business i have done on my own is selling and runing a few EFL/training courses to some companies in Bangkok (the most recognizable is Internet Thailand). I will be setting up the business with my girlfriend (she'll be my wife in the not too distant future) in her hometown outside Bangkok. There is a big market there, and only one other school run by a Thai teacher. Her family are very well connected in the town/area so that will smooth over a lot of issues. Added to that they own a lot of property in the area which sorts out the premises issue. It'll certainly be an experience...obviously there are risks associated with the venture, however i'm relatively young (26), so the way i see it i should take them now rather than later.

    If you've got any advice (or anybody else reading this thread) please post it as i would be grateful.

    (P.S. I'm sure there are mistakes in this post but i'm too lazy to check...been working all day and the nightcap is starting to kick in!)

  11. Dear All,

    I've been reading through this forum for a while and found it a helpful resource to answer some of the questions i've had whilst in Thailand. Now i have a specific question i hope someone or even better, some people can help answer!

    I've been thinking about setting up a language school for a while and i've done a lot of research into the process of setting up businesses in Thailand and the language school business itself (i used to work within it for a number of years). I have a question i can't find the answer to, what are the requirements to get a language school certified by the Ministry of Education? Does anybody have a link to the information?

    One major question i have is: Is there any sort of minimum educational requirement/qualifications for the people involved in setting up the business?

    Just to give a bit of a background, the school would focus on adult's and children's classes with corporate classes later on. The school would also operate outside of Bangkok.

    Thanks for your help!


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