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Posts posted by GreenSnapper

  1. Why would anybody waste energy and time dispising and hating thousands of people they do not even know.........it would appear some hate the concept of older men with younger partners.........why?

    The younger Alpha guys don't care - they have the hotties themselves.

    It's always the younger Betas. These have some difficulties to get a woman at all, take a long time of "courting" and their women are rarely above a 7 in looks. These betas are often the "white knight" types, who believe they must protect women from the evil. Evil, in their eyes, are the Alpha "jerks" and the older men with hotter women who they believe "don't deserve it".

    That's where the hate and bitterness come from: a combination of envy and lack of self esteem.

  2. Bangkok taxis are very cheap, even compared to poorer neighbouring countries.

    What is annoying:

    * drivers are the rudest people you can find in Thailand. Not all, but many.

    * drivers don't have any clue where to go

    * drivers don't take you when not in mood

    * drivers take you only for fixed price at certain times/places (RCA at 2am)

    * crazy driving.

    * when it's heavily raining, no taxis to be found or only fixed price scam.

    What is annoying about busses:

    * many go off their normal route and nobody tells you.

    * many don't stop to pick up passengers when driver is not in mood

    * many don't wait to let passengers enter or exit

    * there is no correct bus route/time information anywhere. A ridiculous website from BMTA was programmed by a 8 years old child supposedly.

    * even the information at bus stops is often wrong or outdated.

    Third world standards, but at least in this case we have third world prices.

  3. One doesn't need to have money to get women in the West.

    Are you sure?

    Have you tried it?

    Well, he is partially right: you can easily bang them for free.

    But when in a relationship, the typical Western female thinking pattern is: "his money is our money and my money is my money". And in case of a divorce men get fleeced like hell.

    So get the free part from Western women and marry the Eastern - that's what is called optimized financial planning.

  4. Should I stick it out or just call it quits? I don't want to waste her time

    Have you ever seen a woman who would worry if she wastes your time?

    So stop that white-knight attitude and act accordingly.

    You are young and will probably have many options in the future. So have fun with her but at all costs, don't marry her!

  5. I think you wrong on the one detail,when the Thai call you farang kee nok it because bird shit is white and fall from the sky just like when you fall from plane and land in thailand

    another think...I always to eat lot of cheap food on street and no person call me the kee niow name.maybe your clothes are old and make you to look poor :lol:

    He read in Lonely Planet that you must haggle everywhere. So he tries to get the noodles for 20 Baht instead of 30.

  6. OK, so the stewardesses are fake.

    But how about the pilots?

    "All my life I had this strong feeling I must be a pilot. But when I was a boy, people laughed at me when I wore that pilot's hat", said the busdriver.

    "But PC Air no longer discriminates against busdrivers. A dream comes true, busdriverphobia will end soon!"

    "Today, we are ready to embark on the new journey and we would like to introduce our four busdriver pilots," PC Air president Peter Can told the passengers before take off.

  7. Give us a review here, once you got your Lumia!

    Will do some time next week.

    Just realized it's micro sim so now need to find cutter to my cards and adapters to use the cut cards in other phones...

    Ouch... Micro SIM would be a deal killer for me.

    And @OP: the Nokia 603 is also Micro SIM, while the 701 is normal SIM. In case it matters.

  8. The OP has not stated a requirement for a penta-band 3G radio, just one which supports 3G/850 Mhz.

    The OP had exactly the problem most users of Android phones in Thailand have: their phones are limited and cannot be used with all providers, even worse: cannot be used with 3G abroad. Therefore you need a phone which supports at least quad-band. If you travel to US you need pentaband.

    That's why it would be nonsense for the OP to buy another phone which supports 850 MHz, and will have the same problem later again.

    But you still owe me an answer, Lomatopo: which Android of around 10K Baht can fulfill this simple requirement?

    Any Android phone running 2.2 can support Mobile AP. Clearly the OS is a significant factor in this discussion?

    Wrong again. Only those Android phones with the proper WLAN-chip can support a full mobile access point. Android supports this feature since about 1 year ago, before there was no way to tether to an Android phone at all.

    Neither the Nokia 603 or 701 support Mobile AP; by using 3rd party software they do allow for Ad Hoc WLAN connection sharing.

    Wrong again.

    Actually almost all but the cheapest Nokia phones support Mobile AP. It is built in the Symbian OS. Why do you always need to give out false information, Lomatopo, even if you were corrected about that in the past?

    For many years, Nokia phones allow to tether via Bluetooth or Wifi. Depending on the built in Hardware. Wifi tethering is solved by adhoc-Wifi, which is not a full Hotspot as your home router delivers. It is fully sufficient for the use it was designed for.

    Adhoc-WLAN is supported by:


    Mac OS




    Adhoc-WLAN is not supported by:


    The hack to enable Adhoc WLAN I posted above, is working on some Android devices, but not all. It does not work on some Galaxy Tabs.

    Enabling Ad Hoc WLAN on the Samsung Tablet is quite easy and straight-forward; just find the proper ad-hoc supplicant file, add it to system/bin, then long-press.

    Not easy for the average user. Do you really believe, everybody will root their devices, install busybox and enter shell commands to enable a simple feature? My god.....

    And to complicate things even more: the hack posted above works with Galaxy Tab 7-3G, but not the similar Galaxy-Tab-wifi.

    Offering alternative solutions hardly seems trollish? But I understand that are still many Nokia devotees who easily take umbrage at any remarks deemed negative.

    Snide remarks and giving out plain wrong information is the trollish part.

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