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Posts posted by GreenSnapper

  1. You get a better exchange rate on Travelers Cheques compared to cash ?

    No. Money changers like Superrich give better rates and no commission.

    TCs are quite a thing of the past. Don't bother with it.

    I dont know about that....


    Note the buying TT rate....yes only a small difference but adds up on large amounts.

    The rate of SuperRich is constantly better than the TT rate of Thai banks.

  2. slightly more accurate would be to take an avearge salary of unskilled and uneducated Issan females aged 18 to 30 years in Pattaya/Chonburi and use that as a guide, my instinct tells me that THB 10/12k is probably about right.

    That salary does not include overtime, even if short.

  3. Girls, food, weather.... the obvious.

    But what hasn't been mentioned so far is:

    Thailand gives you long term visas with ease and little hassles. Contrary to what is believed here at TV. My annual extension just takes 30 minutes.

    And Thailand does not rip you off by taxes. It is actually a tax paradise, despite expensive imports.

    The latter must be taken into account when you compare costs of living here and back home.

  4. You need to remember that nearly a quarter of all Thaivisa members are U.S. dollar millionaires

    Not very difficult, if you consider the net worth of a pension.

    If an expat has the minimum pension for retirement visa of 65000 Bt/ approx 2000$/month and he lives 25 years, this pension alone has a net worth of 600,000$.

    Sell your house at home and have some modest savings and you have a Million.

    While probably some people in this "Poll" have just made some fun (25% seems high), I'm quite sure 10% of TV members or Thai expats do have these funds.

    A millionaire isn't what it used to be.

  5. Jing, here's the small jar brand I think you're thinking of above.... I don't think it's 100% PB as best as I recall, but is better in terms of being natural than the regular commercial stuff. I've seen it from time to time at both Central and Villa Markets, though right now might be problematic. 69 baht (or less on sale) for 200g, last time I looked.


    I can recommend this. Natural, cheap and tasty.

  6. Gotta' love Megyn Kelly calling pepper spray a "food product". :whistling:


    While still leading in the ratings FNC's ratings are on a significant downward trend. Some theorize that people eventually get sick of the bias, negativity and doom & gloom, the last of which did Glenn Beck in.

    There is a downward trend of all main stream media.

    Be it extremists like Fox or the lies of the politically correct "liberal" media.

    The future is in the internet. 90% there is BS too, but you can find good and unbiased information about almost anything if you make some efforts.

  7. I have never met many Farangs that have no knowledge of the bar scene, have never paid for sex, are all married to professional independently wealthy Thai women 20 - 30 years their junior, yet on this forum it seems to be the norm !

    What singles out ThaiVisa members for preferential treatment when it comes to eductated Thai women from powerful influential families, why are these women so attracted to these men, what is the secret ??

    Or do people on anonymous forums tell lies ? :)

    Maybe you are reading impaired.

    Many people here at Thaivisa discuss openly that they have a BG as wife or GF. It is just one part of the reality. Others don't have BGs.

    And there are lots of educated Thai women with farang BF/husband.

    The world is diverse.

  8. Watch for their classic tactic of saying SOME PEOPLE SAY constantly. Such as -- some people say Obama supports man-dog marriage. Never say who said it. Its always the Fox News fiction writers.

    Good observation!

    The liberal media equivalent, though, is "activists said that...."

    Same BS, different agenda.

  9. :jap:

    Your friends are all NUTS do they do this with a girlfriend in their own country?

    I used to have girlfriends in my own country and depending upon who was working or not working at the time we did take care of eachother financially.

    Just google "paul mccartney divorce" and you will learn what a live-in GF can cost in the West.

  10. The point of the thread isn't to whine...

    The point of the thread is to educate everyone, such as the OP, that the rules for bank cards here aren't the same as in some people's home countries...

    Yes, John, it is correct to warn people here about the facts. But the thread is repeating over and over the same "but in my home country...." arguments.

    We have to accept that it is how it is. In general, our legal situation is weak here in Thailand. Even if you are "right" about a certain case, do you really want to fight at Thai courts?

    Better take precautions - not only about bank cards, but about everything you do here and which may involve financial losses.

  11. Come on guys, this is Thailand and not a Nanny State, where the government makes a million laws and guarantees for everything.

    The deal you signed is easy: we give you an account and card, and you take care of it yourself.

    So why not just follow it? Thailand will not be the USA or Europe. And that is good so.

    It is like walking on the footpath. Here a motorbike may run over you. So you have to be careful. As long you are aware of it, nothing may happen. But if you think "it is against the law and in my homecountry it never happens", then you may come into serious trouble.

    I don't do POS transactions here. I carry my card only when I need cash from ATM. I use only ATMs from inside a bank. I don't have my life savings on my KBank account.

    Easy to follow rules. Just do it and stop whining. Nothing will change here and we chose to live here.

  12. Let me ask little Snapper Boy two questions:

    1. are you the best in Thailand at what you do?

    2. are you at the top of your chosen profession / are you considered a leader in your profession?

    If you can answer yes to both questions, contact me privately and be prepared to prove it. After that, I will prove why I too can answer yes.

    If you can't do this ............ drop the Alpha-Beta nonsense, keep your anonymity, and accept that an Alpha here on Thaivisa is laughing at you.

    Seems I hit a nerve here.

    Being easily upset is another typical Beta trait.

    Women hate it, and Thai women in particular.

    There is nothing wrong being beta. But Betas have provider status. Women will cheat on them if they have a chance. And/or will divorce, as it is common in the West because of the high beta rate of men.

    As long men don't understand the basics of relationships and female psychology, they will lose in the end. If you want a successful relationship, with Thai or other women, get rid of the most typical beta behaviours.

  13. I went to look at a condo a few months ago. I think it was 140SM 3BR/2BR. Nice size I thought. But, it was an "L" shaped condo with a full wrap around balcony. The balcony on the side was about 1.5 meters wide and in front was almost 3M. Huge! And it was included in the 140SM sizing. The bedrooms were really small and the combined kitchen/living room was not that large either. Lesson learned!

    Yes, this is Thai condo size calculation. Some even include the parking space for the car.

    Rule of thumb: always subtract 10% from the official size and you get the real living space.

  14. Thai women DO want:

    1. a farang who is tall.

    2. a farang who is educated.

    3, a farang who is clean and well dressed.

    4. a farang who speaks some Thai -- the more the better!

    5. a farang who enjoys Thai food.

    6. a farang who is well mannered and polite.

    7. a farang who is faithful, caring and loving.

    Thai women do NOT want:

    1. a farang who is overweight.

    2. a farang who is more than 15 years older than herself.

    3. a farang who drinks and smokes.

    4. a farang who has tattoos.

    5. a farang who disrespects Thai culture.

    6. a farang who is ill at ease with Thai men.

    7. a farang who dislikes children.

    8. a farang who gambles.

    9. a farang who appears to be a playboy.

    10. a farang who might be considered "farang baa" or "farang kee-nok" or "farang nee-sai mai dee".

    This is the list Thai women want you to think they want (this is the list any woman wants you to think they want). But it does miss the "provider" status which I would put as a precondition. These points after that.

    One more point:

    Thai women don't want a Beta male. Like PataniMan.

    Beta males only have provider status, but are disrespected otherwise.

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