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Posts posted by GreenSnapper

  1. Everybody agrees. Women always marry for money - which is why you see so many ordinary couples in the West with an old man and a far younger woman.

    You assume marrying up must always mean a young woman and older man? And "always marry for money"? Well I see your tactic here - exaggerate in order to ridicule a social pattern that rankles you.

    Women do tend to marry up. Money is the proxy for "safety and protection" - through history, man has always been the provider. Nature hasn't made men want women as a protector and provider - men want women more for sex and procreation. I know your little PC siren is spinning around in your head now and you're going to talk about my knuckles dragging across the floor in your next comment, but I'm just describing the baser instincts and differences between men and women and what they want from relationships. Above those base instincts, we all look for personality, character etc - but to deny preconditions is to be dishonest. I'm not saying all relationships by the way - but if you took a typical relationship, I think my description would fit pretty well.

    In the West, about 90% of women marry up.

    It is part of their genetic program, same as it is part of a man's genetic program to marry young women.

  2. I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

    Mine was a housewife, I earned all the money, I did half the housework after I came home from work, I did all the DIY and car repairs.

    She dumped me for an older man.

    Textbook scene.

    You have been the nice man who did everything she wanted.

    Unfortunately, this is super beta behaviour and women seek for alphas. That's why she dumped you. The new man is probably an a*hole and lets her do all housework and more. That's what you should have done from the beginning.

  3. So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

    Precisely how insecure are you?

    Pricisely, you find yourself in his description?

  4. Im constantly seeing people (myself inc) being slandered by others on tv about getting involved with an x bar girl or a poor farm girl, my wife is both

    Congratulations for your honesty and the balls you show here.

    Ignore the Betas who attack you. They obviously get only lame vanilla sex Saturday night, unaware of the gangbang parties their woman had at college with the Alphas. :)

    And remember: 50% of proper Western marriages end in divorce. You need to be only slightly better to outperform them all. Be dominant and don't take crap - the best recipe in handling women.

  5. Air Asia could polish up its image by having a more "customer friendly" booking site. It purposely zig zags you through extra costs and you have to make sure you carefully, read the pop-ups in order to NOT get charged for : checked in baggage; insurance; upgraded seating... and yes, one is still charged a booking fee for selecting their seat though there is no other choice. Nok Air has an easier, quicker booking system so I go with them when it is a domestic flight. I will book a flight on Air Asia only when I have a good 30 minutes to slowly tip-toe through its tricky booking procedure. The prices ARE usually cheaper than other airlines.

    Use the mobile booking site. Much easier and no scam with "insurance".

  6. Let's not forget that some Thai women -- IF GIVEN SUFFICIENT CONTROL OVER THE RELATIONSHIP -- can be equally nasty and controlling and vindictive. Some Thai women will happily break up families in their quest for a "better life". They will use children as pawns. They will restrict, or attempt to cut off completely, the father's access to his children.

    In all honesty, I never encountered in the West the levels of spite and manipulation that I've encountered from women here in Thailand.

    All of you have heard the numerous horror stories about foreign men being fleeced and totally screwed.

    Yes it happens here too - but there are differences.

    The fleecing of men in Thailand occurs mostly by bar girls or low class girls. It is often the insecure beta male who gets fleeced.

    This can easily be avoided by following some simple rules.

    In the West, the fleecing is not limited to the red light district. It is part of the "modern" feminized society. Women are told that they "deserve it" to gain the assets of men. A huge industry of judges, lawyers, authors .... promote divorce and help the women to get the maximum out of a man.

    Once married, a man can hardly avoid the fleecing, the whole legal system is against him. There are thousands of suicides each year where the reason is "divorce" and the subsequent economic ruin of men.

    In Thailand, or Asia in general, you have a tremendous advantage compared to the West: there is no or only little misandry. Women don't hate men, and women are not educated to hate men.

    The strong family ties are another advantage. Once a man is considered part of the family, and not just an ATM, he will have the same privileges as other family members. She will be loyal to him, as long he is loyal to her.

    Very different to the West, where women have all sorts of rights, but no obligations or duties.

  7. As far as I know woman with child gets house + 50% of everything else.

    As the house is often most of everything in the first place, the 50% of everything else doesn't make much difference to the mans loss.

    For men living in the west the first rule must be never let a woman move in, don't let her into your home, if she doesn't have her own house, don't date her.

    If she has never lived there, accusations of violence won't lose you your home.

    The divorce industry in the UK is even more extreme than in other countries in Europe.

    But actually, the reason why in almost all cases women fleece man in divorce is the fact, that women marry upwards. Almost never downwards. That makes them automatically the recipient of a man's assets.

    And in the few cases where a woman is forced to pay alimony, she just refuses and makes a runner (80% in Germany).

    Another divorce trick is abusing children: in almost all cases the women will be the sole "owner" of the child (sole custody). If the father wants to have contact to his children, he must pay. Otherwise she will use the "abuse"-trick and he will never see his children again.

    All this is exactly documented in the many "handbooks for divorce", published by state/feminist organisations. I recommend every man to read those books.

    That's why in the West, a man should never marry and never live together with a woman. The system of misandry will otherwise destroy him.

  8. Let's be honest - there are many horrendous people of every nationality here.

    No nationality can 'claim the prize', and things change over time. Nowadays its the Russians that generally get the blame!

    Yes it's funny how some people pick on one race, especially when most of the said countries have very different dialects and attitude from north to south.

    The guest houses in our little village aways complain about the French.:blink:

    The Ruskies I have met have been very nice people, I guess every country has it's uncouth thugs.

    That's to say I do get complaints from Thais because of my English reserve. :D

    Last time in Pattaya i stayed in a hotel almost 100% used by Russians.

    Nothing to complain about. Nice and sexy ladies. Would have been much worse with Western tourists.

  9. Facts aren't based on what you experience directly yourself, but they are conclusions based on evidence collected by a number of people. I've never been to Russia, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Unless I'm living in some conspiracy to make me believe Russia exists (when it doesn't), I'll simply believe the collective experiences of others.

    What's happening here is cognitive dissonance. Your preconceptions of domestic violence are being questioned and you're in the phase of confusion - it's hard to let go of preconceptions.

    More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male - Guardian.


    What we see above is the typical feminist denial tactics: victims can only be women. Unfortunately, these views are cemented now in Westerm legal systems.

    Talking about personal experiences, I know of several guys here in TH who had very severe attacks by knives and other weapons.

    Same in the West. If you are not the typical submissive beta male, you can be almost sure to have experienced attacks by women over the years. Throwing things at you, throwing you down the stairs ( or trying to), painful bruises or even broken bones - it is very common.

    You are just not assumed to talk about it. And you cannot defend yourself against it, because "men don't beat women". And if you do, you are guilty.

  10. Do you think a Thai would pay if the waiter screwed up ?

    Yes, they would, and they do all the time. Aversion to confrontation. I know, it baffles me too. huh.gif

    GF never pays when they f'up things. Actually she gets more upset than I do in such cases.

  11. A few months ago I went to the KSR area and was surprised that the old wooden GH I stayed in 1984 was still existing. Nothing seems to have changed there, maybe even the mattresses were the same.

    Just out of curiosity I asked the prices, 150 Bt for a small mosquito infested room, 200 Bt for a bigger, mosquito infested room. No a/c, only fan.

    At that time, we didn't drink beer, as it was too expensive. Just Mekong Whisky with Coke.

    And I was not aware of bar fines either. Chicks were free then. But that hasn't changed very much either :)

  12. To those of you who witter on about domestic violence in the UK

    I tried to report domestic violence against me (a man) in the UK to the police, the desk sergeant laughed at me and suggested i grow a set of balls.

    If a woman had reported the same circumstances, I would suggest the outcome would have been different.

    In the UK institutional misandry is the norm, men are always guilty, women are always innocent.

    Hence the biased statistics on domestic violence in the UK.

    Even worse in Germany.

    A woman can claim "domestic abuse" and the police will immediately throw a man out of his own house or apartment. The police is ordered not to check if the woman's claim is valid or not. Even in deepest winter, men find themselves in the middle of the night on the street - just because a woman orders so. You are lucky if she gives you the time to pack your credit card.

    Most of the West is now on this level of misandry.

  13. Be glad that you just rent and did not buy.

    Everything here is cheaply built on lowest standards. Despite the high prices.

    And "noise" is something Thais grow up with. If the aircon would be silent, it would be dogs or a nearby Karaoke or temple which keep you from sleeping.

    Earplugs are the best solution. I consider them a necessity in most of Asia.

  14. In Thailand at least, I'm fairly sure that the women hit the men just as much as the men hit the women.

    It is a different society (more primitive maybe) where violence in relationships is accepted (from either party).

    Watch a Thai soap opera with all the screaming abusive women, constantly beating up men. Then remember the many cases of male organs being cut and fed to the dogs.

    Female domestic violence is at least as common as violence of males. And that is not only the case in Thailand, but all over the world.

    Feminists and their followers have successfully implemented the idea that males are violent and females are not. It is one of the big lies of modern misandry.

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