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Posts posted by peperobi

  1. 7 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

    Damage from tourists?  Are they out of their minds. What about all the trash that is washed up daily on the beaches of the main land and southern Islands like Samui.  95% of this crap comes from the fishing boats and locals.  EDUCATION IS NEEDED NOW!!!

    Even all the pipes that drop all the shit from many hotels directly to the sea...

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  2. 22 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

    "Under control" - surely an oxymoron!


    If, by any means a stretch of the imagination, it was under control the authorities would still have no idea or will to improve the situation. Seemingly bereft of any critical thinking. Same same as all the other major problems.

    Do not forget...BURNING IS FORBIDDEN BY LAW TILL 31/03/2018....

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