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Posts posted by peperobi

  1. 15 hours ago, peperobi said:

    I do really not understand, you writing always only about Bangkok, have a look around, nationwide is that a big problem, in our place in the morning you can't see the sun only the bright of...

    About air situation...here some pics from the village where I live. The pics are from today 7 am.





  2. Why always must be a "Farang", every company in Thailand have to be 51% in Thai hands. I saw during my time in Thailand much Thai property with similar things and none has ever complained about. So Thai can do "Farangs " not.... Years ago one guy ("Farang") in Koh Phangan public one picture about his property for sale in a magazine on the pic was the Buddha head to see, the indignation was immense, all the copies of the magazine have to be destroyed and the guy must pay a very high fine.

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