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Posts posted by peperobi

  1. After 22 years of Samui I decide to leave the island because of the rubbish and many other things else.


    1. The incinerator has never worked, when was building it was too big for the rubbish amount, after too small, I suspect that the necessary equipment was never installed.

    2. Is much easier to let the rubbish on the road than collect it.

    3. someone become a billionaire with the rubbish on Samui.

    4 result; Samui is now the rubbish island...

  2. The Thai traffic law is a no ending soap opera, our children must driving to school with very insecure cars (minivan, pick up and trucks), the family can't carry the children in the back seat of their two doors pickups.

    Many families here in Thailand pay 6 and more years for the car and now they realize that are obligated to change it, HOW?

    Do you like to reduce the carnage on Thai roads? Take out all those peoples that driving without driving licence, all the drunk and under drugs peoples, all the children that driving around with papas motorbike and finally all the trucks drivers that in the night time driving 110 km/h and more over the highway.

    In case you do not know what is FEAR, driving by night on the next highway.

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