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Posts posted by howtoescape

  1. did I miss something or why they didnt list ENGLAND's games ? :o

    Because a corrupt beaucratic regime called the FA who collectively couldnt pour piss out of a wellington boot if the instructions were on the heal, paid a arrogant talentless waste of space 5 million quid a year to pick the best players and he didnt really know who they were, then one cold night in November he made the biggest <deleted> up of his career by choosing an inexperience 21 yo goalkeeper who got stage fright and let in some sitters. And for this failure he got a 5 million pound pay off as he didnt have the decency to admit failure and resign.

  2. i think someday there will be casinos in thailand..what does everyone else think.

    There is already so long as you know the right or should that be wrong people.

    The governing powers that be know they can personally make billions so from that point of view i think it will happen in time.

  3. This girl sounds like a scamming money grabber who has been scammed, is it a bar you own where this girl works?

    We were all young and stupid once. She is quite a nice lady and a very hard worker. I can't fault her for trying to make a few extra dollars this way. Lord know when I was a kid I did some dumb things.

    No sir, I don't own a bar. You couldn't pay me enough to even attempt to run a bar.

    Fair play if you say she's a good girl and works hard i'll believe you, but the certain people that would happily see a man thrown into jail for such a minor crime deserve a brick in the face.

    Im sure this could be quite easily resolved without gettting people into bother with the establishment no matter how silly theyve been.

  4. Like i said before i am an anti smoker who thinks people should be free to smoke where they wish, if you do it infront of me i promise to go on and on and on about your filthy disgusting habit thatll make you impotent, as it is my "free" right to do so.

    But here are a few ideas to help you kill yourselves quicker

    Maybe you smokers should open a bar with a tobacconist shop selling cigars.-


    Or how about an bar with an embassy


    Maybe you could open a theatre in your bar -


    This one is my favourite as it demeans police and council workers -


    I was stood on an open air train station platform 2 weeks ago and the announcemount came on the loud seaker that smoking is prohibited and any prole disobeying our leader will be taken away for re-educating. Whilst this is a slight exaggeration of what was said, i certainly felt as if we had reached Orwells 1984 state upon hearing the announcement.

    PS The Londoner is sh7t anyway, you deserve not to be allowed to smoke there for going there in the first place.

  5. Completely agree with all of this, except that bit about luck. Luck has nothing to do with it. It's about application, perseverance, and getting on with it.

    For many people in the UK timing has everything to do with how they gained their wealth, as the guy who bought in London on a single salary wouldnt be able to do so now on a similar wage, especially as mortgage companies are now looking for a 25% deposit. Most people bought for somewhere to live back then and have got lucky with the government capping house building, mass immigration and the amount of credit available, which has boosted the property market to unaffordable levels.

    With the East European i know, he came to London a few years before certain E European were accepted into the EU, but there was a basic scam to get low skilled into the country, he wouldnt have been able to do that business 10 years ago, hence timing again.

    The other year i was earning and spending a fortune it wasnt due to my super intelligence more due to the overseas property market booming.

    IMO for many luck and timing are major factors in making easy money.

  6. Ya I'd say sianokville would be an ok place to hang... it's cheap,good food,the nothern beaches are ok. The Cambodians are less sofisticated criminals than the Thai's,,, mostly cheating and stealing,,,not to violent the chicks aren't as good looking as thai's , but there nicer people..... so far.... same in loas...... ask me again :o in 10 years

    Exactly what i found in Cambodia, the people are definitely more genuine then Thais but just arent as much fun.

    IMO if there was somewhere else that offered everything Thailand does we would all know about it and be there all the time.

    Has anyone ventured into Burma, if they go the China - Vietnam form of communism route then theyll be opening up to the rest of the world very soon.

  7. Echoing retiredusn's comments and presuming her spouse is still active duty, she can create a giant thunderstorm of problems for him and his fraudulent marriage plans (marrying her and not supporting her in the manner described is fraud)...

    Have her contact the American Embassy in Bangkok.

    Id call it an underpaid soldier playing the system, good luck to him scamming the government.

    This girl sounds like a scamming money grabber who has been scammed, is it a bar you own where this girl works?

  8. I've got Wegners disease, so I didn't see it. :o

    I must have had a dose of that as for the 2nd 45 minutes of last nights game i didnt see Steven Gerrard at all.

    For the good of football i hope Arsenal get through, <<< even though i detest it when people say crap like that.

  9. Wat Pho, Temple of the Reclining Buddha

    klong, long tail ride - river toure of Bangkok

    Siam Niramit (cultural show)

    Night Market

    Thanks, the Siam Niramit show could be up their street.

    Are there any major events for Songkran Festival next Friday onwards?

  10. Well at least you've been benefiting from all our tax money. :o

    As far as the smoking/bars debate goes, I think freedom of choice is the answer. If a bar wants to be non smoking it can, and if it wants to be smoking that should be fine also. There's plenty enough of bars to go around to support both groups.

    Agree with that 100%.

    Also agree and im someone that hates cigarettes with a passion, id sooner they stopped people being blind drunk in bars, ive never had any fear of someone who smoked too many tabs.


  11. My parents who are 60 arrive in BKK next week for there first visit to LOS, they are staying in BKK for 3 nights before flying to Samui and have asked my advice on what to do in BKK

    I have given them directions to a few nice seafood street restaurants scattered around central BKK and after that i am all out of ideas.

    The Royal Palace may be of interest but IMO is boring, ive told them about the crocodile farm and the floating market, and the Katoey show at the Asia Hotel.

    But if anyone has any good suggestions my old man would more then appreciate it.

    They are staying at the Landmark so i have also said Nana Plaza will be good for a few drinks.

  12. Wednesday's still seem to be a big party at Londoner's. The bar allows smoking and drinking out on the patio. The smoking patrons took the party outside when I was there. I personally stopped going to those bars for one reason....price. Tourists can pay western prices for food and drink, but locals take their money elsewhere. The price increases in tourist areas have gotten ridiculous.

    I went into the Londoner for something to eat in January looked at the prices on the boards and walked straight back out again, the prices were more expensive then many pubs in England, i also hear that the foods as bad as British pub grub.

  13. On the plus side of Thai service if you ever go to the dentist for a few hours worth of treatment you got a selection of young beautiful size 6-8s running around looking after you, almost making going to the dentist a pleasureable experience.

    Is it the same in hospitals as there is bound to be some treatment i need?

    IMO sales people are far more pushy now then 8 years go when i first visited.

  14. Just watched the Liverpool - Everton game on Match of the Day, the cameraman prior to the start of the game zoomed onto a banner in the Everton end which said "Liverpool fans welcome to Merseyside" have that you cockney/taffy/mick b......ds.

  15. Samuian I signed a East European into the UK 5 years ago he does the exact same thing as livinginlos did and has made several million sterling in 4 years of running this business though he has 50-100 staff at a time, the first year he was working for minimum wage as a labourer on building sites.

    However he did have a lot of very rich East European contacts in London who were developing property, which does show who you know more then helps.

    Get as much credit from the banks then bankruptcy is not a bad little earner if you need quickly at least you wont go to jail this way.

    Im starting a business in the next 3 months that will either lose me 5k GBP or make 100k-200k GBP in a year, i will be studying something else at the same time as a safety net.

  16. This is a topic I've discussed many times with acquaintances the last couple years. Even individuals with modest incomes can accumulate wealth over time if they save 15-20% of their income. I took a different approach into my early 30s. I worked extremely hard for a few years and then took off a few years and played hard. I repeated this cycle many times and had some great times traveling the world.

    At the end of my last cycle, I realized that this model wouldn't work into my old age. I was 34 and newly wed. I had only 10k US dollars in the bank. Now I've been working my arse off for 6 years and playing catchup.

    My advise would be to set a financial goal and don't get sidetracked. It's boring, but it works. Sht happens along the way and it isn't easy. I've wanted to quit the rat race a few times, but now I've surpassed my goals and will soon be living the carefree life I've lived in the past.

    Youre the American version of me only im several years younger, Ive a better nest egg in the bank to begin with to when you started, but im starting new more sensible ventures and will be where you are in several years. Im not looking forward to the part of having to cut down on my 3-6 month holidays though.

  17. From reading the entire thread is say youve been given some very good advice, but you seem to be too arrogant to take anything on board.

    What i dont understand is why in your original post you didnt say i only want people that fully agree with me and are going to tell me i have unique wondeful ideas, i am thinking so far outside the box and will undoubtably succeed.

    If youre such a great salesman you should be able to turn your hand to selling anything, while limit yourself just to property? there are new and wonderful products coming onto the market everyday that need someone of your business accumen to push them to the masses.

    PS. Learn the difference between done and don't before you criticise other peoples grammar, what a Pr7ck.

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