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Everything posted by mahjongguy

  1. So much outrage here about collecting a 0.1% transaction fee. If I have to pay $100 fee the next time I buy or sell a block worth $100,000 I'll try to remember to be sad about it. Here is what should be making people mad: for selling SET-listed equities there is no special tax rate for long term capital gains. In fact, there is no income tax at all on the sale of SET-listed stocks (only on dividends received during possession). What better evidence is needed to show that Thai laws are written by and for the rich?
  2. True, in that your photo shows a 90 degree plug. Many appliances have them; others have straight-on plugs that don't have this problem. You can also buy duplex outlets where each socket is 180 degrees rotated from the other. That's a nice solution for some locations.
  3. And at the one house, the sensor may not work. Our gate weighs a metric ton and could crush a Panzer. The sensor wiring under the driveway rotted out so we just recently cut the paving to run some heavy duty replacement. I also added an external antenna for the remote control but in truth I never open or close the gate without a quick peek at the running gear. I've seen what it can do to a cat.
  4. Rolling gates usually have adjustable force-resist detection in both directions, but that's to protect the motor if a trash bin gets in the way. This feature does not protect pets or people. However, the motor control boards include circuitry for adding infrared sensors that scan the driveway at about 60cm above the ground. These sensor beams work well to stop the closing gate if the path is blocked by a vehicle, bicycle, big dog, etc.. But not by a cat or a toddler. Still. they are worth the extra few baht, and --not that it matters much-- I believe they are required by law.
  5. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya has Moderna all day every day for 800 baht. I got mine last week on a promo for 500 baht. Walked in, signed up, paid, got vax'ed, walked out. Thirty minutes plus thirty more for observation.
  6. The Thai DL has your passport number on the front. The reverse side has your address in Thai language. I have used mine for many small conveniences, e.g. sending mail at Thai Post.
  7. Since you need both Immigration and your bank o be open, keep an eye on the calendar. There are holidays coming up, starting tomorrow the 10th. Then the 13th and 14th.
  8. Good way to get arrested. Better to buy a blank gun. The noise and flash should be enough to make them feel unwelcome.
  9. In the years that I have lived here I've seen occasional news reports of arrest and prosecution for deploying 240vac for theft prevention. If the trespasser dies, it's manslaughter. It's a cheap but heartless thing to do. For nearly 100 years the right solution is a simple device that raises the voltage but limits the current and sends it in pulses rather than the steady 50hz that freeze your muscles so that you can't let go. As a teenager I lived on a farm that had some cattle grazing land defined by an ordinary fence where just the top wire was electrified. The source device was in a barn and you could hear a short buzz about once per second. Lazada has them on sale for less than 2,000 baht.
  10. Please keep in mind that a Juristic Person is not a person. It is a legal structure whereby a group of people can act jointly (e.g. collect fees, pay for repairs, etc.). The Juristic Person Manager is an actual person, always a unit owner, often a Committee member, serving the will of the Committee. Often acts as supervisor of the Business Manager (if any).
  11. My TURP was performed twenty years ago in the States. Since about 2010 I have been a patient of Dr. Pornchai at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. So far he has helped me avoid further surgery, which I greatly appreciate. I have every confidence in him.
  12. Dr. Hathairat at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya has been my preferred dermatologist for years. She's a wiz at removing moles and sun damage with liquid nitro and the laser. She also has a good eye for which lesions need to be sent off to the lab. Among the scores of harmless crusty "won't heal" bits that she has evaporated, there was a plantar wart that had gotten down to the bone (she got it all on the first visit) and a basal cell carcinoma that was also working its way inward and required digging out with a scalpel. She nailed that one too.
  13. Are those still referred to as a dead cat bounce?
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