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Posts posted by nidge

  1. I have bought 5 laptops in Thailand, 2 x Atec, Sony, Acer and Apple. I have never had any problems with over heating. I work in the Saudi Arabian Desert and right now it makes Thailand feel positively chilly. My mates travel here from all over the world woth laptops and i never heard any of them complain of over heating. So my guess is that there is no difference in cooling. Perhaps it's your friends that are overheating? :o

  2. Hi Tahaan,

    I live just down the road in Chaiyaphum, (i guess 1-1/2 hrs from KK). When i am at home i try to ride about 30 km every day mostly off road, (farm tracks and the like), some road stuff, (yawn), and some street stuff although the city is pretty flat when it comes to steps, drop offs etc.

    If you are in my area any time and i am home i would be more than happy to join you for a ride. I may even be in KK next month to check out the bike shop that i just heard about.


  3. Hi guys, this is a genuine & emotional plea, but i can't give details publicly.

    I have her name and i.d card address, but this may be an old address.

    this was in a.chumpuang

    but she mentioned where the house is now is in 2 villages together which she did not know how to spell in English, but one of them sounds like NAKAR. approximately an hours drive from

    Nakon Ratchasima & between 30 & 50 kilometres from a famous waterfall.

    I live approximately 1 1/5 hours from Nakon Ratchasima, (my car is a pile of junk so maybe it can be done in 1 hour!), and there is a famous waterfall 25 km from my house, Naam Tok Taat Ton.

    Could it be a.chaiyaphum rather than a.chumpuang? If so perhaps you should start looking nearer there. But i don't know of any local place souinding like Nakar

  4. I agree with nidge, how can you say that about somewhere, or maybe your GF has just come a croper with some nasty bars girls...and as if Pattaya is Isaan anyways. Isaan is a huge area, can you put that down to a couple of bad girls? Maybe she does not want you to meet some sexy, gentle natured beauties!


    I never thought of that, perhaps you should stay away from issan. It might make you very unpopular with your current GF :o

  5. where will you be staying? I live up country and only have 2 choices, using my mobile phone as a modem or satellite dish from TOT (ipStar). The phone i use at mums village but it is slow. At my house i have the dish and i have never had problems with it but it costs me 2200 baht per month for 512 speed.

    If your in Bangkok or similar you will have more/cheaper options.

  6. I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

    am i right in thinking you shouldn't be letting a soi dog lick your face?

    I think it's ok if the dog has just finished eating a tub of ice cream, other wise it's a no no.

  7. Right now i would be happy to pay 650 baht for one of Dave's breakfasts.

    Excuse me while i close my eyes and dream of bacon made from real pork! :o



    the beers cheap too dude :D

    That's not fair! :D Next you will tell me the women arn't all ninjas

  8. Right now i would be happy to pay 650 baht for one of Dave's breakfasts.

    Excuse me while i close my eyes and dream of bacon made from real pork! :o



  9. I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

    Does anyone know the difference between 'Gerb Keep' and Gerb Soup'? Types of sandal.

    เกิบคีบ เกิบสุบ

    I've been asking for the last 5 years and still can't find anyone to answer me with a straight face.

    funny, i've never seen one either. I've had a few thoughts why, but they turn my stomach. :o

  10. That's 'cause yer a "dancing in the rain/trip the light fantastic" kinda gal, eek!

    (about so far having no real complaints, that is)

    And BambinA...flip-flops much better re: dog poo. Why?

    Can you get in the shower with your 8" platforms? :o


    why would you wait until you stood in dog poo to shower in 8" platforms? :D

  11. Isaan?

    My GF says the peeps that come to Pattaya from there are a lazy, nasty, dishonest lot, and they will kill you as soon as look at you!

    Don't blame me. She said it.........Have to add however that she is not often wrong.


    Luckydog, i really really really think you need to take a visit to Issan. Preferably without your girlfriend. The people of issan are the friendliest i have met anywhere in the world. 5 minutes in any Issan village will show you this.

  12. 1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)

    2. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

    3. Mahayana Buddhism (99%)

    4. Neo-Pagan (88%)

    5. Jainism (82%)

    6. Liberal Quakers (78%)

    7. New Age (77%)

    8. Secular Humanism (77%)

    9. Sikhism (71%)

    10. Hinduism (68%)

    11. Taoism (65%)

    12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (63%)

    13. New Thought (53%)

    14. Orthodox Quaker (53%)

    15. Nontheist (50%)

    16. Reform Judaism (49%)

    17. Scientology (46%)

    18. Bahá'í Faith (38%)

    19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (38%)

    20. Orthodox Judaism (37%)

    21. Islam (23%)

    22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (22%)

    23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (18%)

    24. Jehovah's Witness (18%)

    25. Seventh Day Adventist (14%)

    26. Eastern Orthodox (11%)

    27. Roman Catholic (11%)

    Here's mine

  13. [*]Farangs absolutely WILL be cited.

    This is obviously a regional thing. I wanted to go to a karaoke bar near my house one evening but i noticed a police checkpoint had been set up half way between home and the bar. So rather than get stopped on the way home will a belly full of beer i decided we should all walk, it was only about 1 km each way.

    On the way home one of the girls was stopped by a copper and asked why we were walking. She explained about me not wanting to get nicked and his reply was, "we not stop farang, only thai peoples".

    The only time i actually did get stopped was when i ran a red light on my mountain bike. After a couple of minutes of me forgetting how to talk thai, the copper told me to go away. :o

  14. Just a few things I beg to differ with.

    You only pay 20B to withdraw from an ATM if you do so outside of the City or Town where the branch of your bank is.

    I get interest on my SCB account...not much , but it is interest.

    20,000 Baht a month to rent a truck sounds expensive, while 1,000 baht a month for Electicity sounds very cheap. I have a 3 bed house and pay around 4,000 a month, and I THINK I am economical, we only have one A/C unit runnng at night, and never use it during the day.

    Having said that I enjoyed reading your post and am looking forward to your next one


    I get interest in my SCB bank account too.

    My last electric bill was 350 baht but we have no ac. My wife was not happy paying so much. In the village living with mum and dad we paid on average 250 baht per month. Save money, be sweaty :o

  15. Have not tried the worms, but had a few bugs in my days...the Som Tam is the golden globe holder for any falang who can eat it...I am not one as my Wife makes it wayyyyyyyyy to hot...and it reminds me of a kebab salad that has been dropped outside a shop and trampled on..sorry if that causes anyone offence..but it is true in my eyes.


    mmmmm, doner kebabs after a night at the pub! Perhaps there is something i miss about the UK after all.

  16. I have yet to be drunk enough to try ants or their eggs. I have also seen silkworms served once and my family treated it like a special occasion. They really turned my stomach. Has anyone tried them?

  17. It is the law to wear a helmet's here as mcgriffith has posted.

    Here where i live the police only seem to inforce the law when on main roads

    Where i live they only enforce the law during the day time, especially near the end of the month or when they are planning a party that evening! Thankfully they tend to ignore the farangs and mainly go for the schoolkids.

  18. I would like to know where you people are coming up with the idea that most thais have cute little noses . A large percentage look like they have been prize fighters for the majority of their life and got hit in the nose too many times. Most of them wide and flat.

    Babies of almost every species are cute. It isn't until they get older that their real features come out. Have you ever looked at any of the contest where you look at celebrities pictures as a child and try to guess who it is. Most are very hard to tell.

    Thankfully not everyone has the same idea about beauty. My wifes nose is very flat and i think she is the most gorgeous woman on the planet. If my baby ends up with a nose similar to his mum's, i for one would be more than happy.

  19. When i lived in Bangkok there was no way i would dring tap water. It goes in my mouth when i clean my teeth and that's all. Even then i noticed the funny taste. Where i live now the drinking water is delivered to my door and is only 10 baht for a 2 gallon (ish?) bottle.

  20. This is the one i bought for my baby.


    I really think rocking the baby to sleep is important and i have never heard of it adversly affecting a childs intelligence. This crib is stonger than it looks, the mossie net is vital in the village where i live and it only costs 1700 baht from tescos.

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