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Posts posted by goldfinger

  1. "We are aiming for the trains to run almost as fast as aeroplanes," said Mr Wang.

    How stupid, maybe as fast as planes from 1900.

    Never heard that China is working on a train system, 3 times faster than the Transrapid.

    Must have something to do with Chinese New Year, or so.... :):D

  2. but -maybe- if you get out of transit area, you will have to pay the airport tax (700 baht)again when you check in to your flight.

    I thought that the airport tax was included in just about every airline's outward ticket price nowadays? Whether you are in transit or not should make no difference.

    difficult to answer, but when he is on connecting flight, it means he is only in transit, not passing immigration-

    but when he goes through immigration, i think, they will charge the tax again.(i know that it is usually included)

    (happened to me before, so ....)

  3. 1 year for everybody? no paper required?


    but gong to the deep south the minibus more than a tv needs bullet proof windows.....

    Here's a list of the required paperwork.

    MFA non-B visa

    It's a visa for working. What is the problem to have it with all the right paperwork? Any consulate must give it.

    Well, i'm only a tourist, so a trip to hat yai (450b), hotel (300-700b), minibus to border (50+50b) and bus back (450b) is enough for any 1/2/3 entry visa given free anywhere in europe.

    Lamaicat, if its so easy, why dont you also open a "Visa Run Company"???

  4. 3% of 5 million baht is a lot I think. If I remember the last time I sold a house in the Uk it didn't cost me anything like as much. Plus in Thailand there are other payments to make on top if the 3%.

    Thanks for the advice though.

    try to find someone which does it for less than 3%

    (this would be 150 000 Baht!!!- whats that???)

    Actually, you should be happy , if you find soembody at all, that buys your house.

    Then I would not care about this 3%

  5. the old airport was prity, the new is geared soley to extract money. the carts to take you from check into departure lounge never seem to run, of course not because then you have to walk past all those shops in the heat. then sit around in non air con getting ready for that 20 hour trip home, i hate it, i dont want to start a long trip covered in sweat. yet another reason to give Samui a miss

    many things to add.... the toilet paper not smooth enough(should be silk)and nobody there to hand it over, the music in the toilets too loud(gives head ache)...

    and the sea? wasn´t it to salty??

    BTW there are wheel chairs available to carry you the long distance from check in to the lounge....

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