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Posts posted by goldfinger

  1. Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

    If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

    Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

    Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

    Same question re; domestic violence.

    Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

    Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

    You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

  2. but you have to consider, that it takes much longer than usual, until the cement gets hard and dry.wait at least 2 days until you walk on them.

    only use good quality tile cement( i think there is a brand name like "Dragon.??...")

    and dont use any special adhesive, maybe somebody will tell you and try to sell you, no need at all.

  3. I had also one many years before, and I can feel with you.

    And i was also very sad, when he didnt wake up again when springtime came.

    I would really go and look again in your friends garden, I dont think, the Koi eat him.

    Please dont misunderstand my joke about the soup....

  4. @nienke, maybe a bit.....

    but as he mentioned: "he is in pretty good health."

    does mean for me, he can eat and he likes to eat.Of course he is not the same as with 3 or 4 years, but he is still living without pain.

    You gave the answer yourself:"By the time the dog doesn't want to continue anymore he will tell you. You know your dog, you will understand his eyes. However, if the dog is in a lot of pain than I would go and discuss the final decision with the vet.


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