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Posts posted by Sam125

  1. No probs, opalhort - I wasn't criticising, just found it interesting that there was a way to import .dbx files into the current identity, because I have only done it in the past by copying files manually.

    I wonder how the OP is getting on? :o

    I am doing well now after figuring out the final hurdle:

    I had to visit "my computer" and then set up hidden files viewing which allowed me to import the .dbx files.

  2. No probs, opalhort - I wasn't criticising, just found it interesting that there was a way to import .dbx files into the current identity, because I have only done it in the past by copying files manually.

    I wonder how the OP is getting on? :o

    Not well.

    I tried importing into thunderbird and was able to get current test emails from outlook express but not old ones. I shall try some more....

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

  3. Let me try.

    How can I be sure which Outlook version I am using?

    Thank you!

    It may be possible to access the .dbx files on your F drive directly in OE6.

    Under Tools / Maintenance you can select the store folder. I did this once on a D drive but believe it does not work with external USB drives.


    Interesting - I just created a new "identity" and clicked on "file / import / messages... ", then selected "Outlook Express 6" and was then presented with a "Browse" window. I browsed to one of my external USB drives and selected folders from an old "safe copy" of my OE folders. They were imported into this new "identity" with no problems.

    I'm pretty sure I could import them into the "main identity" the same way - but I don't want to try it on my "live" system.

  4. How to import Outlook Express mail from F drive?

    I am using an Acer desktop with Windows XP pro.

    My desktop is C drive and my old drive is F drive - installed under my C drive and only used as old backup.

    Note I did a * .dbx search showing hidden files and found many folders.

    Yet when I try to Import using Thunderbird (my curret active email client) or Out look express (no current identities) by default the C drive location where DBX files are stored is gone to. I cannot select the F drive locations.

    Any ideas or places to look for solutions?

    Thank you!

  5. Monty and Sunbelt,

    Thank you.

    Here is the revenue department page that I was looking at



    It seems that you can go with actual deductions as an individual. I will have to look at the actual code very carefully.

    "It also seems that the only way they will accept actual expenses as compared to the fixed deduction is when you are doing something which is not on the list. "


    I would guess that your wife spoke to a new revenue employee. In the US you cannot go 100% by what an IRS employee tells you as they make many mistakes and typically revenue department publications are simplifications of the law slanted towards the revenue department.

    I am looking to find a small CPA office with reasonable rates (for a small business..) that has tax experts that speak English.

  6. Hi Johhny K,

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    However, we are not close to a large city and my wife got a big headache the last time we visited a revenue office. She is a designer and hates accounting and legal matters hence my trying to help her. I am quite comfortable with paperwork but cannot speak much Thai.

    There are a couple of bookkeepers in my town but they are not tax CPAs or auditors- actually other than a few large firms in Bangkok I can't seem to find any specialized tax CPAs (I am in Isan).

    She is Thai. Why not go to the tax office in the nearest largish city and get her to ask?
  7. Thai sole proprietor tax rules in English?

    My Thai wife has a sole proprietorship (making clothes on a small scale for 100% export) and I found basic tax tables and information in English on the Thai revenue site but not details.

    Mainly I am looking to find the standard deduction for her type of business that does not require receipts to be kept. The website gave a range but no clear examples.

    Thank you!21

  8. I have been using the Indy (2048/512) at 1000 per baht per month.

    What I found was that looking at websites inside and outside of Thailand was ok but not great. I was able to slowly open up websites that had lots of photos: the photos started showing up at the top of the page and then gradually opened up further down the page.

    Downloading by FTP from my webhost in the US to my local hard drive would time out almost always including in the early AM. Youtube videos would stop and start.

    I am not familiar with "torrents" what are they?

    After a while I went to my local TT&T office and requested an upgrade to the Biz 1500/512 plan as I thought that my FTP downloads would not be restricted. I never received my new modem or signed or paid for the upgrade. However, on Tuesday 11/6/07 my FTP downloads suddenly started working. Although Youtube still starts and stops.

    I wonder if my Indy plan has simply started working the way it should or if I have been upgraded and will fnd out with my next bill. Although the girl at the TT&T office called a couple of days ago to tell me that my modem was ready for pickup and wanted to know what speed I wanted for my Biz plan.

  9. Thank you for the information. It seems like this year should be smooth sailing, but next year could be interesting.... I will offer the bank letter and passbook, but hold a 2006 tax return in reserve.

    So for next year's extension in theory I could have my wife prepay some tax by declaring 40k in income and paying taxes for the first three months of our year?

    Embassy letter should work but I would have the bank passbook and bank letter (probably they will want them) and hold a copy of tax return or pay voucher in reserve. It is hard to say what will fly next year but this year it seems to be a problem for some not having full year of tax payments available.
  10. I understand the basic rules for a non o visa extension require 40,000 baht income between a wife and husband.

    I have a Nov 29th expiration on my 1st entry on a one year multi entry non O marriage visa (Thai wife).

    I plan on visiting the Korat immigration office on Wednesday.

    While in Bangkok I got a notarized statement of income from the US embassy. I can produce a copy in English of my 2006 US income tax return if need be - although I prefer not to.

    During August and September (The first two months of my stay in Thailand) I had no income. In mid September I put 550,000 baht in a local bank account and I will have a balance confirmation letter and copy of my bank book.

    Now two questions:

    1) For my first visa extension will my US embassy letter along with my Thai bank account be enough to take care of the current income requirement?

    2) Next year I plan to use my wife's business income (and tax receipts) which will be more than 480,000 baht but with zero for the first three months. Will this uneven cash flow cause a problem? I have seen some posts on this but I am still not clear.

    Thank you!

  11. I am with TT&T and experiencing the same FTP problems. This week I ordered an upgrade from Indy to the Premier plan lets see what happens.

    I am a Maxnet Indy subscriber.

    I have been struggling with FTP connections over the last few days too. With hours of retries for what used to take 5 minutes.

    I do several ftps to different sites and they have all been affected so I don't beleive it is a lack of resoures their end

    Is the frequent dropping of FTP connections related to the reported connection problems with BitTorrent?

    The data transfer in a (passive) ftp session is usually from a high tcp-portnumber to a high tcp-portnumber - the same type of traffic as bittorrent.

    Very poor quality-of-service policies will not distinguish between those two and thus both are squeezed on bandwidth

  12. Monty,

    Thank you for the fast reply!

    Lets say 250 kb for the file size although some are bigger.

    I have never used a download accelerator can you suggest one that would work with Dreamweaver - which is what I am using to upload and download files as I am working on a website taht is designed with Dreamweaver.

    I will check with my US webhost on the resume capability - a good tip! Thank you.

  13. Currently it can take an hour for me to FTP download one page from my remote server in Chicago to my office computer in rural Korat. I have the TT&T Indy 2048 down 512 up plan.

    After reading some related posts it seems that If I upgrade to the Premier plan I may solve my USA FTP problems.

    I would love to hear from those who have upgraded.

    Also would the Premier 1536 down 512 up work reasonably well? Which to me means that the download will not timeout.

    Thank you!

  14. Sadly I am trying to download in the very early morning hours.

    I shudder to think what would happen if I tried to upload a large file.....

    Perhaps i shall have to upgrade to a business plan after all.

    I reserve any serious downloading until the very late evening and/or early morning hours.

    During the day -- and especially the early evening -- it's best to just sidestep the bottleneck...

  15. Currently I have a TT&T (new) 2mb connection which in the early am provides around 1.5m down and 256k up. I am located in a rural area of Korat.

    This works ok for my email and basic web surfing.

    When I want to download files from the USA I run into problems... lots of them... My webhost in the USA was able to download all my files in just a couple of minutes so the problem is not server-side.

    So I am wondering if the problem will correct itself, as in sometimes the service will be ok or do I need to upgrade to a business package which looks like it will be 5,000 baht as opposed to the 1,000 baht that I am now paying....

  16. I use voange on a 2mb TTT plan in a rural area of Korat.

    I usually call the US very early in the morning and get clear calls (for $25 per month)

    Yesterday I added their Asian package (for another $10 per month) which includes Thailand.

    When I call mobile phones in Thailand during the daytime (as an international call usiing 011-66 drop the zero then the Thai number) I usually have a clear connection. However, when a regular telephone (non-cell) I get mostly calls with lots of static.

    I wonder why I am getting mixed results and what if anything I need to do to improve my calls within Thailand?

  17. If you are trying to avoid having to pay tax on the salary, it could be up to around 14,400 Baht per month.

    As for *8K" just depends on the labor Dept. Sometimes that amount is ok, sometimes they want more so you will pay tax, just depends. No set rate like you'll find if you were applying for the extension of stay based on business( Which I understand in your case is not needed as you have a extension of stay based on marriage)www.sunbeltasiagroup.com

    1) Yes, I am trying to keep my Thai taxes low to avoid social security taxes primarily and to some extent income taxes.

    2) "it could be up to around 14,400 Baht per month."

    I am not clear - do you mean that the labor department might require an income of 14,400 baht?

    3) Is there a Khorat labor department? Or do work paper aplications need to be done in Bangkok?

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