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Posts posted by technologybytes

  1. Getting LPG added to my car was the best decision I ever made.

    It's half the price to run as petrol for me, there are plenty of LPG stations and it's quick and easy to fill up.

    I have a tank in the trunk, my car is a volvo and has plenty of trunk space anyway.

    The cheaper "mixer valve" installation loses a little performance and is a bit less economical, but I opted for the ECU controlled injection system and performance is identical to petrol.

    Gas is cheaper and cleaner, you can pull up at any side of the pump and there are never queues. I smile when it costs me 600 baht to fill up.

    You will find that without exception people who advice against LPG don't know what they are talking about. Stand in a LPG station and ask 10 drivers if they are glad they changed to LPG... I promise you 100% will say its the best thing the ever did.

    LPG is not more dangerous than petrol when properly installed and maintained.

    LPG does NOT damage your engine.

    LPG IS much cleaner burning than petrol.

  2. Condolences to the family...fearing but not believing their last goodbye would really be the last.

    Even if the autopsy established foul play, what are the chances of punishment should they capture a suspect?

    The article indicates an alleged murderer has been identified for years of the young woman yet he still walks free.

    Alleged murderers are entitled to walk free. Convicted murderers belong in prison. There is a big difference.

  3. These NGV vehicles are real deathtraps. The compressed natural gas fuel is much more likely to leak and explode in an accident than gasoline cars, as it is stored under pressure.

    Diesel is the safest fuel, as it needs extreme heat to ignite.

    Does it say anywhere what the fuel type is ??

    This kind of minibus has no space for a LPG or NGV tank unless you put it inside the vehicle, which is crazy of course.

    Looking at the photos I see no evidence of a gas tank explosion, the safety valve would shut off the flow of gas immediately in an accident so unless the tank exploded (very unlikely) it's difficult to see how LPG/NGV (if fitted at all) could make much difference.

    • Like 2
  4. Lots of unhelpful replies here from opinionated guys who seem oblivious to the fact that someone was actually asking for advice and not requesting a list of prejudices.

    If you have never been with a ladyboy then you are missing a truly sensational experience. It's not a gay thing, gays actually don't usually go with ladyboys.

    I fully understand that some people can't bring themselves to try it, those of us that have tried it know the truth.

    By the way, one truth you should know is that less than 1% of the ladyboys you will ever meet in Thailand have had the chop.

    • Like 1
  5. GREAT! Ok, and NOW put an order in place that stops loan sharking. Make it possible, with military help, to clear debts at 0% interest. These parasites of society have been sucking the blood and adding to the plight of the poor far too long.

    You will never get rid of loan sharks, it's the oldest profession in the world.

    I'm not sure that any laws are possible that would eradicate the interest on loans from loan sharks. Laws only apply to people who are law-abiding, loan sharks operate outside the law and hence the laws don't apply.

    The answer would be simply don't put the farmers in a position where they need to turn to loan sharks. Additionally make crisis loans available without the need for loan sharks.

    • Like 1
  6. The likelihood of being a victim of ATM fraud in this country is no greater than anywhere else, and as with everywhere else you minimise your risk by being careful and only using ATMs at banks, and inside if possible.

    However, there IS more actual ATM scammers here taking money out of foreign bank accounts because many countries have much higher security but allow compromised card data to be used here.

    Being a victim in Thailand when using a Thai bank card will be expensive because under most circumstances it's your loss, unlike western nations where the bank have to refund you.

  7. All a bit strange really.

    The dutch found all that Cocaine in his dutch flat but just extradited him to the UK.

    Also, if he got 20 years then he's not considered a big time dealer.

    He will automatically be released in 10 years, but long before that he will be moved to an open prison and enjoying a weekend home every 8 weeks. If he plays his cards right he will only spend a few years in real lock-up conditions. He's lucky he never got caught in Thailand, if indeed he ever offended here.

  8. Here is a rebuttal of sorts..

    The only way anyone can act in such a manner is if they are being controlled by the police or a higher authority, the fact that a group of desperate and vulnerable young men are used for this purpose is simply to direct attention away from the fact that the real criminals are not on show... and you fell for it.

    Hmmm...every day I walk by numerous construction sites that are filled with "desperate and vulnerable young men" from Myanmar and Laos. All of these workers made a conscience choice to pursue their dreams and livelihoods through legal means and hard work. The Africans are strong and healthy and speak English...I do not see them as victims as you describe.

    The Africans specific to Lower Sukhumvit Area have chosen illegal pursuits--of their own free will.

    What exactly did I fall for? I got the part you don't like cops.

    Well, to be honest that's a fair response. I agree with virtually everything that you say except that I really don't know if the street drug dealers specific to Sukhumvit are there of their own free will or not. I think you would agree that they are being controlled, and if you are in that kind of business free will is not the norm.

    For sure some of them are just plain criminals, I just honestly don't think that applies to all of them.

    I don't dislike cops who do their jobs, clearly the cops on Sukhumvit road are not doing their jobs. Perhaps they are involved, perhaps they are scared to to anything and in that sense victims themselves.. who knows.

    All I'm saying is that it's an illusion to think that it's Africans selling drugs on Sukumvit, sure it may be Africans who are employed to be at the front line, but the business is not being run by Africans, I'm convinced of that.

  9. African? now there is a suprise

    African ? Oh yes 1 of the 6 people arrested was African.. so what ??

    Anyway, Africa is a continent, that like saying "European, nor there is a surprise"

    Perhaps it has to do with how many Africans now reside in Thailand and how many are involved in the drug trade? I live in Sukhumvit and I can say fully 90% of the African males I see on the street are making verbal offers of drugs to every bloke that walks by.

    I cannot say that is the case throughout LOS but it is the rule in this hood.


    Here is a rebuttal of sorts..

    The only way anyone can act in such a manner is if they are being controlled by the police or a higher authority, the fact that a group of desperate and vulnerable young men are used for this purpose is simply to direct attention away from the fact that the real criminals are not on show... and you fell for it.

  10. The article cannot even get his name correct, despite including a photo of his passport page. What hope is there for the other details.

    Remember, there is a big difference between being arrested and convicted. Give this man the respect he deserves at this stage, he's an alleged drug dealer.. that all.

    It's entirely possible that he was not involved, think about this scenario: If the ladyboys were selling drugs and being controlled by the lady then even if the man was not involved he would probably be arrested and end up in the photo... I'm not suggesting this is what happened because just like everyone else commenting here, I don't know.

    • Like 2
  11. I installed LPG in my Volvo 940 about 15 months ago, I do a lot of KM (55,000 since installing) and it saves me a heck of a lot of money.

    I went for the injection system, it cost 27,000 baht fitted by Energy Reform.

    In my opinion, and those of anyone who has driven my car, it runs identical on both petrol and LPG, except LPG is less than half the running cost.

    I was concerned about safety, my tank is in the trunk and I noticed that in every country that I checked insurance premiums DO NOT increase for LPG so if you ask me that's definitive proof that it's no less safe if installed correctly.

    Really the only downside is the space the tank takes and the extra weight. Dual Fuel... yes but trust me, once you get used to paying 600 baht to fill up with LPG you will never deliberately run on petrol again.

  12. Well its about time they started to look for a body and put this case to rest....

    Actually it's not as simple as that.

    Firstly, British police cannot just charge into Portugal whilst the police there are involved in an investigation. Secondly, are you forgetting that there was a massive hunt for a body which did involve a lot of digging.

    It sound like over the last 7 years there may have been big advances in technology that can look underground without the need for much digging.

    Lots of people have theories about this case, but the only facts that are know for sure is that the girl is missing.

  13. Wives of EU citizens do not apply for "tourist" visa, so flight itinerary is of no concern. My wife got a "visitor" Schengen Visa valid for 3 years until 2017 - of course the 90/180 days limitations still apply, it is not a residence permit.

    You think your experience applies to all ??

    The statement "Wives of EU citizens do not apply for "tourist" visa" assumes that all EU menbers wives are the same nationality. And are British people not EU members ? They certainly don't get their wives to apply for a 3 year shengen visa for a trip to the UK, they would not even get in.

  14. These people were treated NO differently from anyone else. If you don't have a visa to enter the country (Germany in this case) then you don't get to leave the airport. It's not hard to understand if you put your faux outrage to one side for a moment.

    Tatsujin you are totally WRONG.

    The people in question HAD visas, they had Schengen visas that cover Germany, the argument is that the Thai travel agencies that got the visas (allegedly) exploited a less-than-legal loophole in order to get the visa.

  15. Worked at a credit union for 3 years putting money into ATM's and also for Brinks after me military days. The amount of Baht taken sounds about right when converted from USD. All depends on the location and the amount of usage how much money is put into the ATM. As for the masked men breaking into the ATM, it must not have had an alarm on it. And the human alarm was a little slow on the trigger. facepalm.gif

    Exactly , if ATM was outside the bank or shopping mall , this one is in the middle of nowhere, outside a factory of people who earn 9000-10000 per month

    Thailand is a cash economy, people take much MORE cash from ATMs in Thailand than they do in the USA.

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