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Posts posted by GreenShone

  1. Sometimes I cry as well, but I try not to. If I can't see my friends, I'm on the phone or online talking to them. :o Then I eat more M&Ms or assorted chocolate. Take a long long long bath - a book on my hand, a glass of wine, candles. I also buy and put flowers around the place. It lightens my mood. :D

  2. What are the things you normally do when you're feeling down and blue?

    When I am depress I try to listen to music, watch a feel-good movie, munch chocolate or eat ice-cream. Call the gfs and meet-up with them for some hardcore girlie talks; shopping; write letters to old friends. I also go to a saloon to get my hair and nails done or go to a spa to pamper myself. :o

    When depress I try to put on my nicest clothes and put some make-up - show my glamorous self. :D

    What about you?

  3. I've flown to Singers (Singapore) via Thai Airways and AirAsia. That last flight via AirAsia (5 months ago) scared the shites out of me. We were hitting too many air pockets, way way way too many. Of course, I know it isn't the airline's fault really, but I am determined to avoid AirAsia for awhile. :o

  4. Teaching 6-7 periods / day at the moment. Feeling like a dead ole horse! Then the accident happen. I needed to hit the loo very quickly and I twisted my right ankle somehow and sprained it, but I am still wearing high-heeled shoes and it hurts! (I can't teach without shoes or some form of sandal.) Every step hurts like a bitch!

  5. I think the best thing for me is never to marry. My gf sticks around but there is occasional tension because I wont do this and she knows it. We've been together 5 years now. Perhaps it works because she knows that it would be hard for her to get a replacement but for me it's a snap of the fingers. For you guys who did marry, you have my utmost respect and admiration. You are worthy, I am not. I can never go thru with it. I keep the whole farang-thai family interconnection at arm's length. This is just what I do and will continue.

    She is sticking around because she prolly loves you. Old habits don't die easily. Familiarity + territory. I don't think she's sticking around because she'll have a hard time looking for a replacement, as you said. I'm sure you'll find someone quicker if you snap your wallet! Or maybe, fill it up with old bills and receipts. How about old newspapers?

    Like you though, I do not believe in marriage and I'm not into relationships, but I do like hanging-out with people I like and with people who share similar interests as me. Makes life loads of fun. Don't know if I'll change my mind someday, but if I do........HE has to be someone very special! :o

  6. The only time I did this (if I can get away with it) was in the good ole days, while I was still in the University. Registration day is crazy: talk to the dean, the registrar, pay the cashier, get new credits, etc, etc. The process takes 2-3 <deleted> days. Talking to the dean is almost impossible. We had to stay in the line for more than half a day. Such was the length of the line! Those were the days! NO, I never shoved anyone, but I try to create a secondary line, or jump in front of a line (in front of blokes). I know that was wicked, but..............

  7. Nah, we were only kidding Wolfie. Kidding aside, I'd jump off a bldg or allow myself to be pushed if I were a vampire, but nah, the last time I check - I am still me, GreenShone. My blood is too precious! Besides, I have't met a guy worth jumping over the edge. :D Maybe, someday I'll change my mind, but he has to be real special.

    Thanks for the warm welcome ZaZa. :o How are you doing girl?

  8. Does anyone know where us pasty white Bangkokian's can find a sunbed or tanning salon around BKK? Any price ideas?

    I could be wrong, but I do not think they have sunbeds or tanning salons in BKK. :o

  9. OH :D what a catastrophe!!!

    I will tell u what to do : he(you) should commit suicide by jumping a 10 story building and during that landing arousal will be guaranteed !! I suggest you should BE with your friend till the end :o

    And his,yours and all our problems will be solved then !

    I totally agree! Send Zaza and GreenShone a tell if you need a bit of a push!

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