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Posts posted by GreenShone

  1. Like many I would like to live in Thailand full time. I've tossed around the idea of being an English teacher but it's not my first pick and I've found any other employment options are few and far between. I've tossed around the idea of working in Singapore given the strong economy and proximity to Thailand. But after having been to Singapore and feeling impressed but not yearning to live there full time I had decided to just stick with my current set up here in the USA. Just out of curiosity I did a search in Singapore for jobs I could potentially do once again. I'm a portfolio accountant with an emphasis on performance analysis and financial software administration. and again I easily found about 5 jobs I'm well qualified for. I did this about a year ago and found similar jobs, I even applied to one but did not get a response. I figured me living in the USA qualified or not, probably greatly diminished my competitiveness. My guess if I upped my effort or somehow relocated to Singapore I could get a job.

    I'd be close to Thailand but Singapore is no Thailand. Would you do it?

    Go for it mate. Singapore has Orchard Towers (equivalent to Nana Plaza). Besides, it's a stone's throw away from Thailand and only 2 1/2 hours away from Thailand. That's not a very bad deal.

    Might be wise to consider your earnings in singers first though. Housing and the standard of living is a bit higher in singers.

  2. ok, since I was disruptive to the thread earlier my apologies.

    I do think NV was spot on with her post and I guessed Shone was 20 something as well. I got friends (women) hitting their 30s all around me, and all having or wanting kids. That biological clock just kicks in doesn't it?

    I'm mid-20's. Not early 20's. Thanks.

  3. ok, since I was disruptive to the thread earlier my apologies.

    I do think NV was spot on with her post and I guessed Shone was 20 something as well. I got friends (women) hitting their 30s all around me, and all having or wanting kids. That biological clock just kicks in doesn't it?

    I do think that marriage and children has been oversold to women as the only thing that's supposed to matter for us, but increasingly, more women are saying it's not.

    Marriage has been oversold, but wanting a loving partner and babies never needed to be sold, we follow the code we are programmed to follow and it's hard to get away from that.

    More women are saying it's not these days and talk about pushing a career forward or whatever but I honestly wonder if a lot of them will regret their decision in the future. I expect a lot of them will.

    What code and what program are we talking about? Procreation? That was when the planet wasn't over-populated yet. I think, I'd be doing the planet a favor if I didn't join the birthing group. As I said, if I want a child, I'll get one. There are plenty of homeless kids out in the streets.

    I do not think I'll regret my decisions in the future. The future doesn't look as scary as it used to. As long as I partied by way through life, danced, drank, made love, made friends. There's nothing to regret about.

  4. anyway, I should add something...

    For me it always seems likes kids are on the list, it's something that you can't seem to get away from and often a breaker and saver of many a relationship.

    I mean what else is there, kids and a loving home, suits both the guy and the woman right? We could read magazines all day on this subject, watch several documentaries, read twenty best selling books and listen to a Telly load of experts, but it's really simple at the end of the day.

    Kids and a loving home, and who could dare ask for more?

    That's not true BKKmadness. I don't look-at men I date as a potential father of my kid or as a potential partner for a loving home. The world is already over-populated. Having kids is not a priority for me and does not even figure in my list. If I want one, I can adopt one or make one, but these are things I do not think about right now. Right now, I'm just living my life happily without complications. Kids and a loving home are over-rated.

    At the end of the day, the big quetion really is...... are you happy where you are and who you're with? Are you having fun? Do you still get excited when you see your lover? Do you still scream when you're making love?

    I used to think like you. I'm guessing you're early twenties, am I right? The part of your post I've put in bold is laughable. You won't realise it now, I didn't. In fact I never did have my own kid biologically, but those things that you say are overrated? They're the only things that really matter in the end. Having a good time won't sustain you for ever, believe me. The kids aren't for everybody, but who in their right mind would turn down a loving home?

    I never had a loving home so how would I know? I am in the opinion that I grew-up fine. A bit wild, daring and naughty, but responsible enough not to get in too much trouble.

    I'm mid-20s. Maybe, you're right. I'll change my mind someday. Who knows?

  5. 1Cameras all over the city.

    2Booze keeps flowing.

    3Traffic more heavy.

    4Foreigners coming and going.

    5Less strict visa regulations.

    6HIV and other diseases awareness/information campaigns.

    7Less cars/transportation with offensive exhaust.

    8More environment friendly.

  6. TRIS Trinity International School - candidate for WASC (Western Association of Schools and Sciences), Uses California Standard Curriculum, Multi-cultural (Thais,Japanese, Koreans, Chinese,Burmese, Germans, English, Americans, Australians,Filipinos), Seventh-day Adventist affiliated.

    RAIS Ramkamhaeng Adventist International School

    EIS Ekamai International School

  7. Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex?

    Believing that sex / making love / shagging for women is always the big deal that many portend.

    Sex/making love/shagging is what it is. It makes life easier. Whoever created us must have lots of humor. We are placed in this world full of misery, sufferings, complications and problems, yet he gave us toys and things for our pleasure. Ironic!

  8. Be careful mate, especially during bus/van switches. This is when most scammers strike. There are loads of good people, but it's wise not to lower your guards down.

    Inquire at travel agencies or guest houses for tickets.


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