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Posts posted by theseveredhead

  1. definately not any coconut. it is cooked in broth. my hunnch is any broth available (pork/chicken)... it does not have skin so is not fatty. the soup though seems greasy and very salty.

    does anyone know about the sauce?? is it tamarind or fermented mung bean or what?

  2. i checked some past threads but many were dated. just looking for latest info -

    Been awhile since i diy'd this...think i have to do a runner due to weekend.

    does anyone know when PARVEZ stops taking apps for next day return?

    penang stops accepting applications at 1200 correct?

    how much is the cost for a single tourist (which must be paid in myr correct?)?

    how much is a cab from jalan chulia, a current thread stated rm10 but also r/t myr from airport which seems much better value! im thinking that ride out should be about rm7??

  3. met a guy last yr here in pattaya. hes a fake watch freak. got busted w/ only about three watches - said the customs guys were really <deleted> him over but was not fined or jailed in the end. on later trip said that he was not searched (comes 1x year).

    thru l.a i was searched about 30% of the time. basically a chat while they dig around a bit for a few minutes trying to judge if im uneasy. never found anything.

    i think the trick would be to take one of something and just a few in total.

    youll not have any problem w/ clothing imo. you dont have to decalre suits, thats silly. unless you are taking in like 10.

    ps: for the people that actually buy the real stuff - that crap wont fool them for a second. but i guess youll be down with the white trash tweakers and ghetto ho's.

  4. cubes check this: i had to put my carry on thru the xray. it did not have a tag. i could care less, that bag wasnt going to leave my sight. the guy on the other end of the machine insisted. so i put the tag on my bag and put an X on it (name) and tossed it thru. the tags were not property of the airport but a number of airlines. the guy put a big stamp on it (the indians LOVE to stamp things). i tore the tag off and tossed it at the guy. the really funny thing is .. he wasnt insulted and didnt care. his job: to stamp tags! this is the insanity of india.

    sorry of topic. time for lunch. :o

  5. for what its worth ... even a high education does not an intellectual make. there are many doctors, engineers, accountants and even lawyers who are not whatsoever on any intellectual quest. they may be able to hold a conversation about the impacts of random quarks on baby unicorns but it hardly is what drives them.

    doctors are some of the dumbest, least rounded people i have ever met. eight years of vocation training.

    yes, i agree the nation as a whole is pretty shallow, BUT so is america... i mean fox news?

  6. delhi is a disaster. on the way in in no lie - had to keep the guy awake to stamp my pp. HEY..WAKE UP (3am).

    on the way out i marked the page but the 'official' kept thumbing thru my pp. it was totally obvious he wasnt looking for anything, just admiring all the 75 pages and stamps. WASTING TIME (my)!

    as soon as an uneducated indian gets a job sitting on their ass they become some of the laziest people on the planet.

    sorry off topic

    big a-hole: who you calling an imbecile? - i have an advanced degree and did an addl year at john hopkins on almost full scholarship?

  7. i have done an in depth study of the surrounding countries having visited all many, many months and even living years in some. nothing compares to thailand and that is sadly why im always back despite the hassles. each has possibilities but it in the end - it aint thailand.

    food, value, thai high culture, thai pop culture, buddhist culture, lack of crime, etc...

    id sell or give the furniture away and go with a serviced apt. many allow you free bag storage (mine does). when go, i pack up and store my kit saving 30k a year. no deposit or b.s.

    you either have to suck it up and pay OR be free but have some hassle/instability in your life. up to you.

    why are you thinking about buying when youre not even here half th eyear? just to store your gear?!

    ps: if i had money, id like singapre but the booze is paeng as ar ethe flats and the golf. but its really pretty and i love all the gardens!

    surely a case of a bird went in search of a cage.

  8. i came thru on the 19th. it looked a mess, but i was only in the queue about ten or 15. the chick at bell travel even said ... that was fast!

    having said that .. there are now signs all over and i was panicked they would ask for an onward. she did, lucky i deflected he request and she forgot although i keep an old ticket on hand. this may be the issue - all the checking.

    i think thailand has fobbed this job off to lower paid and lesser quality staff as well. used to be a bunch of govt proper govt officials, now seems every time im there its some chick about 24.

    another thing too.... after they finish you its just another dope in line and then another so whats the impetus to rush? further, there are loads of stupid people in line they front up in masse, dont have paperwork... lots of dopes from india, etc... first time abroad.

    but you could be right and would not surprise me - life is not getting easier.

    sum nam nah for flying out of the country for 'holiday/visa run"

    next time ... try india and post back, let us know how that went :-)

  9. why dont you learn to speak thai fluently and seek out some more clever types if it a thai national intellekshooall youre after -

    im just not getting it, many bar girls have not even finished grade school and youre judging them pretty harshly.

    i have a few pretty clever, but not really intellectual friends in thailand (english). other than that, i could say the exact same about the farang around here - so your point is what??

    why dont you go to china and get a job at a big university??

    DUDE... so why dont you let me borrow that trotsky biography?? ive finished keats and halfway thru the collected sommerset maughm. - someone toss me a brewski!

  10. for the record i LOVE '7' and walk past family mart to shop there. its well stocked, has great a/c (ahhhhhhhh) and polite staff who are competent and quick. i have minimized my walk to larger stores to save a few baht and happily dumped the chinese shops (the few left here in pty).

  11. all i am simply saying is that if you or she did the trip on your own, youd be charged us20 if you can deal with the visa guys.

    yes, that is my argument. i would be utterly shocked to find that these guys pay that sum of money. in fact... my hunch is that they pay the usd = to us25.

    if they are paying that sort of money. that leaves b600 pp on about 9 seats = b5400.

    petrol has to be 1400, auto lease/insurance 1500, pay driver b600, asstd misc costs assoc with travel, waste, bribes...b500, storefront b200, office costs (internet/telnet, staff, amadeaus, a/c...) b700.

    i dont see anyone making any money here.

    incidently - i have heard about this b100 for donkeys years. maybe the agency pays it. i have never ever paid it nor even been asked.

    i stopped doing the run on my own only becasue it took an extra 2 hours and no w/ traffic/construction what it is heading up thru chonburi ... final time was actually 6hrs each way. ive a friend that used to just stay the night at the border. its not as though its difficult although unless you speak some khmer admittedly you may get stuck with the b100 cost and if you do not have a us20 bill, you will have to pay b1000. but that is the fun of living abroad - learning all these things. id feel an utter fool if all i knew was - book a run, get into bus, be led by nose ... i can though see why youd want youre gf to do it by service. having said that i used to meet bunches of girls from rp doing it themselves in poipet.

  12. its an ok place to shop, just way paeng than bigc, i only get my coffee there (feta cheese now? :-)

    im no longer eating thai food 3x a day due to health (salts) issue. so i am going to tops for my porridge and like bigc for cheap veggies.

    whats so special about the basement, id never seen it?

    btw: it has the cheapest whisky in town.

  13. areca, sunbeam, flipper, nautical inn, natural beach, ma maison, the b6xx on soi lenki. in town i think has a pool. sawasdee on soi bukhao - rooms spartan but sort of big.

    not very descrptive in your post friend.

    seems like the list is endless

  14. as i recall there are a bunch of these down from nana plaza. apartments are just that, you are talking about renting daily???

    sounds like you want the best of all worlds.

    maybe you should go to bkk and find a simple hotel and then sort out where you want to live and what that area has.

    two rooms??? bed room and living area??

  15. fair enough on the price angle, but its very much get what you pay for obviously. would have gladly paid enough ten B for a decent slice, but the guy is clever in that pizza is usually so overpriced and i never even go to pizza slut becasue even the personal pizza is too pricey.

    the pizzas are not very creative. there is a new place called pizza deli or something like that. has all sorts of pizzas and b40 for slice of standard pizza.

    z-pizza (los angeles) has this mediterrean pizza that is great. white pizza - no red sauce. olive oil, garlic, egplant and feta on this great dough. its really tasty.

    generally i never eat pizza - just too fattening. in fact, i only eat one slice of bread a day and only if it goes w/ my salad.

  16. dont be so quick about cambodia. i twiste dmy ankle badly last year in one of the temples in cambodia. my friend went in to buy some codine for me as we were going out by land and i would have to do some walking - HUGE pain.

    anyway... he was even buying an ace bandage and only wanted a few capsules. the first stuff was nothing (he father a chemist so he knew), second was also unimpressive (codine and paracet. i took as many as i dared but was not enough to kill the pain.

    im sure there are scores of places you can get codine - but that was my experience.

    i doubt most places in thailand even stock it outside hospital in thailand, indonesia - forget it. i couldnt even get a sleeping tab w/o a script.

  17. dragging myself home in a drunken state, i stopped by a local go-go which appears to have been sold and gone further downhill.

    not spying any thai food carts, i was desparate for some munchees and stole into slices pizza. it was quite a non event despite the hype on pcn.

    the pizza appeared to be cold and sitting for a good while not under heat (130am), the did warm it a bit in the oven.

    the crust was fair, the cheese wasnt much. one measly topping spread sparsely and all meat - no veggie (onion/bell pepper$/mushroom). they did have a one topping mushroom. throughly unimpressed. id rather have a pizza hut.

    nothing remotely gormand, typical pattaya drinking fare.

    the staff were overly helpful, maybe a bit pushy. the place is laid out nice for a fast in and out and in true pizzeria americana had proper condiments which was good.

    i really miss z pizza (gourmet from so.cal) but well versed in pies from nyc, philly and the east coast.

    sorry to slag an american having a go here - but it just didnt cut it. i would have much rather had a nice thai dish and saved b20.

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