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Everything posted by FarmerJoe

  1. Update. We are on day 18 without food. Was drinking a lot of water the last couple of days and has now stopped. A vet friend in the states has said her kidneys are going and it should be just a few days more till she passes. He knows of no other way to help her pass without it causing problems. I cleaned her up this morning and have her under a mosquito net. She seems to be calmer now and not in any pain that I can detect. I will let her pass here at home peacably here at home surrounded by our other dogs and us. I have her resting place dug with a small statue I made alongside all our past pets. Thanks to all for your advice and kind words.
  2. Yeah. With my luck, I would screw it up.
  3. Good. That's how I gave her her other pills. I have a syringe for that purpose.
  4. We stopped the medicine after the first day. We do leave the water out near her and pass some food under her nose to see if she will take it. Always no. And Iv'e cooked up all her favorites. It is also to alleviate more of her suffering than mine.
  5. I am also considering the pills and bag option. Thank you.
  6. Thank you. I will look into the Benadryl option as well. 2 weeks no food now,
  7. Thanks for the advice. Sorry to hear about you and your dog. I can't imagine. We have many dogs, all rescues, I will have to give it a go with Helium. I'll look it up. I will have to do this to many dogs in life unfortunately.
  8. As per posts from someone else last week, I too now am in a situation, where I must euthanize my own dog at home. She will not eat. Been 10 days. Now won't drink much, I have tried spoon feeding her and and forcing my large hand down her throat to get something down there, but it just comes back up. I have been to 3 different clinics and hospitals all coming back with the same negative blood tests. I have gotten bags of pills from them and IV's done. She cannot walk due to hip problems. Large dog 13 years old. Pee's while sleeping, so have to bathe her twice a day because of flies( I try to keep her under a mosquito net). I have to dissolve the pills in water to inject down her throat with a plastic syringe. Now they want me to come in everyday for an IV to keep her alive. To prolong her suffering I'm guessing. She tries to crawl away from me anytime I come close to her because she knows what I have to give her and to bathe her. The clinics it seems just want your money and try to keep you coming back for more tests. She's 13 for godsake, how many years do they think she has left? Sorry if I sound angry, but I am. She is very sressed out. Please don't suggest the clinic across from The Dukes in Hangdong, Chiang mai land or Samoeng road intersection or any other. I'm done with them. No vet will euthanize her without more blood tests, pills, IVs' and suffering. I just want to know the best way to do it myself. I have had to do it to smaller dogs, but not a large one. Sorry, have no friends with guns. Again, don't bother with more clinic recommendations. Thank you.
  9. Been going to Mccormick's for my Halux Limitus (No cartilage in the big toe joint) and they can only do cortisone shots and recommended Dr. Chanakarn. Was told to come in next week and got a message today that he won't be back until the 10th-14th.
  10. Hi Sunny. Did you ever find any relief for your toe joint? I just went for my second round of cortisone shots today, because the pain came back. I am looking into Cheilectomy surgery here, but I cannot find anyone here that does it.
  11. Hey G.G, back in Chiang Mai now and here are a couple photos of the Singapore Daiseys. I have many more and I thought I had them on my external hard drive here, but it seems they are either lost or on my laptop in the states. Anyway this will give you an idea what they look like. If you let them grow and just trim them from time to time they will cover a lot of area. The second photo was when I came back after 6 months in the U.S. The better ones arte after I made an overhead tressal tunnel down these pavers to the outdoor garders facilities. Very nice looking and not a lot of work. I did start pulling them out when they got too much in some areas, but that was no problem. They don't just grow from nothing like most weeds. These you have to plant or seed. Hope this helps.
  12. If I was at my house in C.M. I'd send a photo of what I did. Same problem in several spots around the land. I planted Singapore Daisy in those spots with a rock border and threw some cactus pieces down. Looks amazing. The daisy is a weed, but easily controlled. Its a creeping ivy.
  13. So, it's a lot easier than doing it in Thailand? No maps to your house, no visits from immigration, no photos of you standing in front of or inside your house, no interviews with the neighbors? No under consideration? Good to know. I'm applying for another one next month and we are vacationing in Luang Prabang.
  14. Thank you. on my last visit I went in on a visa exempt and switched to a 1 year visa based on marriage. I was hoping to do that again. I 'm hoping they don't need copies of my last visit, since they will not be on the new passport.
  15. I still cannot get anyone at the passport office or Thai consulate to pick up a phone or answer my emails. Can I go in on visa exempt and apply for a visa based on marriage with a new passport and no stamps from my last visits?
  16. They still won't pick up the phone at the L.A. consulate or answer my email. I'm going to have to go on a visa exempt and apply for a 1 year based on marriage one. Tried calling passport services with no luck as well.
  17. I usually get no response from them, but I'll try again. Thank you.
  18. Hello. once again, I am have problems with my e visa application. (Multiple entry based on marriage) I have 2 main issues. On the first page of the application you need to fill in your name. Easy. But each time I login to work on it, a different name is now in the space my name used to be. I'll work on the next page. Go back to check the first page again and yet again, a new name. I can't submit the application unless my name is there. The second issue is, they want to see the pages of my last trips to Thailand for the past year. I just got a new passport. I had to hand in my old one to get it renewed. How is this going to work? Thanks again for your advice.
  19. Start a Crawfish farm. There are people here in Thailand doing well with them and they offer to help newbies get started. I will be going to visit them myself when I get back. It's one of the most popular dishes in China. The largest exporter and consumer of them. 90 percent. I think they would do well here.
  20. Thank you.
  21. Much thanks Joe.
  22. I have a friend who came in on a visa exempt and got it extended 30 days, then had a 6 week covid extension. he wants to stay a month or 2 longer. Any advice on how to do it would be much appreciated. Also have another friend coming to stay with me for 4 months. What visa would be best for that? Thanks again F.J.
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