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Everything posted by FarmerJoe

  1. I would definitely use it more than MarketPlace.
  2. "Discussions with influential people" Meaning brown envelopes will be passed around.
  3. Sorry for the late reply. Helping out with funeral preparations. This it it here. Can by on shoppee and Lazada too.
  4. Why isn't it called a booze party? Alcohol was consumed. If they were having sex, I guess it would be a sex party and food is a food party. When I was young, it was just a party.
  5. I bought a high frequency chaser on Temu. I can't hear anything, but the dogs sure do. I trained my own dogs with it, as it has a training mode. Dogs are terrified by the chaser mode. When a pack comes near me, one press of the button sends them scurrying. $9.95. Best one ever.
  6. I took a trip to Singapore from Chiang Mai and the aircon only had 2 settings. Off and suspended animation. I was the only one on the bus with extra clothes and handed them out to some of the older people. Freezing water was dripping from the air nozzles up above us.
  7. I posted last month with the same problem. Usually takes seconds and then last month it was 6 days. This month, back to seconds. Go figure. Western Union has made some changes and could be a good back up.
  8. Coming up on 20 years together and she still treats me like a king. No arguments ever. Has her own business and is very good at bookkeeping and money management. if it wasn't for her, I'd probably still be sitting on a bar stool in a dank bar with nothing to show after a lifetime of working. I was partying my life away when we met. She pretty much saved me from a inglourious ending.
  9. I have ordered from Temu numerous times from my laptop in the states and in Thailand. Always free shipping. Never had a problem. The items were always as described and good quality. Just don't buy power tools. ( I saw a Youtube video of a guy who bought a bunch to try out. Not very good it seems) Otherwise, I use Temu if I can't find an item on Lazada or Shopee.
  10. I want to bring in about 50 ounces of silver back to thailand that have been sitting around in my home country. Are there any reasons why I would have a problem with this? Would I need to declare it at customs in Chiang mai?
  11. My wife finally got it after 6 days. Hallelujah!!!!!
  12. I always push and it just took seconds. not now though.
  13. I looked at the Dee money reviews. Most are bad. If it happens again, I'll just cancel the transfer and go back to bank to bank transfers.
  14. Yeah. I make the same transfer each month for years. Always in seconds. Now 4 days and nothing sent.
  15. Yes. Same transfer every month. Same amount. Been 4 days. Nothing yet.
  16. Hi, has anyone else had transfers taking almost a week? I've been using Wise for a few years and it always took seconds. Now they tell me it will take 6 days. Their website says at the most it would take 2 days to transfer money. What could be the hold up? Are there any other fast money transfer companies out there that you use?
  17. Nothing to invest. We got a truck and bins already. Been making statues today from some friends rubble. Should turn out nice.
  18. I live a half hour outside Chiang Mai. Just have to find a way to advertise. Thanks.
  19. High season is done with and so is most of my wifes employment until next season. She is getting bored, likes to make her own money and wants something to fill in the time till then. I thought this might work, but on a very small scale. I have a large property and do endless landscaping and gardening on it. As a hobby, I make my own large bricks and stepping stones from construction debris. Broken concrete, cinder blocks (it-dang), tiles, slate, roofing shingles, pottery etc..... Anything I can use to make bricks. I am also starting to make large pathways around the property using concrete fence posting laid out on the ground and filling it with broken down concrete and adding color. I Know from personal experience that when we have work done around our place by local workers, they end up leaving leftover materials and debris around as they have no way of taking it with them and dumping it. My neighbors had this problem, but I took and used it all already. And I am not aware of any companies doing this on a small scale. Only large construction removal. My idea is this. If someone needs debris removed, my wife, for a price, can use her truck to take it away, bring it home and I break it down into small rubble, which is easy to do and and I get my projects made without having to pay for aggregate. It's a win-win as I see it. People get their debris taken away, the wife makes some money and isn't bored and I have my aggregate for my projects. If anyone has any advice, opinions or criticisms, please, by all means, sound off. It's just a large pick up truck with a plastic bed in back. I was thinking of using those black garden pools you see at garden centers to hold the debris, so as not to damage the bed.
  20. Easy to manage. You see it everywhere here for decoration around ponds in front of businesses. Big C, Banks, shopping malls.
  21. Singapore Daisy. You see it around many ponds. Easy to manage. Grows fast, nice yellow flowers. I have it in many places on my land.
  22. She passed last week after 23 days without wanting to eat and 8 days no water. My vet friend in the states says he never heard of a dog lasting that long. I stayed with her at the end. I cried each night saying goodby as I though she would go before morning and then when she went, I had no tears left. My other dogs still try each day to dig her out under the grave stone. The other day, I watched my Lab carry a leaf over to the grave and drop it on it.She just sat there staring for a minute, then left. Shook my head in Wonder. We took in one last dog this week and have shut down our pet rescue project due to insensitivity of the vets here.
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