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Posts posted by filingaccount

  1. IE 8 Beta2 is still broken.

    It doesn't work right even with Microsofts own outlook web interface mail service.

    IE7 is horrible, but at least it renders/works right a majority of the time.

    I use Firefox 3, 99% of the time, except where Microsoft deems it necessary to "require" IE (eg. Outlook web interface, microsofts own website)

  2. Is there a comprehensive list available of the postal addresses of Thai factories/manufacturing enterprises - either online or in printed format?

    I am researching the establishment of a business consulting venture and my customers will be Thai (and other Asian) manufacturing enterprises, especially SMEs.

    Thanks for any advice


    www.factory-listing-thailand.com might be able to help you.

  3. I'm with TOT and have taken advantage of a recent premotion to upgrade to 2Mb for just 590bt.

    There is an increase in speed though this can fluctuate with the way the wind is blowing. I'm getting pretty regular 160 kB/s on torrent downloads.


    Are you in Bangkok? Because I just called the TOT call center and they told me 1000 baht for 2 mbit in Bangkok.

  4. I'm interested in the same. Checked out fring online, was hoping the FAQs might explain how it differs from Skype Mobile, but didn't see any explanations of that kind.

    Fring doesn't differ in practical use, except it uses less resources, and it can connect to many other services at the same time as well. Works well with bluetooth headsets too.

  5. Good idea, but the implementation is severely lacking.

    1. Loads slow, even in Thailand - your TARGET market.

    2. Nothing much more than just slideshows of different images with some music added (and some have no music).

    3. Layout, colours and style of the website is very generic and unexciting. You want to sell STYLE, not content. Everyone has content.

    4. No immediate (or any?) incentives to sign up and list or buy through your property site. "Free" is not enough. Everyone has "free" listings.

    5. In the end it looks like any other generic property listing site that there are hundreds, nay, thousands of in Thailand.

    Yes, harsh. Want to succeed, try harder and be genuinely different.

    Yes, I could have a comparable site, with similar (and possibly more) features up in about 6-8 weeks. If anyone is interested in commissioning such a site, drop me a PM. However, keep in mind that the market is saturated with bad content and it would be a severe uphill climb just to get clients/investors and sellers interested in your site.

  6. Does anyone know if I buy an HP Laptop in Singapore/Hongkong and it develops a fault - will HP in Thailand repair it?...

    Or would I have to take it back from where I bought it from?...

    AFAIK, HP offers regional warranty on all laptops except the business range. Even then you might have to buy an extended warranty.

  7. ASUS bought in Thailand has an international warranty of 2 years.

    They are built well, and I would put them as number 2 behind Lenovo. However, recently Lenovo only offers a 1 year warranty I have seen. Mighty strange.

    I always suggest my customers to identify what they would be using most on the computer. I give you a hint, they are keyboard, mouse, and screen. :o

    Make sure you are comfortable with all 3 and make critical judgments side by side. Take the one that feels and looks best to you.

    Personally I like matte screens (glossy crap peeves you off when there is a bit of sun).

  8. Step one. Figure out WHY you need the device (aka. what you would use it for).

    Step two. Find devices matching your criteria. HTC, iPhone, Blackberry, ASUS, HP, etc.

    Step three. Compare devices and select based on price and performance.

    Optional step four. If you are still in need of advice. PM me.

  9. Although they are annoying they do keep inflation in check somewhat.

    From personal experience when a country has removed the smallest denomination from the market, the prices go up the next smallest denomination very quickly, prices never drop nor stay the same.

    If you really dislike the coins, give it to your local beggar around the corner or your maid or if you collect coins, to your local charity. If you do something with it, someone will benefit. Costs you just satangs too.

    I get them regularly from 7-11's, Lotus, BigC etc. Never from "fasionable" grocery stores though (eg. Tops marketplace), they seem to be rounding it, fairly, up or down.

  10. "So what is causing the slow internet connection speed?"

    "I don't know"

    "So what does customer service know? I mean you are here to inform customers about problems. Any problems with the ISP network?"

    "We know nothing, we just send your complaint to technician"

    "So you are unable to give me any information at all about anything?"

    "Sorry, sir, we don't know anything in customer center."


  11. It looks like we are all out of luck recently. There seems to be some heavy ongoing Internet issues (most notably government filtering ala China).

    I would suggest you talk to different ISP about their filtering policies. Do they try to block bittorrent, do they limit bandwidth internationally? What are their minimum expected speeds on each specific package? How many customers do they have and how much international bandwidth do they have?


    The sad truth is this... only 30 Gbps of total international bandwidth with more than 14 million internet users for the whole country.

    Lastly. Use opendns to bypass the ridiculous DNS filtering and DNS speed issues from your local ISP's.

    Edit: clarity.

  12. Again, the only laptops I see failing quickly and on a regular basis are Acers. Unfortunately people still buy them, and have to suffer. Gives me very good business though. I hardly ever see any other brands.

    If any other brand fails, it is generally a factory fault and it is apparent within a day of use. Most manufacturers give a brand new spare part immediately though, since the failures are few and far between.

    I guess it's just down to luck, I was using my old Acer travelmate, crap specs etc for downloading in Japan, and I did some serious downloading on a very high speed connection, I never had any real problem with it, of course it was an old model with zero specification to speak of.

    I bought myself an Acer 4520G a while back, 2 GB Ram , 250GB HDD, Bluetooth, AMD Turion 64 x 2 Dual core, Nvidia GeForce 8400M graphics, Built in Webcam, Signal up Wireless etc etc and have experienced Zero problems with this Acer also.

    At the price I paid I think it's great. :D

    Yes, luck to have one that works :o Edit: and it shouldn't be about luck....

    How is the keyboard? Compared to a regular desktop keyboard I mean.

    It is NOT expected that the laptop keys should/would be of any different quality than the entry level Logitec keyboard.

    Try pressing the "H" or "G" keys... and see how the keyboard sinks.

  13. Laptops should last a good 5 years before experiencing any sort of hardware failures.

    BS... Even desktops don't last that long, I have a 500gb 0+1 array on a desktop and one of the drives needs replacing already within 8 months, same with the last one. Infact out of the 10+ desktops i've had in the last 15yrs not a single one has gone 5yrs without some sort of hardware failure..

    Laptops != Desktops.

    (editing was apparently not allowed, please excuse the double posting)

    I decided to expand a little on my answer to you.

    What brand of HDD? What kind of failure? And what level of use? Many things factor in to failures. Maybe you should be considering SCSI drives if your HDD use is high.

    A desktop that is home built depends greatly on you own knowledge and skill putting it together, if you overclock it (and/or overvolt), buy sub-par cooling (or any other component for that matter) or keep it in a non-forgiving environment.

    Also, a desktop generally sees much more use than a laptop. More heavy CPU use, more HDD accesses, and uses more power and thus gets warmer. The choice of PSU is critically important, specially in Thailand where power output is unstable (190-250 volts !), the power on the PSU rails has to be stable for components like VGA cards, HDDs, sound cards, NIC's and so forth. Some equipment is more sensitive to power fluctuations than others.

    The grounding of the power is very important since you dont want 10-12 volts "leaking" onto the chassis. This also is critical if you are in a dusty environment as the "leaking" power will be transferred to the mainboard directly and quite likely render it useless.

    A laptop is normally built with durability in mind (some OEM's excluded). The cooling depends mostly on the heatsink, not the fan. The fans are generally low powered and low rpm, hence silent. Besides, most laptops are used a lot less than desktops, so they dont face the same "wear". You dont generally open it up and poke around in there, it is a sealed system. A sealed system removes external factors as failure points.

    In closing I'd like to enter my current laptop.

    ASUS A8Jp

    1.86 Ghz Core2Duo

    2 GB RAM

    80 GB HDD

    ATI x1700


    It is going stong now 22 months fully on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without any problems to speak of.

    Before that it was an HP some or other, that lasted 3 years without any failures. It was sold only because I wanted more power for my folding@home. Yes, folding takes 100% of each and every free CPU cycle, essentially running the CPU 100% permanently.

    Again, the only laptops I see failing quickly and on a regular basis are Acers. Unfortunately people still buy them, and have to suffer. Gives me very good business though. I hardly ever see any other brands.

    If any other brand fails, it is generally a factory fault and it is apparent within a day of use. Most manufacturers give a brand new spare part immediately though, since the failures are few and far between.

  14. Laptops should last a good 5 years before experiencing any sort of hardware failures.

    BS... Even desktops don't last that long, I have a 500gb 0+1 array on a desktop and one of the drives needs replacing already within 8 months, same with the last one. Infact out of the 10+ desktops i've had in the last 15yrs not a single one has gone 5yrs without some sort of hardware failure..

    Laptops != Desktops.

  15. filing account....please tell us about any bad experiences you've had with Acer laptops,to justify your comment about them being crap.

    I bought a 5920g Acer more than a year ago..to date its been the best comp I have ever bought..and I have bought a few,including DELL,Hewlett Pacard,compaq over the 15 years I been playing with them..and the cheapest to boot..!!

    Not had any problems with mine..and I would reccomend them to anyone I know..the 5930 just released is top spec for little money(under 60k baht)with Blue ray and and leaves all the competition standing in my opinion.


    How about a track record from several retail shops?

    How about a track record of people calling my business (IT support) with problems related to Acer?

    Yeah, Acers are crap build. Finicky keyboards (press the g or h keys and you see the whole keyboard sink), lose CD trays, USB contact problems, mainboard failures, LCD screen hinges cracking, LCD screen color bleeding and light bleeding, bad driver support etc etc.

    They generally do not last past a year. Laptops should last a good 5 years before experiencing any sort of hardware failures.

  16. But as a gamer, I can't have smooth gameplay for some reason. I lagged alot, I mean,if it was around 100ms, or 150ms,I wouldn't bother but it's way beyond 400, sometimes hitting 900ms.

    I will ask some contacts outside Thailand to sniff out all "interesting" network occurrences here.

    Also, I have some odd redirects with Google and Youtube right now. It wants to peg me as being in Russia. This tells me that there is heavy filtering and re-tagging of data flowing in and out of Thailand. I'll dig a bit.

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