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Posts posted by Begs

  1. Thinking about it: Begs probably got more to eat in his CH than I did. :o

    I Probably did, I was not in a workhouse!!

    I was in the care of K.C.C. ( Kent county council), the my last year at school i sent to 'The Brtitish Seamans Boys Home' in Brixham, Devon. I was very lucky, i had a good time. :D

  2. If i was a rich man i would build a school for the beggars, and make sure their families let them go to school even if i had to pay the families for loss of income from begging.

    No you wouldn't.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yes i would ! :o

    What you gonna say to that? Listen mate i have to work, and i am in no position to do the things that i think would be benificial, have you been to the place i am talking about?

    If you have you will know what i am talking about, if you havn't then maybe you should.

    I can do my little bit that i do, i do not look for self grataification, i just know that if i was mega rich, i would donate a lot of dosh to help those less fortunate than me.

  3. the beggers dont get up my nose begs,but you do with the utter crap you come out with,you must be a good friends with the mods on here too,you can attack people on here and never get deleted,are you for real? :o

    Attacking people like you are attacking me?

    "Utter Crap"? What do you base that little chesnut on?

    I get warned about some of my posts, Mods show no favouritism.

    You will only feel under attack from me if you are one of the low life scum that i have a habit of attacking, if the cap fits, wear it.

    You will have to do better than that to flame me, your a <deleted> amateur. :D

  4. I believe we all share a responsibility for the world we live in, and we should feel obliged to help when we can, in the way we can... Money, food, or even just sharing a smile with anyone. It all contributes to the well being of someone.

    True Ajarn, i wonder what it must be like for those kids, no education, no future, open to all types of exploitation because they was born in the wrong place and the wrong time.

    If i was a rich man i would build a school for the beggars, and make sure their families let them go to school even if i had to pay the families for loss of income from begging.

    Life sucks at times.

  5. hehe..........in your case, certainly.    :o

    hehe, good one Begs, you can go back to TGT and troll Bkk chat again now..

    Rooboy, i have important work here.

    Go back to TGT..... Explain, or do you think i am TGT?


    They say what you do not know cannot harm you.....If it is true, that makes you nearly invincible. :D

  6. It is simple like that:


    You are sick and you have no money....


    You are sick and you have money...

    The patient of group No. 1 and No. 2 is not treated in the same way - this is true for all countries in this world .....

    It is a big difference concerning your health, if you belong to group No.1 or to group No.2


    This is why people from richer countries have better health care, and rich individuals have good health care.

    Yohan, has made a simple, but very true statement.

  7. No matter how we despise the deceptive practices of the BG

    You despise their deceptive practices?

    So I take it you will no longer be gracing the bars with your presence when you get your vacation.

    You know what i despise, idiot farangs carrying on about Bargirls, about how deceptive they are etc, then going to the same places to exploit the situation for themselves. Please, if you are willing to get on a plane to travel to Thailand for your holidays, and be an eager participant in the Sex for sale business. Do not get all moralistic and ethical, if you had these qualities yourself you would never be exploiting the situation in Asia in the first place

    Do you expect the people that you are paying to refuse money for not sleeping with people, but gratefully accept the money you give them for sleeping with you?

    You live in a country that has welfare and social security and pensions, these people do not.

    Try being poor, then come back with you moralising.

    But i bet you are counting the days till your next trip to Thailand is coming.

  8. At least she is not the type that bleeds the mother queens citizens populace of their hard earned cash as many do.

    In my experience in Thailand, i have never seen one Thai Girl with a gun up against a farangs head demanding he sends her money.

    Why are Thai girls blamed when a guy sends her some money?

    Should she refuse money that people send to her?

    Would you refuse if someone was offering to send you money?

  9. Khun ?, she may even like you- but she's probably still bilking the other 25.

    And if she calls 100 guys, maybe 20 of them will wind up sending her money out of the goodness of their [something]? So she's got the overhead of the overseas call covered already. It's like being on a telemarketing list.


    The voice of an expert.........what do you know?

    Or are you just jumping on the Bargirl bashing bandwagon?

    Can you please inform me of your experiences in this field?

  10. On the other hand you have Begs, who goes looking to attack said people and anyone else who might not agree everything is perfect, Begs labels us all as moaners, whingers, hard done by, etc etc, which is the true evil?? :D

    I know everything is not perfect and I realise that fact.

    But unlike certain posters i do not go into another country expecting that country to be the same as the country i came from.

    Would i go to some sub Saharan African countries and complain that i saw hungry people?

    Would i go to India and complain about street beggars?

    Would i wear a gold chain in Rio or Sao Paulo?

    Would i stay in a country that disturbed me, if i had the choice?

    If i chose to stay would i spend my time bitching about the country i choose to be in?

    The aswer to all the above is NO. How about you rooboy,would you ? :o

  11. A friend of mine has the solution. When he goes he takes 500 baht in 1 baht coins and when surrounded by the swarm lobs his coins in to the air and runs like buggery whilst the kids are scrabbling to pick up the money. :o


    Your friend is a good man.

    I was at first saddened not annoyed when i went to the border for the first time, i sat in the small food shop, me and my gf had some food there was some Cambodian kids sitting on the floor looking at us, when i put down my fork i still had food on the plate....within a micro-second the plate was whisked away and the kids where scoffing down my leftovers, i felt terrible, i ordered a lot of food for these kids, went to 7-11 and bought them some sweets and coke and gave them 50 Baht each.

    I saw other farangs fattened by their wealth walking past these human tragedies as though they did not exist.

    Did the children annoy me? No

    Maybe we should drop to our knees, and thank whoever our higher power is that we where never in that situation.

  12. I am also a childrens homes product from the UK.  :D

    So, now we know Begs,... :o:D

    Yes, I am very lucky, I was fortunate to have been in Childrens Homes, I have seen life from many angles.

    I was not a mummys boy like a certain poster I will not name, I have seen life from many different angles and I always root for the underdog.

    Maybe you noticed that already. :D

    Whenever i see a farang moaning about how they are hard done by in Thailand i wanna laugh at them, they have the option to leave, they can go back to the place they left from.

    The Thai's that are hard done by in Thailand do not have that luxury, they stay here not by choice but because that is the hand that life has dealt them, i am sure they would prefer to go to the West and have to opportunities that westerners have, but life is not like that. Sometimes the spoilt westerners see things in poor countries that they are shocked at, like bargirls and beggars, (although in london a beggar can pull over 1000 Pounds a week at waterloo station), but it does not stop them from coming, or staying. They have a choice though.

    I would love to see how many of the posters here would manage a family with no money. I would Take away your money and your jobs first, then give you a few rai of farmland up country and a buffalo, see how you get on. That i would love to see.

    I bet you would be crying to leave Thailand and go back to the dump you came from after 2 days toil in the field!

    Oh, but what about the wife and the 3 children? Lets face it, westerners are spoilt, and until you have been poor, you will never be able to understand Poor peoples ways as long as you have a crack in your ass.

  13. This is for the guys that go to the Cambodian Border to do their Visa runs, Aranyaprathet , Had lek etc.

    I have often heard Farangs complain about the beggars at the border, they are annoyed by them, they get impatient with them, they tell them in a loud voice to go away, some even take their own umbrella so the girls do not walk with them shielding them from the sun or the Rain, hoping for a few Baht.

    Now i know farangs like to complain, but this complaint appears to be widespread amongst the border hopper fraternity.

    What is it that makes you so annoyed?

    If you are one of the complainers i would like to know how children that have nothing can annoy you by asking for a few baht?

  14. I will be back up to Pattaya Orphanage next week when i go back home. The people there do a fine job, it can get a bit emotional at times when you have to put the Kids back in their cots, and they are crying for attention. :o

    But in many ways they are a lot luckier than Kids that live with abusive parents in the home enviroment.

    I am also a childrens homes product from the UK. :D

  15. Hey Begs, hang on, this might get like that scene out of Airplane.. everyone lineing up to offer a slap.

    I think he pasted the article from another forum rather than experiencing it himself

    I had a pop coz I know the guy.



    Teach my remarks are aimed at the Author of the "Shocking story". :o

    But the bonus is, I get to have a pop at ole RooBoy at the same time. :D

  16. Sometimes I feel sorry for Thailand. You wouldn't wish this on any country. Later I wondered if she pulled this routine on five farangs a day. Sometimes people like to email me and tell me that I am not sensitive to the culture and that there is lots I don't know about the Kingdom. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones.

    Wouldn't wanna wish what on any country?

    A poorer person than you asking for money?

    You wondered if she Pulled this on 5 farangs a day, why not 6, why not 10? In other words you have no idea, in fact you could have been the first one ever. You admit that you speak Thai NIT NOI, so she may have been asking for 100 Baht for a very good reason, you admit to having poor skills in Thai, so in fact you could be totally wrong. But as you are a farang i suppose you are right and she is wrong. Shallow <deleted>.

    In a lot of countries where the people are not so rich you would get robbed by the woman with the baby or her man waiting in the shadows.

    Is this post supposed to be a shocking story ?

    I would have given her 100 baht for the baby anyway, whats so unusual about that, maybe you people that are so shocked at a person asking for a 100 Baht should go and live in Rio or Sao paulo. Try wearing a good watch to the park.

    Jesus h Christ...Roo Boy,mate, you dig up nothing more shocking than this?

    Roo boy, get your ticket back to Aus, you know that you are missing your social life and your mates and the beaches and the food and the cars that do not pollute the air. :o

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