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Posts posted by Begs

  1. but carry that tough guy shit around for too long in this part of the worl' espescially - your gonna wind up getting hurt . I'm not araid of 3 or 4 of 'em, was it? I'd be very afraid if I were you. :o

    Yea, but the original poster is a real tough guy. :D

  2. Looking for advice! If a farang (male) marries a Thai wife and elects to live in Thailand, is he responsible for debts previously incurred by his wife?

    And all the debts that are to follow.................. :o

  3. ^that's too bad. Not covering up is simply having a death wish.


    Don't worry, you are perfectly safe...................

    IjustwannaTeach (sansworkpermit) Wanking has no risks. :o

  4. 125,000 baht a month to live on is much more than most people will spend, its 4000 a day everyday, i have spent as little as 100 baht or as much as 10,000, it just depends on the lifestyle, or how drunk i was.

    Most people spend much much less than that, don't take too much notice of what people say in a forum, how many will admit to being a tight fisted old fart that spends 80 baht a day begrudgingly? :o

  5. How do you get chlamydia and how common is it?

    It is commonly passed on when you have sex with an infected person. About 1 in 20 sexually active women in the UK are infected with chlamydia. It is most common in women under 25. Many women are not aware that they are infected as it often causes no symptoms. You can be infected with chlamydia for months, even years, without realising it.

    These UK guys should know better considering Chlamydia is rife in the UK, mind you, most can't get a shag at home anyway.

    Can you catch Chlamydia through masturbation? :o

  6. You see I am very happy with what I do and what I have, I dont spend hours a day in a pathetic forum chasing after the flame posts, you on the other hand don't seem to have much else to do...MATE.  :D

    So this Forum is also pathetic ..........................

    Are you always so happy? :o

  7. I am very content with my life

    Content with what ?

    The food that you think is better elsewhere? Getting ripped off at parks? The false smiles? Dirty Beaches? Breathing in a few Kgs of Diesel fumes each week?

    What is it you are content with,,,,apart from whinging like a sissy? :o

  8. Your mundane pommie humour wears pretty thin when all you can do is post the same inane flames over and over. Nothing better to do eh?

    I guess i could sit about complaining all day long instead..........

    Nah, i will leave that up to you. :o

  9. Even more so when you come to a strange country,marry a woman you have prob only known weeks....and yes who is 20 years younger than you

    Silly isn't it.

    Best thing for those that are scared of losing a few baht is.......

    Don't get married. Why do people have to get married anyway?

    If you stay in your own country would you or could you be with a girl 30 years younger than you? No ?

    Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart can, why is that? Yes folks, money. Yes if you guys are rich enough to have a prenup, go ahead, but i still cant see how a Thai girl will get you into court in the first place. Certainly not in Thailand.

    She can only take what you willingly give her, if you are scared to lose something, do not give it away in the first place.

    Problem a lot of inexperienced guys have in Thailand, is giving too much too soon, people that do this will have problems wherever they go, not only in Thailand.

    Like they meet a girl, 5 days later they are promising to look after her and her family forever. You have to look at it from her point of view, 15 years later you can still go and get anyone you want, she on the other hand will face different circumstances further down the road the older she gets.

    Wear her shoes for a while, try to look at things from the female point of view. Or just be a moaning miserable old git with no friends for the rest of your life. :o

  10. You are boring, go get a life.

    Rooboy as popular as ever....................................

    TGT is right mate.

    If i was putting up with the crap that you put up with, i would be gone, back to my great social life and good mates and genuine smiles and good food and clean Beaches............

    Mate, what the f##k are you doing in Thailand?

  11. My personal impression is, never give cash as a foreigner to your Thai family, think about offering any kind of business, with some repayment to you!

    Yohan makes some good points, i also am thinking along similar lines.

    Everybody deserves a little help in life if they are willing to help themselves.

    I am sure people would give you a lot more respect for helping them provide a better life for themselves, by providing the opportunity for them to do it themselves, as opposed to handing out some money occasionaly.

    This is my idea anyway. :o

  12. Teachers should be better paid.

    Only those with the correct qualifications and work permits.

    As for the backpackers that have run out of money, Alcoholics that have run out of Alcohol, Junkies that have run out of Junk, who use English Teaching as a fraudulent way to stay in Thailand come what may, let them earn the same as a Thai Teacher earns. 7 - 10,000 Baht a month, and pay tax. :o

  13. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. How many trolls you guys got here, anyway?

    "Steven" :o

    I may actually go to Silom and see Steven take on 3 - 4 Little Thai guys or was it 6 - 7 that would be no problem?

    I tell you what...if you win that particular fight, I will buy you a work permit. :D

  14. you know Harry - the ones Begs has gleefully launched into - the "real" teacher, the WP, the expat v teacher, give it a minute or so and I am sure the troll in him will find another question to ask soon.

    Funny you should mention that.................. :D

    Q: What do you call a farang that comes to Thailand, runs out of money and don't wanna go back to his own country for whatever reason?

    A: English Teacher.


  15. Oho, so Begsy's one of the "rich" workers in Japan, eh?  I know a thing or two about Japan....

    You a teacher, Begsy?  Are you American?  How exactly did you get your first working visa in Japan?


    Please, this forum is for issues relating to Thailand...............

    Kindly keep to a topic that has some relevance to Thailand.

    I would worry about your own ( please Begs while it's correct it doesn't help! KK ) situation in Thailand if i was you, what is happening a few thousand Kms away is immaterial in a Thai Forum. :o

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