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  1. Anyone just received one.?
  2. BBC Report - UK Passport office to go on strike for 5 weeks.
  3. On my computer it is not required field. I have never entered it. Know nothing about apps.
  4. Think this can be closed now Crossy.
  5. www.thaiexpatloans. com
  6. Anyone had any deals with this company.?
  7. You probably know but you can refresh the log on letters until you get a readable one.
  8. Now when I log in it says pending so I suppose they got it.?
  9. Tried today - says cannot for a further 3 days - do not know why , my report is due 19th. I will try Tuesday - maybe the w/e and holiday Monday but that should not reject application. Only the result.
  10. Did you just log on and do a new one.? Was it accepted
  11. My 90 day report is due 19 March. I usually get a reminder exactly 15 days before. I have not got one yet . Do you think it is because it is a weekend and holiday Monday. ? Nothing due when I log on. Shall I wait a few more days>
  12. Wrong- I am 73 -the plus 15% is for anyone over 65 - it only started this year. The 2-3% is up depending on age increase - that is reasonable. To be told of this large new increase -15% -8 weeks before due payment is not.
  13. It was sometime since I did mine-no problems - I think I did it by phone to IPC.
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