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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. 19 hours ago, khunjeff said:



    A similar system has been used at Incheon for many years; if something suspicious is seen during the scan, your bag comes out on the belt with a device locked onto the handle playing music and flashing lights, alerting the customs officer to send you for further inspection.

    Convenient that.  If there's something really dodgy in your bag and you see that on the handle, just rip off the bag tag, leave your bag on the conveyor, and walk out.  ????

  2. I use Jomtien, I have the money in the bank and, being retired, I have the time.  Having said that, I use the agent in the compound to complete my forms, do any photocopies needed, etc.  Then take them in myself.  Cost is usually a couple of hundred and I have never had issues with the forms in immigration - I think that, seeing their paperwork, the officer pretty much rubberstamps it, he knows it's correct.  Worth the (small) money to me.


    I know many who use agents because they can't, or don't want to, put the money in the bank.  I've always thought that it's dodgy though, a "Big Joke" type in charge could cause some serious grief there.

  3. I believe this, used to be a taxi driver, lived about 20 miles from where I worked.  Keeping awake when the work was coming was easy, but when it finished, driving home on unlit country roads wasn't.  Sometimes I had to find a layby and doze for a few minutes before continuing.  At times I got home and couldn't remember the journey.

    Thai drivers do a lot more hours than I did, so they'll be worse affected - though "face" will stop them admitting it.

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