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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. 10 hours ago, bojo said:

    Could I butt in and ask.....I am returning soon too after having been away for a while and I have a Thai account with over the 800K Thb needed to applu for a non O......However I am unclear as to whether the funds need to be shown from coming in from overseas, which in my case they haven't........ My funds have been there for years from savings etc within the Kingdom...Thanks......................

    If you haven't used that account for a while, you may want to check that it's still open and that your money is still there.  There have been reports of dormant accounts being closed - I haven't heard if you can get the money back.  TIT, so it's likely in someone's pocket.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Stubby said:

    Four possible cases of BA.2.2 Omicron sub-variant detected in Thailand NO CAUSE FOR ALARM!

    OK, fine, so here's an idea. How about not posting about stuff until there IS cause for alarm? I mean, how do you want the reader not to panic or react to the news? Geesh, there's enough global doom and gloom to last a generation., so please... STOP IT, just STOP IT.

    Thank you.



    Because they would be (rightly) accused of hiding data.

  3. 5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    I actually thought this plan had died a death as the hi-speed railway station stop had been moved out to the wilds of Huay Yai. 

    Not much space at ground level maybe....

    Trams use existing roads and normal traffic can still use them between trams.  The hard bit would be explaining to the locals that trams can't dodge!  ????

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  4. 6 hours ago, NancyL said:

    It was probably easier for his wife to let him drive than to argue with him and try to take away his keys.  He may have insisted that he'd been to the French consulate hundreds of times.  I've known others, including my own father who became disoriented while driving and ended up 100 miles away from home.  That's when he finally realized he needed to give up the keys.

    Likely.  My Dad came home one day in his mid 70's, handed Mum his car keys, and said that he shouldn't drive now.  Something had happened, but we never found out what.  Whatever it was, he had the sense to see the problem and deal with it, he never drove again.  It's the ones who don't realise who are the problem.

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