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Posts posted by RogueLeader

  1. d. A just and fair judiciary that treats the poor and the rich completely equally

    When Thailand manages to find a way of doing this, please could they send a delegation over to Britain and the US and let us know how?

    Thailand provide equal voting rights to rich and poor (one vote each). That is how.

    (Apart from 50% of the senator which is selected by the powerful elites and loyals)

    That's the legislature, not the judiciary.

    In any case, Thailand is a democracy in name only. There are very, very few true democracies in the world because an effective democracy must also be meritocratic.

  2. A number of you clearly didn't study math(s) at school as you don't seem to be able to grasp it whatsoever. Of course something can depreciate more than 100% relative to something else.

    You are making the mistake of treating the currency against ITSELF whereby it CANNOT depreciate more than 100% ie: when it becomes worthless - I accept this being the case.

    Relative depreciation of a currency against A DIFERENT currency CAN be by MORE than 100% (as I have shown in my examples)!!! You must treat the first quoted figures as being comparative 100% units and any movement in either direction by the equivalent amount treated in the same way!!!

    Look at this depreciation/appreciation this way : Suppose 30 baht / 1$ goes to 80 baht / 1$

    So 1baht went from 1/30 of a dollar to 1/80 of a dollar.

    Then the baht depreciated 1/30 / 1/80 = .03333 /.0125 = 2.66 or 266%

    And the dollar appreciated 80/30 = 2.66 = 266 %

    Please stop.

    • Like 1
  3. Simple - ban reds and yellows and force all politics through democratic channels - the political parties

    Top-down politics. Keeping the political process out of the hands of the people. How do you imagine this might be achieved? License people to think about politics and ban all non-licensed political debate? Ban assembly? Ban the colours red and yellow?

    It'll definitely work. After all, drugs are illegal and no-one uses them any more.

  4. amazing, here is a young guy that has died in police custody, and yet it does not have its own thread and nobody has commented on the link above for a few hours.

    Whatever the rights and wrongs of what the guy did for a living, well wrongs, there are no rights really, I would have thought more people could have been concerned about dying in custody three days after arrest and it being covered up until now.

    Dangerous place, custody. Seems fraught with accidents.

  5. How can a currency drop 150%?

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    If it was 100 baht to X then it moves to 250 baht to X then it has dropped 150% to X.

    No it hasn't.

    It's dropped 60% to X.

    Currencies can't drop more than 100% relative to anything.

    Sorry you are wrong!!!

    Let's go the other way, If it went from 100 to 50 baht to X you will you will get double X for your money ie: 100 % more.

    Agreed??? Then if it carried on getting stronger to under 50 baht then it has appreciated by over 100%!!!

    Oh, dear me...

  6. even the poorest Burmese immigrates have more clout in Thailand than the average ex-pat,

    Are you annoyed because Burmese people, who are citizens of an ASEAN nation, have more pull in Thailand than Europeans and Americans? Or that money doesn't buy power quite as easily as you'd expected?

    Would you be annoyed that 'even the poorest Belgian' has more 'clout' in France than a rich Emirati?

    I don't understand your position.

  7. They should taint the drugs with some really nasty shit that causes death, and then release it into the general population with massive warnings everywhere about what they have done. Therefore, anyone buying drugs will never quite know for sure if their next childish little kick will be their last. In fact, they would actually have to do it, just say so. Wonder how quickly drug taking would decline then especially from all the weekend warrior coke sniffers.

    "There are two types pf people who are anti-drugs: people who've never done them and people who sucked at doing them"

    --Doug Stanhope.

  8. We're nothing but walking ATMs to these people.

    The Thais are quick to forget that they have the British to thank or they would all be speaking French.

    And the Allies for ridding them of the Japanese, and in particular the Americans for them escaping punishment for being on the Axis side in WWII.

    See a pattern here?

    When their history is so full of fantasy and lies it is sometimes easy to understand where the undercurrent of xenophobia comes from.

    When I read posts like this, it's very easy to understand where the xenobhobia comes from.

    • Like 2
  9. Time to move. I hear Cambodia is nice.thumbsup.gif

    Yes, a thai can go anywhere in Europe and purcjase land, even like Taksin park himself and travel the world on a passport given to him, Even buy a football team... Try that in Thailand as a foreigner, someone feels he has lost something!

    No. Taksin was only allowed to do that because he was extremely rich. If an ordinary Thai tried to do it, they wouldn't be given a visa.

    You can buy your way into Britain, the same as you can anywhere.

    • Like 1
  10. "The new law includes a reward to anyone providing information about foreigners owning land through nominees. They will get 20% of the market price of that piece of land as a reward after the plot is sold,"

    Are foreigners eligible for this reward... if so, I think I'll be dam_n rich pretty fast by providing infos :-)

    Yes, but you'd have to leve the area forever if you did. Even in Thailand, no-one likes a grass.

    Is it any wonder that Thais are increasingly seeing foreigners as a financial target to bent over and shaft vigorously without lubes, whether it be charging double for the white skin or stabbing them for their goods. When this is the example being set by their own government??

    As far as i see it, the Thai children with a farang dad is a shitload more likely to own their own land/property than a child born of pure Thai extraction.

    One million foreigners living here, I wonder how many Thai children will be inheriting land or property because of that figure?

    How low would land prices be if foreigners were not buying it? Building land (infill) 50K baht per rai

    I think that's the point: discouraging foreigners from buying up building and agricultural land (even if it's just that land that their nominee purchase house is built on) at inflated prices will avoid a land price bubble. Many European countries are now struggling with the consequences of such a bubble. If Thailand's lawmakers are doing this to prevent one, to secure land and food security for future generations and to stabilise the economy, then they are to be congratulated on their foresight.

    There is, of course, a 'but'.

    Laws are only as good as their enforcement, and it seems that there are some challenges in this area that are yet to be met.

  11. Especially in Thailand, this newer, much more voilent approach seems rather silly.

    Silly, as in prison sentences are an actual punishment around these parts.

    Incarceration is punishment wherever it happens.

    That should deter criminal activity, rather than promote it.. Well at least that is how I see it.

    Not at all like a paid vacation, as seen in some European countries.

    Hmm. Overly harsh prison conditions don't seem to act as an effective deterrent...perhaps we've all learnt something today?

  12. I only blame the Immigration authorities and also the government........Thailands immigration lawas here are so so lax compared to the US and also Europe. They should implement more measures and also background checks to ensure that there is less trash entereing into thailand be it for holidays, or to stay here.

    10% of Thailand's economy depends on tourism. I don't think they can afford to be even more xenophobic than they currently are. Considering the increased danger of scams and violence towards tourists, the increasingly unpredictable weather and the strength of the baht, an easy visa system is one of the few things left in its favour. More paranoia isn't going to help.

  13. Told at airport...either letter or visa......showed me letter too...are you tourist or business....? anyway went tp embassy this morn 810 Baht visa,,, pick up in 2 days

    Tourist visa. I just presented my passport and application form at the embassy on Sathorn Nua and picked up the visa three days later.

    UK Passport, by the way.

    Not exactly a visa on arrival then.

    Another thing,...why these tin pot countries take a full page is beyond me for visa stamp, not 12 months old yet my passport three quarters full now,pick and choose which countries I go to in next few years ,smallest stamp gets the money

    You can get extra pages added to your passport, although it does cost.

  14. I can't see the relevance of mentioning the alledged victims former occupation other that to make the Military appear gullable.

    It's to elicit sympathy for the victims. In reality, it does kind of highlight the fact that the military doesn't attract the very top rank of human intellect. You don't have to be stupid to fall for this sort of scam but...actually, yes you do.

    Funny guy, White Feather Club for you.

    For pointing out the obvious?

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