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Posts posted by RogueLeader

  1. I think there is a difference here between want and need. Drug addicts need their drugs. Many people want tiger products.

    That's another whole discussion on the topic of addiction as a disease, drug use/abuse etc and there is some evidence that drug addiction is only a very small % of drug users, thus most consumers of drugs in the USA for instance use them recreationally not because of an addiction, similar to tiger parts in China.

    Have you never been to a "crack house" or a "shooting gallery" these people are totally enslaved by their "habit" I have seen them quite a few times in Manchester, and believe me when I say quite frankly they are on the increase , There was a clinic quite near me were young men and women used to wait in file on a Monday morning for Needles and methadone ,then sell the methadone and buy a tenner bag of "brown " to "shoot up" with ,many try "rehab", sadly most go back to their "old ways" in a very short space of time ,I take no pride in saying there is not much about the vile drug trade I have not witnessed by my own eyes .

    And they represent what proportion of drug users?

    I think there's a great deal that you don't know about drugs.

  2. At whose expense? In the US, the average annual cost to house, feed and rehabilitate a prisoner is 1,415,000 baht.

    Ah, well if it's too expensive then we should just shoot people who look suspicious. In fact, aren't bullets expensive? Perhaps some cheaper method should be found to kill all the people you don't like.

    All of them? Push is going to come to shove in the future over natural resources. 7 billion humans on the planet and counting, with projections of 9 billion before 2050.

    There are more than enough resources for everyone in the world. It will soon become clear that we need to find a better way to distribute them. Unless you have a better idea.

  3. not for the first time has the customer / football fan been left out in the "its my ball" state. The blame as far as I am concerned resides with the football authorities who sold the tv rights. they, in the interest of football and the fans who support football, should have mandated open viewing on such platforms. they should also ban Grammy from further broadcasting.

    What total crap!! TV and football are both businesses and as such are expected to make a profit for their shareholders do you want them to put a free dummy in your mouth so you can suck it as well?

    Football is not 'just a business'. People who say that it is fundamentally misunderstand both football and business.

  4. This is a beautiful post. Shooting poachers on site is one of the most clever ways to reduce poaching, I have ever heard. Why would they need to be arrested, and tried, when more than likely their gang leader would just buy the judge off. This is a brilliant way to getting right to the heart of the problem. I think I would volunteer for this project myself. Hunting endangered species is one of the most heinous acts a human being can commit. When you aim a rifle at an animal as majestic as these tigers, perhaps you have revoked your right to breathe oxygen? Food for thought?

    Did you type that with one hand?

    • Like 1
  5. It was only with a "famous disregard for the rules" that William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it, that Rugby Football was founded and spread around the public schools system. Before that point, Rugby Football was played by passing it by kicking it forwards, a bit like Aussie rules, another game created by a person associated with Rugby School.

    I'm afraid you've fallen victim to a public schoolboy's wank fantasy. William Webb Ellis did no such thing and in fact, the League and Union codes pre-dated the Association code by several hundred years.


    Next time you feel like repeating the self-aggrandising boasts of smarmy public schoolboys, try thinking a bit.

    Its funny how one line can change an entire post. You started off by correcting someone as you had a little more knowledge on the subject, always a good thing as most of us like accurate info. Had you left it at that then everyone would have thought..good. But then you had to make a complete kno* of yourself by inserting the last line. What a shame.

    Sent from my Etch-A-Sketch

    Yep. You're absolutely right. I was a dick, and I apologise.

    • Like 1
  6. It's not actually visa-on-arrival as most people understand it. You apply for it before you go and get it at Yangon airport when you arrive. Personally, I'd rather have the visa in my passport before my (overpriced) flight leaves BKK.

    Will the visa on arrival be available at airport only or as well for land travellers?

    Unlikely. How will they keep the forced labour camps and drug factories secret if they let people in overland?

    And look at the list of preconditions:


    It's going to be a long time before Yangon is the new Bangkok.

  7. It was only with a "famous disregard for the rules" that William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it, that Rugby Football was founded and spread around the public schools system. Before that point, Rugby Football was played by passing it by kicking it forwards, a bit like Aussie rules, another game created by a person associated with Rugby School.

    I'm afraid you've fallen victim to a public schoolboy's wank fantasy. William Webb Ellis did no such thing and in fact, the League and Union codes pre-dated the Association code by several hundred years.


    Next time you feel like repeating the self-aggrandising boasts of smarmy public schoolboys, try thinking a bit.

    • Like 2
  8. She is one of the most generous, gracious and greatest of person that has ever walked this earth !!!

    O.M.G....thank you so much for posting about her. Secretary of Sate Hillary Rodham Clinton met Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar not too long ago. It is a good sign and the World loves it.

    David Cameron was there too, which is less encouraging. His track record is of travelling to far-flung corners of the earth to wedge his nose firmly into the <deleted> of leaders of countries with cowed, malleable, cheap labour.

  9. No more fame: She lobbied stronger and stronger sanctions for Myanmar. Of course that never hit the ruling junta, but the poor people, specially the shortage on medical supplies.

    But as the guidebook tells, for a regime change the people must suffer........

    She also lobbied strongly for the tourism boycott and it turned out that tourism was a major factor in opening up the eyes and minds of Burmese people, getting some hard currency into their hands and allowing a few journalists in under the cover of the increasing stream of backpackers.

  10. lets not forget that her father Aung San was a communist,an insurgent and collaborated with the Japanese during world war 2

    the reason the west and everybody else is kissing her behind is that Burma is stuffed full of natural resources to exploit including : natural gas, timber, tin, antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, limestone, precious stones, hydropower, marine products, and petroleum.

    Yes. I'm not convinced that this isn't a big PR push on the part of the Burmese that the West is willingly entertaining so they have a premise for abandoning the embargo.

    A few rich Bamar are about to get richer.

  11. The above quote are from “civilized” people. You gotta wonder if the people here are from some weird Australian si fi movie with Tina Turner.

    Exactly. Give the famously corrupt Indian law enforcement officials a way to shoot people without having to fit them up first; what could possibly go wrong?

    I often wonder at people who escaped all the 'rules and regulations and health and safety and all that' at home who then volubly applaud preposterously authoritarian moves by governments in other countries...

  12. Why do people associate Thailand with illegal copyright materials and prostitution?

    In fact, the intellectual property inspectors raided Pantip last year and didn't find a thing.

    In 2010, Thai government officials visited Pattaya last year and "saw no signs of prostitution".

    Just viscous rumors.


    viscous rumors.

    Well, they do sound pretty thick...

    There are a lot of people who've taken the time to post in this thread to tell everyone how little they care about this, which is both useful and sane.

  13. How many foreigners deported from Thailand get the chance to legally return for whatever reasons, in fact how many of them have a wife and child and are still deported? The Thai authorities don't give a dam_n about compassionate grounds; let alone a deportee wanting to come back just to settle a divorce case. At least in the UK their are laws based upon a reasonable degree of logic and precedence rather and rampant xenophobic nationalism.

    Yes, but after living here for some time, the rational person stops searching for reason and logic, which appear to not be part of the nature of most Thais. Correct?

    There is an abundance of places to visit that aren't Thailand, and should you tire of the land of reptilian smiles sufficiently to actually leave rather than complain endlessly about Thai people not matching up to your exacting standards, you'll discover that 'reason and logic' aren't part of the make-up of most people in the world.

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