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Posts posted by pattayasnowman

  1. Absolutely incredible - broken promises the governing Syriza party . So much for the value of a Referendum.

    Lets find out what the people want then take no bloody notice

    A complete sell out to the power of the Western Banks . The 'third' world has been getting shafted like this for years and now it coming closer to a country near you.

  2. "IS terror plot in Kuala Lumpur foiled"

    What another load of alarmist rubbish. These two guys may well be Islamist , they may be potential terrorist - but what they are NOT are trained IS terrorists sent by IS to commit acts of terror.

    IS. just like its previously created bogey man, Alqueda are NOT an international organization. To present them as a terror McDonald stye franchise is just the latest twist to keep society in a perpetual state of fear.

  3. "Pongtharin Sapayanon, head of fixed income at Aberdeen Asset Management, said the escalation of Greece's debt situation had contributed to the strengthening of the US dollar, and that was the main reason the baht depreciated yesterday."

    Absolute nonscence - has nothing to do with the Greek "crisis" . In fact the dollar has been weakening since March except against the Thai Baht and the Euro (see Chart)

    You can see from the chart , the Greek "crisis" has had little effect on raising the value of the US$ except in the past week and the effect has been minimal..

    It is likely Thai Baht will continue to depreciate against the US$ (for whatever reason) to 36.00 the 2009 highs, in the next few months.

    It is also likely the US$ will continue to weaken against the rest of the world currencies for the time being as a significant high was made in March followed by a monthly reversal.


  4. This whole notion that you can contact HIV/AIDs from a visit to the dentist is total alarmist garbage.

    There is no evidence to support this

    There is no study that has shown that HIV is the cause of AIDS

    The so called HIV Virus has never been isolated and consequently observed with Electron Microscopy

    Time to put an end to the great AIDS swindle that has lasted now over 30 years and consumed 1/2 trillion dollars in bogus research funding in the states alone

  5. "while also causing more than 900 people to be temporarily detained without charge."

    Oh so what about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp .

    779 prisoners have been held at Guantánamo since the prison opened on January 11, 2002.

    While this does not excuse any other countries Human Rights abuses - Countries that have worst Human Rights offenses should clean up their own act first before they have the right to criticise others

  6. "[Zawahiri] operates solely based on the allegiance. There is no organisational structure. There is only communication channels and loyalty," jihadi scholar Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, who is reportedly a close friend to Zawahiri, told the newspaper on Wednesday. "


    Well nothing new in that - this has always been the case. The term al-Qaeda originally referred to a milatary base used to train young men to fight against the soviets in Afghanistan .

    There was never any such international terrorist organization prior to 9/.11. Bin Laden and Zawahiri were not the leaders of such an organization. They had become the focus of a small group pf Muslim militants. But not their commanders.

    There is no evidence that Bin Laden used the term al-Qaeda to refer to a group of international terrorist prior to 9/11 . This was term the US , or particularly Bush and Co, gave it.

    Beyond this small group Bin Laden and Zawahiri had no formal organization until one was invented for him by the US.

  7. Sorry, forgot to explicitly mention these options which turn data off at the network...

    Disable Happy internet
    Direct Number (USSD)*104*72*9#
    IVR*1004 Press 9 Press 7
    And to turn it on...
    Enable Happy internet
    Direct Number (USSD)*104*71*9#
    IVR*1004 Press 9 Press 7

    Thanks a bunch for this - I've been irrated many times with my SmartPhone seemingly turning on my Data connection by itself. Then finding I 've been charged 49baht and got free internet till midnight. All of which I did not want

    So ok to save the 'flammers' replying - I am probable to stupid to own a 'Smart" phone. And should have known how to disable the data connection in which case by now I would probable be at least 1000 baht the richer.

    But I am most likely typical of 90% of users out there.

    In any case thanks again for your post - much appreciated

  8. What a load of rubbish. Who writes this crap ? Worst still that some believe it !

    For years we have been social conditioned to believe that there is a centralized world wide terror organisation aka AlQueda. That never was - just a creation by Bush and Co.

    Now its ISIS who is bent on dominating the world.

    OH - But before both of these so called "terror" organizations we had the USSR bent on world wide communist domination.

    Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice, shame on us

  9. The chart indicates the long awaited break out above 33 to the $.

    If this holds to the end of May and does not reverse the next point of resistance is the 2009 high of 36

    Added to this technical picture is the recent policy shift by the BOT to weaken the Baht:

    "Thailand's baht has long out-muscled regional peers, but amid a stumbling economy, the central bank has pulled the plug on supporting the currency."


    The move to 36 could be very rapid


  10. Without a date, an exact location and some context- it's just another video on Youtube.

    Context, a location and a date. Still just another video on Youtube...


    Yes your link says it all :


    As for the over the top video title “Attempted Shakedowns by Bangkok Cops Continuing?”, there is nothing to suggest the officers were going to attempt to hustle either him or his son for a bribe. That is pure speculation on his part as he couldn’t shut his mouth long enough to let the officers speak to explain their reasoning.

    All I see is a story full of hot air and a journalist with an obnoxious attitude. Maybe it’s just a slow news week over at Voice of America. Who knows and who really cares?"

  11. Thailand got rid of the basket of currencies in 1997.

    Tue Dec 4, 2007 (Reuters) - Thailand has quietly abandoned the managed floating exchange rate of the baht it adopted in 1997 and reverted to the old system of a basket of currencies, the Nation newspaper reported on Tuesday...........

    Now using a basket of currencies, the BoT was managing the baht through a weighted average of movements of the major currencies in Thailand's foreign exchange reserves, it said.

    It quoted a foreign exchange expert as saying the Thai reserves of more than $100 billion were held 60 percent in dollars, 30 percent in euros and 10 percent in yen.

    Although the number of different curriences now held on Foreign Reserve may have increased since 2007 the weighting is still heavily with the US$ and is reported in US$

    That the Thai Baht is 'effectively" pegged to the US$ is self evident - How else do you account for the rapid depreciation of most of the worlds major currencies over the past year to the US$ yet the Baht continues to trade in a narrow Range between 32 -33?

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