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Posts posted by pattayasnowman

  1. There are 100's of reports like this all over the net. If we can recall even the 787 aircraft had to be recalled by Boeing to address lithium ion battery fire problems.

    This lithium ion battery fire problem on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner has , to my knowledge, not been fully resolved.

    The 'quick fix' by Boeing was to encase these Batteries in a steel box which is supposed to contain any fire. Well good luck with that.

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  2. This is unlikely to be found due to the search area is so large. In the case of AF447 they knew the crash site to within 40 Nautical Miles approx 5000 sq mile search area

    But still took 2 years and 5 seperate search phases to locate the wreck. In fact the 5th search phase (when the wreck was found) was to be the final phase due to the spiralling cost .

    The search area for MH370 is 60,000 sq miles more then 10 times the search area for AF447, and this may not even be the correct search area !

    At some point the cost of the search will become unrealistic and unsustainable.

  3. This system has been available to Air Carriers for years - its called ACARS - (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System)

    It was installed on MH370 but was only functioning when within Radio contact. It was not "Switched off"

    It is also designed to function with an satellite uplink . The satellite service is provided by Inmarsat. However Inmarsat charges for this services. Malaysian Airlines had decided to save on this service and did not sign up with Inmarsat.

    Had they done so the ACARS would have reported the planes position and other essential data every 5 mins as with the case of the crash of AF447 flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris, France, which crashed on 1 June 2009.

    However even knowing AF447 last position to within 5 mins of crashing - it still took 2 years to locate the wreckage at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

    The present search area for MH370 is some 10 times larger then in the case of AF447.

    As such the likelyhood of finding the crash site and wreckage is slim at best.

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  4. You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

    Thats a joke right - very funny post-50622-0-67599100-1424876309_thumb.gpost-50622-0-67599100-1424876309_thumb.g

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  5. I think you need to distinguish between Dependancy and Addiction.

    Whilst marijuana is non addictive it can still promote dependancy.

    Having said that its about time smoking marijuana is decriminalised world wide.

    To allow Alcohol consumption and Tobacco smoking both of which are addictive and in excess extremely harmful whilst the illogic of criminalising marijuana has around too long.

    Frankly all 'reacreational' drugs need to be decriminalised and then tightly regulated .

  6. There are people like this that try and cheat Taxi drivers all over the world !!

    Having driven a cab in the US for over 12 years I can attest that there are numerous arsholes that will try and cheat you out of a $5 fare. Its pathethic

    Having said that the same goes for cab drivers all over the world - not the most scrupulous lot. But don't tar them all with the same brush.

    A cab diver excepting a negotiated flat rate fare to the airport or any other location is common practice, again all over the world. But it requires the passenger to be honest and live up to their aggrement.

    In the US failure to pay for a cab fare is considered 'Theft' and may be prosecuted as such.

  7. HIV as the cause of AIDS proposed in 1983 by Robert Gallo is also a theory that has never been 'proved'

    In fact many leading Virologist, Chemist, Medical practioners including Nobel Prize Laureates have spoken out against this theory of HIV=AIDS in favour of the lifestyle cause of AIDS.

    Before you scoff take a little bit of time to do some research into the matter and avoid being led like a sheep feed on the myths and propoganda of powerful interest gourps.

  8. Angela Merkel is extremely concerned about further escalation and where this might lead. She seems to be the one cool head in trying to find a compromise with Putin to this dangerous situation. It is also clear she does not want any additional interference from the US that can only inflame the conflict. Putin may be at the point of saying "f***** it" and go all in.

  9. "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!" became a rallying cry for action, which came with the Spanish-American War later that year.

    Hearst : "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

    Once again the public is being manipulated into war. This time the pretext its not 9/11 or WMD but to counter the nasty terrorist.

    Whoever is behind these barbaric acts I am sure it is not as simple, not as "black and white " ,as we are being lead to believe.

    US foreign policy , regardlest of the goverment of the day, is the control of the Middle East and its remaining Oil reserves.

    Failing to form a coalition with its Lap Dog UK government, It was denied the opportunity to invade Syria a couple of years ago to topple Assad.

    This is the plan B - the 'backdoor' invasion on the pretext of countering terrorism.

    Who created IS, who financed (Finacies) , who supplied all the advanced US weaponry to these 'terrorist" ????

    Who is really behind the the radical sectarian TV channels, both Sunni and Shia, which are broadcasting religious views and fueling hate across the Mid-East.

    Divide and Conquer - not a new approach but effective and perhaps the policy of the US and its Allies.

  10. "AIDS infections are high among addicts, as they often share the needles among themselves."

    AIDS is not an infectious disease. Its a condition wherby the immune system has been suppressed.

    The theory, which to-date has not been substantiated, is that the condition is caused by an infectious agent - a retroviruus HIV. That this virus can be passed on through contact with contaminated blood.

    The more probable reason of the high incidence of the onset of AIDS in drug users it is the use of Recreational drugs and the general lifestyle associated with their use .

    Whereas studies tend to support the effectiveness of Needle Exchange Programs in reducing 'HIV infection'

    It has still not been demonstarted that HIV is the cause of AIDS or even that this so called virus even exists.

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