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Posts posted by pattayasnowman

  1. So what exactly is the evidence for corruption in the Rice Pledging Scheme.

    Where is the evidence that Yingluck and others made profited by the billions of baht that have been lost by this scheme.

    The rice-pledging scheme was a naive plan to boost the incomes of the poor Thai farmers, who make up 40 percent of the population, and to to win their votes.

    Thailand – then the world’s largest exporter – the government stockpiled rice in a bid to push up prices, with the view of releasing the rice to the resulting supply-starved markets when the price was right.

    But the plan badly backfire . India which had began exporting rice again and other rice exporters increased their exports to fill the gap. World rice prices never rose signicantly and have been in a downward trend for several years.

    As to these trumped up corruption charges. This is just more Shinawata bashing dating back to the illegal 2006 coup of a legally democratically elected government.


  2. We're supposed to be an intelligent species, capable of looking into the future.

    But at our present rate of pollution, burning of fossil fuels, fracking to get the last drop of oil/gas from the ground, the pollution of our oceans with plastics, overfishing, logging tropical and temperate forests, it does not appear that a lot of forward planning is taking place.

    Right now we're acting like a few thousand fishermen emptying the oceans of cod and herring, and then looking stunned because the stocks are close to zero.

    If we don't stop polluting and over harvesting in the immediate future, there's not going to be a lot left for our kids, and the future will be one big, hot, dust bowl.

    Sorry to be a prophet of doom, but open your eyes politicians and act now, as people won't do it on their own.

    Try not to confuse pollution with anthropogenic climate change.

    The former is IS a problem whereas the latter is not.

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  3. Everbody have a loss of face syndrome !

    Whether or not this is a fake photo I have no idea as I have no expert. But it beats me how you can tell the "Malaysia" logo on the plane from the photograph was in the wrong place"

    My eysight is none to good but I can't even make out any logo let alone if one is in the right or wrong place..

    Same goes for whether it was a Boeing 767, and not a 777, but I guess an "expert' can tell the difference from this photo.

    Hopefully all this speculation will get resolved soon now that the wreckage has been removed and can be examined by the NTSB

  4. As of about a month ago, China is the world's largest economy, 16.48% vs 16.28% for the US. China's also buying a lot of gold. However, none of that means poot because the price of gold is manipulated by the banksters in NY and London.

    This is based on method used by the IMF adjusts for purchasing power parity

    In terms of GDP the USA is some $7 trillion dollars greater then China's GDP

    As to the price of Gold being manipulated by big banks, thats an urban myth with no basis in reality
    The Gold market, as with most markets, is too big to be manipulated. The Hunt brothers found this out in the late 70's when they tried to corner the Silver Market.
    Countries that try to intervene in the currency market to support their currency just wast millions of dollars for a short term respite.

    The original post is very accurate based on Technical considerations. Gold has broken below key support, and if this is not a fake out, will likely reach $1000/oz before real support again.

    As to the Dollar it has probable begun a long term upward trend, coming off a double bottom, that will take it back to its old highs of 2002. (see chart)

    This probable will have less affect on the Baht/dollar rate since , I think, the Baht is not freely traded but weight against a Basket of currencies.


  5. The first discovery of viable Ebola virus in a recovered patient's (men's) semen was first announced in 1977 and confirmed by a study in 1999. It is hardly new news. In fact I believe I have mentioned it previously on this Forum, but who actually reads the posts on here.

    ThIs is not based on virus isolation from semen and observed by electron microscopy

    But on reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)

    Simply detecting the genetic presence (Bits of the virus) in recovering patients does not automatically mean that disease transmission could or would take place or even if there is viable virus present.

    In a study that showed virus was detected by reverse transcription—polymerase chain reaction in semen specimens up to 91 days after disease onset; however, these and all other non-blood body fluids tested negative by virus isolation.

    (Clinical, Virologic, and Immunologic Follow-Up of Convalescent Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Patients and Their Household Contacts, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo) 1999 Oxford Journal of Infectous Diseases

    "To date there has not been a single documented case of Ebola transmission from sexual activity." Scientific American

    "One 1999 study in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which followed 29 people recovering from Ebola and their household contacts (including sex partners) for up to 21 months, found that although four of the five tested convalescents had at least one semen sample with detected Ebola virus inside it none of their sexual partners developed symptoms of Ebola, even if they had unprotected sex during that period." Scientific American

    Sorry but cannot find Reference and actual details of this study.

    But an earlier study in 1995 concluded:

    "no secondary cases were associated with convalescent patients during this outbreak"

    (Oxford Journal of Infectous Diseases)

    They all ,however, recommend the use of condoms , no doubt to cover their arse and stay on the condom manufactures Christmas Card list .

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  7. What is more these test for the so called "HIV " virus are notoriously unreliable.

    (Read the disclaimers that come with the 'Rapid' tests )

    But the Western Blot and the ELISA tests are equally unreliable beacause all test for non specific antibodies

    NOT the presence of anny virus

    Further more I know that Bankgok Pattaya Hospital have used the:

    polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for testing and it is generally recognized not to be used for testing purposes.

    The fact that institutions or employers want to test and discriminate is outrageous enough in itself if it was real.

    The fact that the whole HIV = AIDS issue is a myth well leaves me speechless

    • Like 1
  8. I used to just draw a check on my US Bank (in US$) and deposit it into my Thai Savings account.

    I have not done this for some time - but I think there was just a small charge from the Thai Bank and the Coversion Rate at the time the check cleared.

    The only drawback is that the process can take 5 or 6 weeks

    Has anybody elese done this and can tell me what it cost them or costs now

  9. What is your agenda? What propaganda do you follow?

    All serious climate scientist are 95% percent sure that this is a human made climate change. Specially the big oil business manipulates the media. They don´t want a change from a oil/fuel industry to more environment-friendly energy.

    In the USA you have a lot of crazy christian fundamentalist who deny human made climate change.

    By the way even when you deny human made climate change it´s smart for the human race to take better care of planet earth.

    Greed,corruption,stupidity,ignorance destroys planet earth.


    Time for this BS Propaganda to be exposed for what it really is, $$$$B'S For Corrupt Corporations whom Heavily Lobby our Corrupt Governments around the World. Luckily some have woken up. It's a Cycle, nothing more. rolleyes.gif

    So What - Science by Consensus is not science, just because IPPC claim 95% climate scientist say earth warming has an anthropogenic cause, does not make them right.

    as to:

    "Nowadays scientists and media don´t use the term "global warming". The actual is term is "climate change" or "extreme weather".

    Thats because "global warming" has been debunked and so the proponents of this rubbish had to come up with a new term

  10. The problem is getting the "real" numbers from the goverment.

    In 2012 there was apparently 17 million tons in storage which the government said it had sold about 7 million tons of rice to foreign governments. This would be be a little below the normal level of Thai exports and in keeping with USDA estimates

    Thailand prior to the Rice Pledging scheme sold between 8 to 10 million tons per year. So was this 7 million tons in addition to this ? Sounds doubtful. USDA data shows only 7 million tons sold for each of the years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013.

    So my guess is there is still 17 million tons in storage and what is more the rice subsidy program, running between October 2013 and September 2014, is expected to need around $4 billion, to buy 11 million tons of rice.

    So they are buying and storing more !!

    The Thai price of Rice (5 percent broken milled white rice) is currently approx $435 per ton. But the price chart looks very negative and this price is likely to drop $100 / ton over the next year

    So when taken along with the Thailands 6th year of budget deficit, Rise in Household /private debt the Real Estate Bubble and of course political turmoil - its adds up to an economic cluster F*****k

  11. Before you all do too much Thai bashing you need to look at "yourselfs"

    Lets take UK 2013 fugures:

    Household debt in the UK has reached a record level, according to figures from the Bank of England.

    Individuals now owe a total of £1.43 trillion

    On average, that means each adult in the UK owes £28,489,

    The UKs Total Debt as a % GDP is 507% !!! in 2011 - #2 in the world!!

    2nd only to Japan

    The ratio of debt to household income in the UK is 140%

    Approx 98% of GDP

    Yes Thailands Houshold Debt -GDP has risen to 77% at an alarming Rate

    But people in Glass Houses ..............

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