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Posts posted by Thailand

  1. 24 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    It's quite remarkable that when someone with a posting history such as yours offers 'assurance' on on a fact your comment actually has the opposite impact and we know you are just making stuff up off the top of your head..... 


    .... or....   did you get this information from watching Greys Anatomy, House or did the ex Surgeon tell you while at a secret bar... but you can't tell which bar it is cos's its secret and also where the Ex Special forces guys hang-out !!! :giggle:

    Not the other end?


    Not too subtle I hope?:tongue:

  2. 1 hour ago, thesetat said:

    Are you sure about that? Having covid did not stop the chinese from allowing travel here. 

    I am curious though what idiot thought if they take away the visa fee it will increase travellers? If anything it will only increase the poor travellers. Which i thought the Thais were trying to stop from coming? The normal everyday person does not see to travel to another country and base their decision on a meager entry fee. 

    The Chinese were certainly not travelling during Covid there were massive restrictions on not simply travel but movement even within Chinese cities which was controlled.

    I personally know 3 Chinese families who live in ChiangMai and because they were in China when Covid was rampant could not not return for 2 years in each case.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Not Jomtien, but Chaiyphum yesterday.....extension based on marriage.......... six ******* hours.


    Refused to accept statement from bank as the transaction, putting money in, didn't show up.


    Back to the bank ....oh this happens all the time.......it can take hours to show up....what do we do?.....just show immigration your bank book......they'll accept that......WHAT!!!!


    Back to immigration....no queuing system....no one knows what's happening or whose turn it is.......sit there like dummies.


    Sorry closed for lunch now ...bye.


    Back after lunch......found some queue tickets on a bench.....two different colours.....not in numerical order.....people arrive late and pick up a low number and go before people who have been waiting all morning.


    Finally get to the desk and the guy was desperate to find something wrong......went through the financial statement like a forensic accountant....all good.


    Computer systems goes down......nothing working.....finally get out of there at 1630........

    But it wasn't 3 days!:smile:

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

    Short of shooting a couple of guys responsible for starting those fires, to set an example of what can happen to anyone starting such fires, I don’t think anything would deter them. And maybe you’re thinking ‘shooting people for this is way over the top’. Maybe, but maybe not. These people are responsible (in part) for the smog that covers the north of Thailand every dry season, and it seems to be getting worse every year.
    Thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, develop respiratory diseases because of this (I got bronchitis twice staying in CM), and it will shorten the lives of many by years and years. It does a lot of damage to the people, to the environment and to the economy. And all that just so that some selfish dumbasses can pick mushrooms and earn a lot of money? I say hunt them down and throw them in jail for at least ten years. But that would mean that the RTP would have to get off their backsides and actually do something worthwhile, and we all know that’s never going to happen.

    You are advocating shooting without trial?

  5. 2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Just put a few Arsonists in prison ,with lengthy terms ,and I am

    sure others will get the massage , It's not OK to burn  ,has anyone

    heard of an Arsonist getting caught and been given a prison term.

    that's the problem , no real enforcement of the law ,just talk.



    regards worgeordie

    Do you mean altogether, added up, in total ?


    None that I know of!:tongue:

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