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Posts posted by mmkin

  1. I'm trying to improve my torrent download performance. So this morning I was researching Port Forwarding.

    I can download files, a 700 mb TV show loads overnight. Using TOT IPstar in Kanchanaburi.

    But on the bottom of the BitTorrent page, it says: "May Be Firewalled".

    I've got the Windows firewall disabled.

    So I assume that it must be the router's firewall, (Linksys WRT54G) or is it the IPstar firewall ?

    So Port Forwarding's first step deals with the IP address, but when I checked the IP address using ipconfig/all, I got one address ( and when I checked online at Speakeasy and at another site, I got a different IP address (

    I'm not a real computer geek, my skills are probably rated at adequate +, but I can't figure this one out.

    I'm hesitant to do anything until I resolve my IP address confusion.

    Is one IP address from IPstar and the other from the Router ?

    How do I configure the Linksys to allow Port Forwarding ?


    How do I update the Linksys firmware ? My firmware is 2 - 3 years old. I see that the newer versions have specific references to BitTorrent performance improvement. I've tried to do it using the Linksys control panel BUT when it asks me where to save the file, there is no Linksys folder in my program files.


    I use bitcomet but i believe bittorrent should works the same way.

    1st) Get the listen port from your bittorrent settings.

    2nd) go into your linksys

    3rd) Click application & Gaming

    4th) You will see port range.. enter the application name ... BT ... Example, if your listen port in Bittorrent is 23 .. u enter 23 in both Start and End Range... the IP address is (in your case). Save it and you are done.

    I am using Bitcomet 0.70 with a modified xml file i got from another site early this year. With my TOT 2mpbs internet connection, i am getting a maximum of 210kb/sec during OFFpEAK hours. But even when it is peak hours, it usually has a good download speed. If anyone wants the setting file, you can pm me.

  2. I have some issues with bills. Can someone please advise me.

    1) I don't make international calls from the fixed line however i am receiving CAT bills for international calls. The amount is just 22baht however i do not understand why i should pay for service that i don't use. Can this service be terminated?

    2) I have my TOT internet for 1.5months now and i have not receive my 1st bill. Is this normal? I don't want to get my internet suspended for nothing.

    Appreciate if someone could answer my questions

    Thanks a lot

  3. Same problem for me - I am curious if finding a nearby VOIP host in Thailand or Singapore will improve the quality of the call.. like the OP I hear other people loud and clear but sometimes they can't seem to hear me.

    I tried a Truphone call the other day on my True 2MB line - and still had a problem with them hearing me, but when I switched over to voipdiscount the line was clean both ways. And when I called my father in Taiwan on Skype yesterday, it was also loud and clear both ways though in the past Skype was usually not so good.

    Also, anyone know of a service which can handle faxing? Rarely works properly with voipdiscount even though they have all the latest codecs - never works with any of the Thai services I've tried.

    Forgot to mention PFINGO.COM has Faxing Service (both receiving and sending). You can also forward calls to your mobile phones like skype does.

  4. I was looking at pfingo.com web site tonight. So its voip service?

    I was wondering, since their set up is located in Singapore, not too far from Thailand, Vs my voip supplier in Ireland with about 14 server gateways for my voice to pass through beofore it reaches my voip companies computers in ireland, & then on to the person i call. (my voice signal has to travel across the globe before it hits voip cos computers in dublin, as opposed to if I used pfringo.com with Singapore being near to us).

    Would this idea, mean my voice call to ireland will sound clear, no noise, & better quality?

    Dublin based voip supplier I use, say that alot of my bad voice quality on calls that the caller complains is bad, is caused by it passing through all the gateways across the globe before it hits dublin, and they have no control over the gateways, so one little problem along the way witn a gateway, will give me lower quality guaranteed.

    So logically if voip supplier is in Singapore, and of high quality, then it may result in higher quality?

    (or have I picked this idea up wrong?????)



    Your best option is to give it a try since they are giving you S$3 free IDD credit. More than enough to test the service out

  5. There a lust of providers in the UK that offer VOIP by dualing a prefix number, is there similar in USA (florida)

    use pfingo.com .. they are giving out free credit now and you can test the quality. it is good. You can send SMS with it too.

    They now have free global number (USA based is available) and you can assign 3 people to call you at that number. Check it out.

    You Can sign up here

  6. Hitch hike! :o

    Sorry, don't know of any public transport routes from Ratchada to Suwannaphumi. :D

    If i get a taxi to the airport, will they go by the taxi meter or do i have to neg. with them the rate? if i need to negotiate the rate, what is the reasonable rate i should ask for?

    Wrong thinking mmkin

    Get in a taxi, if they wont go by the meter get out again and find one that will.

    TBWG :D

    ar. ok. so everything should be by the meter then. I got it. thank you.

  7. Nearly 15 years living here and have never used my passport for domestic flights. They have always excepted my Thai drivers license or university staff photo ID. I always carry it with me but in my carry on bag and would not leave the province without it. However these are both Thai identity cards and a foreign ID maybe/probably a problem.

    Another issue is if you have a run in with the MIB you could get into difficulties if you can not present your passport.

    What's MIB?

  8. Why would you want to show an ID card instead of a passport.

    One would assume that as you have entered the country, presumably with a passport, you would have your passport with you.

    if i am allow to check in with my ID, i would prefer to use it rather than bringing my passport as i am going there for a short break and returning to bkk again.

    if there is immigration clearance for domestic flights, then i have no choice but to bring along my passport.

    Whenever I have used Bangkok Airways for domestic travel they have always asked to see my passport at check-in.

    Maybe woth contacting your airline.

    thank you. looks like i got to call them up tomorrow to check

  9. Why would you want to show an ID card instead of a passport.

    One would assume that as you have entered the country, presumably with a passport, you would have your passport with you.

    if i am allow to check in with my ID, i would prefer to use it rather than bringing my passport as i am going there for a short break and returning to bkk again.

    if there is immigration clearance for domestic flights, then i have no choice but to bring along my passport.

  10. hi, i want to get a tv package in thailand that has HBO and star movies as a minimum.

    the one from true will cost 20k baht including install which is crazy to me.

    i just want at least those channels can anyone recommend anything that has a price that is more sensible.


    u missed their promotion. i got mine installed free (gold package) 2 weeks ago.

    anyway if you can download tvants.com (TVANTS) and watch many channels there. It's free. Just need a good internet connection. im with TOT cybergold and it works fine for me during non-peak hours.

  11. If its only restricted to UK ips, the only way is to get a VPN with UK ip. however it might slow down your video feeds. Since speeds in thailand is way behind UK, even if you use a VPN, you might not get smooth videos.

  12. as of yesterday it was 10,900 bht :o

    at another shop, i saw an acer al2216 for 8,690 i think it was called M-Inter

    so think about whether the looks of the samsung are really worth the extra money because as far as i know the panels are made by the same company, chi mei


    samsung 226BW is definately better. i've one in Singapore and im considering buying one in BKK. At 10900, its the same price as in Singapore.

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